The BIG WILD Topic - Part XIII

From all the WILDs I got so far, only two or three happened with vibrations. The other ones did have the sinking sensations and popping sounds and all that, but no real vibrations. Even HI are absent sometimes, so the dream just emerges before my eyes from total blackness in only one or two seconds. But those WILDs were rare…
The WILD related sensations/visuals/noises really differ between different people, so you can’t really say something objective about them.

What you experience can vary greatly when doing WILD. Sometimes you get vibrations, HI etc. and sometimes you don’t. Try not to get too hug up on this when trying to WILD because thinking about it or waiting for vibrations etc. will keep you awake. Just focus on your technique and let things happen.

ive been doing WILDS for 3 nights in a row. i can get into SP within a few minutes (ive always been good at relaxing and meditating) but other then some good sleep not to much dream recall. i do get some good visuals and even able to get into a spere vision for a bit but after a few sections i panik and snap back. i have gotten to the point of visualizting my room and changing parts of it but again once it happens i snap back.

any suggestions on how to keep going without snapping back?

the title was wrong (it was “MILD problem”), so instead of changing it, I decided to merge the whole in the BIG WILD topic

heres my problem, whenever i try to do a wild i can get pretty far but then i see the dream start forming or the HI forming, and i realize it it goes away and i feel like im jolted back at the beggining what should i do?

i can get to the part where you get numb but after that when i see things i notice them but then they dissaper, should i even look at them or just let it flow.

also, when i think i am lucid from wilding since my real bodie is paralized should i actually try to move my dream bodie wich seems to be my phisical bodie at the moment. or visualize my ream bodie moving?

and any other pointer from experts would be great on my problems.

ive been lding for a while but never used the wild technique now tring it i succeded but for like 10 seconds now ive been tring and now every time i lose focus and i drift off into some thing where i start to see dream images but i forget all about what im doing and just watch this stuff that has no feelings but i see and hear could anyone give me some help with this i think its lack of focus

It sounds like you are pretty skilled with WILD, daledally and you should have your first WILD soon! :smile:
Your questions are very interesting as they point out the major issue with WILD: what to do when reaching the HI stage?

Things which disappear as soon as you notice them are HI. I think there are two possibilities here:

  1. letting them go away with the flow and wait until they change in a more solid dream. One of this HI should become more solid and you could feel like you zoom in automatically and feel surrounded by it. Then it’s a lucid dream.
  2. try to stop one of this HI, make it look more solid and sort of zoom in voluntarily into it. A friend of mine said to me he used this technique.

You shouldn’t try to move your dream body. It’s more like you induce the feeling of a movement in it. For instance, you feel you’re floating or spining or falling.

But I’m nothing near a WILD expert and I hope some of them will answer your questions more accurately! :smile:

I’d say depends on how trance works for you
myself, when a bit deeper than SP it feels like you’re back in bed and free to move or even open eyes, but very rarely (if ever?) has it been my physical body or eyelids
experiment! both moving, opening ‘eyes’ and visualization/imagination works!

Right, and thats why you need to focus on something while doing WILD, or fall asleep extremely fast so you wont loose consciousness (like WBTB + WILD). This something can be anything you like to focus on, for example your breathing, counting, an image, etc.

Personally I try to move my physical body, and if Im dreaming, it will automatically be my dream body which is moving. This results in instant LD. If youre not yet dreaming, too bad, try again a bit later… :smile:

|ntern, dont panic! If you are at the point that you can visualise your room and change stuff, walk around in it and use some techniques like rubbing hands to stay in the dream.

daledelly, this seems to be a common problem. You kind of have to walk the fine line between being aware that you are entering the dream and the sudden jolt this might create. Try to be as relaxed as possible and more inportantly, keep practising! WILD isnt a skill mastered in a few weeks (perhaps only for the very skilled!).

I keep forgetting about lucid dreaming over and over. I intended on perfecting the WILD technique over this summer.

One question: When using the falling technique, should I try to fall feet first, or just imagine that my bed is nonexistent and fall on my back.

Also, should I just stay up late until I am very tired, and then WILD, or wake up early in the morning and then WILD? The latter doesn’t seem to “work” for me. I woke up this morning, by accident, at about 4:30. “Oh awesome, now I can WILD, I’m glad I wok…zzzzzzzzzzz” :cry:

Luckily, just from habit, I do seem to have an LD about 2-3 times a month anyhow. Even though I do not do RC’s regularly anymore, it seems to have stuck in my dreams.

few weeks ago i lived a short LD but is it caused by WILD or MILD im not sure maybe u guys can decide.
i was doing 1-im dreamin 2-im dreaming thing then i thing i fell asleep but im not sure but i wasnt counting , i was riding motorcycle and i thought to myself i had something to do but what? o yeah counting 3xx - im dreaming , wait i really am dreaming where am i?
i used to believe that this was wild but now im not sure

noanswer42, do what you feel would work best, and take your time to test out all the possibilities. As you say, using the summer to find the perfect technique seems like a good idea. If youre interested, the technique I prefer is posted here.

Hindi, that was still WILD. It happens that during WILD, you lose awareness for a short time that you intended to LD. However, if there is a big gap between the moment you lose awareness and the LD, its more like a DILD (I dont think theres concensus on how big a ¨WILD gap¨ can be…)

|ntern, are you doing it when going to sleep at night? I used to do that too but I’ve realise that it’s very hard to hold onto the dreamworld when going to sleep at night. I always snap out of it after a few seconds when I do it when going to sleep :sad: If you do it after sleeping for a few hours it’s much easier :cool_laugh: And the way you’ve been doing is also how I figured out how to WILD by “zooming” into HI during mornings. Those WILDs are always very vivid and I’m always extremely lucid :cool:

I need some personal help dealing with my hypnagogic (sp?) image. I Think my hypnagogic image is a bunch of scribbles on a piece of paper that goes from infinitely complicated to pritinely clean. Now how should I go about entering a lucid dream once i start seeing my hypnagogic image?

Last night I was using WILD, and I think I saw my hypnagogic imagery, and i kept counting down from ten, to try and become lucid, but right when i was about to enter my whole body started getting numb and incredibly tingly at every nerve ending, is this normal?

When you get HI you should just try to get it to stay for as long as possible, atleast that’s what I do. For me it took quite a while before I could get my HI to stay for any period of time and I usually just fell asleep right after getting the first HI of the night. The only advice I can really give is to keep trying to get HI and try to stay in it for as long as possible. After a while you will get a hang of how to stay in it and how to WILD from it.

That tingling is sleep paralysis and it’s completely normal go get it. And you can also use that to WILD from :cool_laugh: And as usual, it works best in the morning after sleeping for a few hours.

the feeling of sleep paralysis is, amazing, it indescribable, i could feel my heart rate peak and i felt so scared.

how do you stay in the HI? just by concentrating on it?