The BIG WILD Topic - Part XIII

I’m not exactly sure how I do it :neutral:

i dont know how you can do wild’s
as i fall asleep i say over and over in my mind “i know im dreaming” or something similar…but as i fall asleep my mind drifts and the only way to stop it is to relize whats happaning…but of course that wakes you up again

hey xetrov, Ive had about three WILDs and I just wanted to dissagree with your theory of RCs because when I WILD I am concious throughout the entire thing… therefore why would I even need to do a RC? As soon as i enter the dreamworld I know where I am, how I got there, and what to do. Maybe its just me but who knows, just wonderin :grin:

Hi Nelska.

WILD is a very personal thing! So what counts for you does not need to hold true for someone else. You become conscious very easy it seems (thats good ofcourse!), but some people have a hard time doing so. Myself, I do it the same as you, I hardly ever use RC’s (certainly not when I WILD).

Hi Nelska,
I agree with Xetrov. You are able to stay conscious during the whole WILD process and that’s very great. But some WILD’ers can’t. They begin to slightly loose consciousness during the HI stage and regain it a few seconds later when a dream begins. These people generally have to use a RC to fully realize they’re dreaming.

ok last night i was thinking to myself and as usual i was thinking about people talking, my cat jumped on me but when i kind got into the normal world it was like an actual sound had stopped rather that just something in my head, very weird was this WILD coming on or just me having vivid thoughts

Hey, I am quite new here, and I have read about WILD, and some of the RC’s, however, if anyone could give me a good example of their WILD, so i may try it! THANKS! :smile:

Hmm doesn’t sound like an upcoming WILD to me. I’d say they were indeed some vivid thoughts/hallucinations, and it may have seemed so vivid because you were probably on the verge of sleep, where you get more theta brainwaves. This type of brainwaves is particularly known for its hypnagogic hallucinations and other vividly real effects. Furthermore, although HH are often experienced during WILD practice, it’s unlikely you can experience WILDs directly after falling asleep in the evening. This is because it generally takes about 90 minutes before you enter the first, short REM dream cycle. If you practice WILD, it’s best to do it when the boundary between waking and dreaming is thinnest, and that is after at least 6 hours of sleep. Then you might be able to get into WILD pretty quickly (if you’re lucky).

Welcome to LD4all, Scream! :happy:

I can’t recall any recent WILD… but I suggest you browse a little through this WILD topic, or through the dream diaries. One remark though… WILD is a pretty advanced technique and can be really difficult to achieve if you’re just beginning LD practice. RCs, MILD and WBTB are easier methods and are usually recommended to start with. Still, you might be lucky ofcourse and perhaps you have a talent for WILD :grin:

Good luck! :smile:

Hold on, when you try a wild do you ONLY focus on your eyes? I don’t know if I should think of things like hanging out with friends and whatnot, or just focus on my eyelids… I can easily reach SP but I dont know how to make and enter the dream…

Hey, I tried WILD for the first time last night. I started to shake a big, heard things, and even saw a few things. None of this really scared me, and I would have kept going, but breathing got really tough. I had a feeling it was just part of WILD but hated it so much I just decided to stop. Anyone have any tips, or experiance with this?

Ignore it :smile:.

Simple, yet effective. I will report back tomorro with how it goes.

I said I would report back so, I guess I will even though nothing really happened. I kind of just fell asleep half way through… Whatever, will practice some more.

Lol, I try this and all I get is SP and some crazy Vibrations…Thats all…Oh! and boredom :sad:

Hullo everyone! I’ve been experimenting with WILD’s for a few weeks now. I am VERY FRUSTRATED b/c the past 1 1/2 weeks I have been waking up at 6 a.m. trying WILD. I wake at 6, I get OUT of bed for 5 min. go to the bathroom or whatever then go try WILD. The thing is I actually GO to sleep. I have tryed VERY HARD to concentrate on my breathing, yet I go to sleep unconciously. What the heck can I DO?! It’s like I’m too tired to concenrate on ANYTHING. :help: me!!! Thanx!


Did you try counting ? : " 1, i am dreaming, 2 i am dreaming, etc…", it works for some people…

Hey, does it matter how you lay for WILD. When I lay on my back with my arms to my side, I just feel terrible. When I lay on my side or stomach, however, best feeling in the world. So, does it matter?

OMIGOSH! I’ve been thinking to ask that! That is a GREAT question! DOES anybody know?

uh… When i try to WILD i always lay on my back. No matter where my arms are…:smile: Now, at night i don’t, cause i often have SP if i do, so i lay on my right or left side…

But i definitely don’t think laying on your stomach is the best position to WILD… :neutral:

I think laying on your back or sides makes the relaxation a lot easier to do so… But hey, everyone’s different, if you feel good with laying on your stomach, IDK, it might help… :content:

You should lie in a position that is comfortable but it should not put you asleep too fast (unconscious). So, preferably not in your normal sleeping position, unless you have trouble falling asleep, or unless you have a good personal method to stay aware. Its a matter of experimentation!