Hi All. I am hoping to get your insight into a dream I had last night. I am yet to have an LD (I think ).
My dream: I am in a building getting shown round by a man and a woman, we get to a room that they say has a virtual reality machine inside. I like the sound of that and they say I can have a go, the woman goes into it with me to teach me how to use it. she says its very realistic to the senses and that the physical limits of the simulation range from real to none (as in LD). we are in what looks like a kitchen when she is telling me this and the limits are ‘set’ to none, so to try out the theory I jump up, land on my hands on the counter, spin round on one hand and jump off, still on my hands. I flip back up onto my feet, exclaiming how cool that was, she is amazed that I picked it up that fast. I say that it’s easy, as she said, anything is possible so it stands to reason simulating me standing and jumping on my hands is easy, which it had been. She then ‘loads’ a flying simulator that is set on real, I’m now in a blackbird SR-71 stealth plane, at altitude at full speed. I get the nod that I’m in control, it feels great to fly, I can’t help but have some fun, I take us into a dive that takes us right down to skimming trees and houses, the speed is incredible and it looks amazing. I end up in a jungle (I must have crashed the plane |, maybe the machine loaded a random scene when the somebody dies in the simulator, it all starts getting a bit vague) , there are some enemies that I fight. there ends the simulation. and so does the dream, I wake up.
Was it just an ND that was sort of on the subject of LD like a dream I had where I was in a room with people talking about LD but actually lucid. Or a sort of semi-LD?
It didn’t feel like I thought an LD would, it wasn’t very vivid I’ve had easier dreams to recal than that one. Bear with me… I didn’t feel lucid although I was controlling what happened in the dream, in the dream I’m in a VR machine and have control of what I saw and felt, but it was my dream self controlling those things not me. Like watching actors start to improvise during a play.
I hope I made sense, any insight would be appreciated. Cheers
Merged into The BIG “Was this a LD?” topic. /:rhewin: