the big WILD topic part II

it could be, but someone else on this forum said the same thing I think

I had a really odd false WILD once. What happened was basically that I’d be in this dream, become lucid, and have a false awakening. This happened twice, and after the second false awakening. I was dreaming that I was lying in bed. I decided to go back to sleep, and I had this false WILD where I was flying around these woods. It felt like a real LD, not just a fake one that’s built into a dream plot. Then I dreamed that I woke up and was lying in bed again with my eyes closed. I was lying on my back. I heard my dad say to my brother, “It’s almost time for school. Do you think we should wake her up?” I thought that if it was almost time for school, maybe I should get up. I opened my eyes and woke up for real. I was lying on my side, and it was really the day before school started. It was really disorienting.
That was the only time I’ve ever dreamed about lying in bed with my eyes closed, but it proves that that is possible. I don’t think I’ve ever woken up directly from a dream within a dream, but I’m sure that’s possible too. What if your alarm clock went off as you were having one of those dreams?

Last night I had a dream about waking up from a dream and then I started to write it down in my dream journal. Then things started to light on fire and I woke up. I’m pretty sure I had a meta-dream but I can’t remember what it was! :grrr:

Now if I had been awake I would have done a RC, because after every dream I write down I do a RC, but I didn’t in the dream so I didn’t have a LD. How can I train myself to realize I’m dreaming?!?!

Another thing, I’ve been trying to WILD before I go to bed and I have the same problem as some other people on here, I can get into the twitching stage but as soon as I get there I can’t get any farther and I know that I won’t be able to get to sleep and dream if I keep on going. I won’t give up.

Hey! I’m new to practicing lucid dreaming, although I’m well educated now on the subject. the WILD technique really got my attention. I don’t know, it just seemed more promising then realising you were dreaming from inside your dream. You just don’t think right.

So anyways, I’ve tried WILD a few times now and I was wondering, do you have to be in a certain state of mind to enter the dream world or anything like that? I mean, is it hard to get into?

Also, about how many minutes after you start will you start getting the vibrations? How long will the vibrations last? I know these aren’t really the right questions to be asking and I should be finding out for myself and stop being so impatient, but I just can’t help wondering and maybe if I had a time span in my head I wouldn’t be sitting there feeling like nothings ever going to happen …

I’ll be grateful if you’d take the time to reply, because I’m really interested in lucid dreaming and I’m willing to try anything to get it right.
Thanks! :content:

ive been tryen to do WILDS lately i havent had an LD yet but i dont understand what your suppost to feel durring the WILD proccess first i get real relaxed start sinking in to the bed then i see the HI colors and so forth i got to the point were the colors take shapes and i here weird sounds …then i get excited and my hart starts beating LOUD and i become aware of my real body again— am i on the rite track should i just practice on staying calmer

i waz thinken a way be able to practice multiple times a day if i just sleep for like 6 hours at night then try to take naps and do wilds if a fail ill wait 30 min and try again

Time for part III - it can be found here:

Part 3

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