The BIG WBTB Topic - Part II

Last night I tried WBTB for the first time after starting a DJ a few weeks ago. I went to sleep some time after 11PM and set my alarm for 4AM. After waking up I stayed awake for slightly under an hour and tried going to sleep using the Suneye method, after not being able to go to sleep for a while I gave up and just decided to lay there without trying any method. After wating for a while I fell asleep and had a series of short dreams that included one low level lucid dream, at least two false awakenings, twice waking up with sleep paralysis and a few very vivid dreams.
I’m definitely going to try again tonight, maybe I can get a more vivid lucid dream.

Awesome Tag_One, sounds like WBTB could be a really good tech for you!
I’m done this semester of college, so tomorrow I have nothing to do, which means WBTB :razz:

I tried to do a MWILD last night, but I fell asleep. So, in the morning I did a WBTB (which is nothing new to me–I’ve always been better at this method) and had an LD–I couldn’t change anything, just think and control my movements (like IRL)–the sex was nice, though :wink:. It seems that the subconscious has a knack for making every girl yo find attractive in a dream, attracted to you :content: (though I have no problems IRL, it’s just better in a LD).


I know this post should be inserted in the “wake-back-to-bed” post but I can’t find it. Help! :help:


color=red Found it and merged it :cool: [/color]

As I bring my dreaming routines back online I notice that the sleep transfer method (WBTB) creates a vivd dream following its use but the dreams following it tend to diminish in their vividness.

I feel that the sleep transfer method gets riskier as the sleeping period continues because it can be hard or impossible to actually get back to sleep.

Has anyone had success with using sleep transfer multiple times during the period of sleep?

If so, how do you deal with difficulty in returning to sleep?

I am thinking of trying it because I think it might work to make all dreams more vivid from first waking up.


WBTB method needs to be adjusted to the person.You got to play with it a bit.
While its core version is “sleep 6 hours, stay up an hour or so, go back to bed” only “go back to bed” part is same for everyone:)
See what works for you- sometimes its better to stay up only few minutes, sometimes over an hour.
Also how long you sleep before 6 hours here is average but almost allways needs adjusting(key here is to wake up during 2nd or 3rd or any REM so you can slip back to it).
Remember that the more you`re in sleep debt the sooner REM starts- this is why afternoon naps are great.
good luck

Well due to frustration I am going to implement what I will call successive sleep transfer where I will wake up as close to every REM period of sleep if possible.

I like your idea of lessening the time you remain awake.

I do my first sleep transfer at 4 hours of sleep and then every time I wake up from there.

The first one is 30 mins. From there I will probably do only 15 mins or maybe 10.

Some activities I will do in these wakeful periods will be:

  1. Dream mandala meditation – [Dream Cue Mandala Technique!)
  2. Hatha yoga – I will start with the headstand. If I get results I’ll post how it is done.

I think this should help as it should inevitably create higher awareness during the night’s dreams.

I’ll keep you posted here.


Well starting out my 1st sleep transfer worked great it produced a vivd dream with a dreaming cue.

I didn’t become lucid though and rather than curse the rest of my sleep to unconsciousness, I did a second sleep transfer for about 10 mins.

I felt like I was on my way to a LD but each time I would start to fall asleep something would wake me up.

I literally spent hours trying to fall asleep.

I think I am on to something but I’ve got to deal with that terrible delay in getting back to sleep.

Hopefully just the habit of successive sleep tranfers will overcome it.


I happened to read the Tibetan dream yoga last night and they address the issue of not being able to get to sleep!

They say do two things:

  1. Exercise until tired
  2. Eat nutritious food

So I did 4 sleep transfers last night. The 4th one I could tell was going to be one of these long drawn out ones so after doing the headstand and being up for 5 mins and laying down, I got up ate some cheese and yogurt and then did a second headstand.

I started following my hypnagogic imagery. At first I was chasing a dog, then I had a knife and was following a man who had attacked me.

Then I fell asleep like a baby!

The dream I had was very vivid, extended in length and very exciting. I was driving towards a train and had to leap out of the car and swing on a cable some 30+ feet above the ground. Man it was fun!

So I think the increased vividness is good. I just need to get it to be lucidity.

Sorry if this message is too long.


Gee, and I thought WBTB meant “waiting by the bedpan.” No wonder nothing happened. Oh well, time to change techniques…

I do think there’s some advantage to wbtb, especially since I wake perodically anyway. I just find quite varied levels of grogginess when I do. However, because of my schedule, my best results have always been around 3:30-4am.

I’m glad you gave those tips, Reyth! I tried doing WBTB for the first time this morning, but with no success because I’m so bad at falling back to sleep.

If I want to preform a WBTB and I don’t want to do it paired up with MILD or WILD then what is the best amount of time I should stay up after my alarm goes off?

what are you using with WBTB with? You need to use it with something…

I had enormous success with WBTB and MILD last night! (Well, enormous success for someone who’s only been interested in lucid dreaming for about a week.) I did a little MILD as I went to sleep and used autosuggestion to get me to wake up after dreams. Around 3:30, I awoke and remembered some NDs. I wrote them down, read this thread and a few others for fifteen minutes or so, and went back to bed. While practicing MILD again, I suddenly remembered another dream I’d already had and got up to write it down. Back to bed, more MILD. (I envisioned myself noticing strange details in previous dreams and becoming lucid; I also spent a while focusing intently on the image of my dream journal.) This time, I fell asleep and had my first “real” LD.

It was incredible. I performed the nose-plugging LD in the dream, and it worked like…well, a dream. :wink: Even after that, I had a difficult time convincing myself that this wasn’t real. It was far more vivid than any dream I’d ever had. But it was a dream–I saw my dog who died months ago, I walked through a pane of glass without breaking it, I breathed through tightly shut nostrils, and I made the sky change colors at will. Sadly, I woke up before I flew. I was so intent on changing the night into day (for better flying visibility) that I never got a chance to actually take off.

The weirdest and one of the best experiences of my life. I can’t wait for another! :happy:

merged into the BIG WBTB topic

I was wondering when anybody WILDs (With WBTB), how long do you stay up for WBTB? Do you just awaken yourself mentally a bit? Do you actually get out of bed? What do you do? This is not a “OMG WHAT TO DO”, I just want to know what other people do.

there is a huge sticky on this topic, but i ussaly get up n get out of bed. do somthing like get on the forum. well i used 2. for like 20 min then back to bed n try it. but wild keeps me up n makes me stay awake! so nto my fav tech

If you fall asleep easily, you can get up and stay up for 30 minutes. If you have trouble falling asleep, you can just wake up and re-enter a dream right away.

Why would you want to stay awake longer anyway?

Why is it that WBTB works well for so many people? What exactly happens when you do WBTB? I’m familiar with the process but how does this work in terms of your actual dreaming? Are you sleeping lighter because you’ve been up for an hour and so its easier to become lucid? Or for the people who do it only for a minute and then go back to sleep how does this work? Also are REM cycles always (ignoring outside factors like alcohol or drugs) 90 minutes long? And does this begin from the minute you lie down to go to sleep or when you actually fall asleep? So if I want to set an alarm to go off 90 minutes into my REM cycle should I set it for 90 minutes after I lie down or 90 minutes + however long it will take me to actually fall alseep? Basically I’m just confused about REM/sleep cycle, how long it last and when exactly dreaming occurs and how this works with WBTB or alarms or lucid inductions that play after you are already asleep?

I don’t think it’s clearly explained. This empirical technique has been created from lucid dreamers observations who claimed they had more dreams in the morning and during morning naps.

I think you have to distinguish between WBTB used with WILD and WBTB with DILD/MILD. On the Lucidity Institute website, they assume that “the best time to directly enter the REM state is immediately after having awakened from it”. This has to do with dream-reentry technique and WILD. Moreover it seems you can WILD out of the REM-sleep phase. Thus you don’t have to wait for a long time before you fall asleep again. But when you practice WBTB+MILD, you have to wait 45 minutes. This is just statistical results.

Don’t confuse REM sleep phase and a full sleep cycle. A full sleep is always 90 minutes long. At the end of the sleep cycle, you have a REM sleep phase which lasts 5 mn in the beginning of the night and may last 45 mn at the end of the night.

When you go to bed, you generally enter very quickly the sleep stage 1 which is the beginning of the sleep cycle. Thus most of us put their alarm on a multiple of 90 mn after they go to bed.

Dreaming occurs during the whole sleep cycle. But the “best” dreams are those of the REM sleep phase cause they are more scenarized and it’s easier to recall them. Generally, when people recall dreams, they recall REM-sleep dreams.

I hope I replied to all your questions. I’ll merge your post in the BIG WBTB topic.

For me it is explained that way:

WBTB is a forced way of opening your “dream enclosure”. You can wake up and remember them, start thinking about it and realise when it happens again.

But the question “Why is it easier for most people?”
That’s just like i said, that forced way of remembering may work even when you cannot can induce thoughts to your mind.
Maybe caused of stress, bad memory, tiredness, bad concentration…

I’ve mentioned it here.