Hi Aodnait!
Most of the times, DC’s reactions and appearance will depend on your own emotions, reactions and behavior. For instance, if you run away, they’ll chase you. If you’re angry, they’ll try to exasperate you, etc.
So you have to change your reactions or your lucidity level. You can try to reach a higher level by shouting “More lucidity!” or by performing very simple arithmetics (like counting, doing multiplications). You can also change your behavior, and the most simple way is to ask questions to the DC’s : “Hi! Who are you? What are you doing there? Why are you laughing?” It may make them more cooperative, or sometimes “freeze” them.
Another possibility is transforming them. I succeeded in doing this once and transformed a stupid DC who was always following me into my brother. But it seems that some DC’s try deliberately to make you lose concentration and lucidity. I don’t know what to do in this case… (Has somebody a good idea?
Do you think OBE’s are LD’s?From what you describe, it seems to me that you didn’t lose lucidity, you only lost visuals. It’s not a FA (in a FA, you believe you’ve woken up in your bed). IMO, it looks like what Xetrov and Popov refers as a pseudo-OBE in the thread.
Some people say that this state is more interesting than classical LD’s, because you can do some spiritual stuff in it, like meditating. But I can’t be a great help to you, as I haven’t experienced this state up to now.
You perhaps can find some ideas in the Advanced lucid dreaming thread. If you absolutely want to go back in a “normal” LD, you perhaps can try and rub your hands or spin (or just wait a little, doing a little mental exercice so that you don’t completely lose lucidity) in order to have visuals again.