The BIG WILD Topic - Part XI

It sounds to me like you would have to be in to sleep paralysis already in order for this to work. In which case it would be easy to enter the dream anyway. ( unless I am misunderstanding something) :hmmm:

Happy Dreaming :smile:


I am going to try your spinning technique tonight again. I tried the night before last but, it did not work out. Last night I did not do any LD inductions I was to tired. Anyway, I am going to try again tonight. It sounds promising. How well does it work for you?

Happy Dreaming :smile:

It works like a charm if my concentration skills are high; however, if my concentration skills are low… well it won’t work at all.

I have various techniques to cooperate with my ablitity this day. It always varies. You know?

But… spinning technique remains to be my favorite technique. :happy:


Yes I know what you mean. Different techniques work better on different days for me. I always like to learn different techniques and skills. I find that if I rely on just one it gets boring and then does not work as well. I believe it is good to change them around once in a while.

No success with your technique last night but, I got closer. I could feel it. I did have 2 nice DILD and a cool ND.

Happy Dreaming

read this topic I posted, its soo funny: :tongue:

I think it could induce SP, but I’m not sure. I tried it and think I had some fuzzy vision for a second but it faded to normal. So no automatic WILD for me this night…

I’m not sure. Perhaps it’s nothing at all. Yhat’s why I asked whether people could try it, besides myself.

To be honest I am not sure what he/she does so it would be hard to reproduce. He/she may have found a way to induce a trance or something.

Keep expairamenting :smile:

Interesing that you say this. I find I must lie in a comfortable position or else I will not be able to relax enough.

Hey Milod :happy:

Ah…such an optimist, you are… true, I have had about 6 WILDs and a few DILDs but usually only on the weekends. This morning I had two low level LDs (yay!) induction of which I will post below in a reply to “aethiest.” Besides that, I continue to do RCs (was lazy for a while but now doing 10-12 a day). My dream recall has suffered, but I think this is because I am getting less sleep during the week than I would like (6 1/2 7 hrs)…

Ok, I finally tried your technique this morning and I think it worked. Basically, I focused on my body until I noticed slight harbingers of SP -at this point I stopped focusing on my body (I’ve learned in the past that if I continue to pay too much attention the heavy sp effects will just keep me too alert and awake). At this point I begin imagining a simple scene of a room and an object. Suddenly, I found that the scene was becoming more and more real…I did an RC and found that I was dreaming! This worked two consecutive times to induce a LD this morning. The third time it failed. On the failed attempt I tried to imagine a scene but somehow became too aware of my own reflection that it pulled me into consciousness…

so, anyway, this type of visualization technique may have some promise for me as focusing on HI hasn’t worked for me and other visualization techniques -i.e. white dot, etc also haven’t worked…

another nice thing about the two successful attempts - they worked really fast. I’d estimate no more than 5-10 minutes…

Thanks for this :wink:


Yes, I too find that sleeping in a comfortable position is better. A while ago I got a new bed that was not comfortable and my WILD’S went way down until I adapted to it.

8 LD ’s for you and counting. :thumbs:

Happy Dreaming :smile:

Totaly, man, cause I was on my stomach, not my back and I got the WILD to work.


Don’t forget not to concentrate so hard. Just let it come naturally. Try to feel yourself spinning and let it continue spinning for you without having to concentrate. It’s like watching the fire dancing automatically without thinking about it. Let’s visualize the camp fire… it dances automatically without you thinking about it right?

Try that with the spinning technique. Get it to the point where it becomes automatic and constant then you can just let your consciousness go a bit by a bit. When it works, you should suddenly be awaken in a SP spinning in your illusion body. You can just take a leap into your dream world. :smile:

Good luck!!! You’re getting closer!


I think I understand what I was doing wrong now. I’ll try it again tonight. I defiantly see how it would be a good technique. :smile:

Yes, you can do WILD in any position. I did WILD on my let side last night. There was a time when people thought that WILD had to be on your back. Recently though, more people who do WILD are reporting that WILD can be done in any position.

tried WILD for a few days now but no LD’s. I often find it harder to breath after a while (it’s like a heavy weight on my chest) and I get some kind of fear/nervous reaction and can’t concentrate any longer…

I also get spasms (but not too often) which often makes me loose concentration, I even bit my tounge once :smile:

Dm7, that dancing fire /spinning technique sounds interesting! I’ll give it a try next time I try to WILD

I got the spasms and heavy chest as well…I think it went a bit too far when I literally couldn’t breathe…I gave up then. I hit myself in the head last night trying the spinning thing. You know when you ‘fall’ well I think I thought I was gonna do that and my arm flinched and I punched myself in the eye. It hurt.

Yes WILD can be done in any positions other than just on back. I’ve done it on my both sides and on my stomach before. For some reasons being on back makes it easier to WILD because it’s not a usual position for me to sleep; thus, my consciousness is being kept “awake” at a certain level until I enter a dream world. :smile: BUT it doesn’t mean that other positions aren’t possible to achieve a successful WILD.

Good luck… yes… in fact… I used that spinning technique today for WILD. It worked like a charm. Got in a pretty long lucid dream (at first it wasn’t stable at all, but I somehow made it stable :biggrin: ). :wink:

:biggrin: Good luck again!

Will it be slightly harder for me to achieve then, since I don’t mind which position I sleep in? Usually the position I hit the bed in is the one I go to sleep in. Should I try only going to sleep in a certain position for a while and see how it affects it or what?

Try it different ways. I always used to do WILD on my back. It actually was not until recently that I realized that I could do WILD in any position. For most people on your back is easier. If you find that is to uncomfortable for you and is keeping you awake then try different positions.

When you do WILD you will often feel like you can not breathe or a weight is placed on your chest. This is because you are falling asleep while your consciousness stays awake. Your body is controlling your breathing (like being on aoto pilot)for you. Once you have achieve a state of relaxation try not to focus too much on your breathing. Let your breath find its own pace. This will make it a little easier… It is nothing to be afraid of(you are breathing) and you will get used to it. Keep practicing you are very close !!!

This never happened to me - probably this doesn’t apply to everyone…