The BIG WILD topic - Part XIV

Is it best to get out of your bed and stay awake for 10 minutes before trying WILD with WBTB? Or should you try to not move at all when you wake up? I have that if you move your chances of succeeding are reduced, but i have also read that you should get up and do RC’s and read about LDs

Hey, whats up?

I had a weird experience last night. I was half asleep, and i suddenly slipped into a dream. I was in my school art room and was looking at the paintings, something triggered in my head that it was a dream. Having nothing innovative to do i turned to a girl and punched her in the head (As hard as i could). This made my arm flinch and woke me up…

Does anyone know what this could have been? maybe my first WILD???

Any comments would be great

If you were completely aware all of the time you spent falling asleep then it could be a WILD.

hey dreamers!

The other day, i was pretty bored, so i thought id try a mid day WILD. I lay in my bed and put my head phones on (listening to ‘Lucid Trance Music’ which basically repeats things like ‘you are dreaming’ etc…)

I did this for about half an hour and started to see some HI and my body went numb and started getting mega twitchy, but i could ‘get myself over the edge’. I had the feeling i was almost in a dream, but i couldnt do it.

Then i started thinking about what i was going to do if/when i got into an LD. I started thinking about looking at my hands, so i looked down at them. I was thinking to myself, “yeh, they look pretty normal…” then i realised my eyes were closed!!!but i think i got excited and went back to my past state…damn…

Was this the beginning of a WILD? Im really confused. If not, can someone give me some pointers???


I feel its better to close your mouth, then sorta of suction cup your tongue so the tip is on the back of the teeth and it sort of takes up all the space in your mouth going from there…You know what I mean?

Hi Taipan! Yes, it was the beginning of a LD.

so is wilding basically just
staying conscious until you dream
keeping your mind on something like counting or on an object?

the faster you get into REM dream, the faster you WILD?

so WILDing wouldnt be the best way to be lucid on a regular weekday for me?
(school, most sleep i get on weekday is 8 hours - usually 6)

first time you sleep, you REM after 90 minutes (right?)
so if i were to WILD, i would have to WILD for around 90 minutes. which isnt very practical. so i hear around that after 4-5 hours is a good time to WILD. even after 4-5 minutes you have to stay conscious until you REM even if its 10 minutes till REM.

i woke up earlier today knowing its been more than 4-5 hours without checking the time, so i kept conscious while returning to sleep. focusing on my body and counting and everything, i keep conscious. i stay like this for what seems to be 5-10 minutes. after that 5-10 minutes, i hear my alarm clock and immediately sit up.

does that mean i am doing it correctly?
am i on the right path?
if my mind was conscious and body asleep, would i be able to hear my alarm clock and get right up or was i just awake with my eyes closed?

last question - while WILDing, does your mind get the rest it needs from sleep?

thanks alot guys, sorry if it is long, but i need to summarize everything i know about WILD so that i make sure im getting everything correct. please correct me if im wrong anywhere

Hi CastorTroy :wave:

WILD is about remaining conscious enough during the transition from sleep to dream so that you can enter the dream consciously from the start. The counting technique is just one of the many techniques to keep your mind awake, but those techniques do not really define WILD.
The difference with DILDs is that WILDs are usually more vivid and more lucid, because there was a more or less continuous awareness from the waking state to the dream state. During DILD you become conscious after a period of unconsciousness during which you were being submitted to dream scenarios to which you solely reacted based upon unconscious impulses, expectations and associations with waking life.

Yes, but that’s entirely logical. If the bridge between waking life and dream life is very short, then you’ll make the transition in a shorter time period, so if you remain conscious (meaning, if you practice WILD), you’ll actually witness this shorter transition.

You can try it (like, wake up after 4.5hrs of sleep), but in general it does work better if you can sleep for a longer time. The reason is because the longer you sleep, the thinner the gap becomes between waking life and dream life, so it becomes easier to cross that gap.

Yes after 4.5 or 6hrs would be a good time. You can do it also in the evening though… it seems that some WILDers can actually change their regular sleeping patterns and experience so-called SOREMPS (sleep onset REM periods), which are more-vivid-than-usual REM periods occuring right after falling asleep.

I don’t see much you might be doing wrong. However, you have to bear in mind that achieving WILD in 10 minutes is really fast, even after 4hrs of sleep. The reason is this: the longer you’re awake after those 4hrs of sleep, and the more you become aware of your waking state, the greater the gap becomes between waking life and dream life, thus the more difficult it becomes to achieve an instant WILD and the longer it will take to actually achieve one. Therefore, to have a WILD in 10 minutes you can only stay awake for a very brief period, preferably even without opening your eyes; when you wake up, instantly remember to keep your eyes closed and not to move a muscle; then remember your previous dream and immediately try to reenter it through WILD. This is the fastest way to WILD. If you actually get up and become fully awake, you may afterwards find yourself trying to WILD for an hour or two without any success, even if you only stayed up for ten minutes or so. However, it can still be done, and usually goes faster if you have more experience… but as I said, this is not really the fastest way to WILD :smile:

Reading your description of the experience, I don’t think your body was deeply asleep… did you experience anything unusual, like numbness in your legs, vibrations going from top to bottom, sinking sensations, flashes of visual hallucinations or noises? All these sensations are signs that your body is falling asleep.
I do think however that you can hear your alarm clock going off, even if you’ve evolved deeply into WILD. But that also depends on the loudness of your alarm clock :smile: Generally though, your perception of external noises diminishes as you’re going more into WILD. That’s because attention shifts from outward to inward stimuli, which is necessary to make a smooth transition to the dream world.

I’ve never heard about negative side effects. In my experience, I’m usually more refreshed after a LD, beit WILD-induced or not, when compared to a fully unconscious night.
Furthermore, I’ve always thought that one of the functions of sleep is about revitalization of the body, not the mind.

Mystic, what if i forget to keep my eyes closed, but try to fall asleep right away when I WILD? Will it still take over 10 minutes?

The things I’ve said in my previous post are not really that fixed and there can be substantial differences between persons, especially in the details. In general I think it’s true that the more contact you make with waking life if you wake up, the longer it might take to reenter the dream world through WILD. So if you open your eyes, you make contact with whatever you see in your bedroom, and this way your awareness shifts from the dream world to the waking world. It may not be much but there’s a shift anyway. Whether or not that will have a big effect on your WILD attempt, I don’t really know. For some people it might, while other people might not see any difference. You’ll have to try it out.
Also, don’t pinpoint on the 10 minutes… some people might WILD in one minute while other people in hypothetically exactly the same sleeping-waking conditions might need 20 minutes. It all depends on your experience, your level of relaxation, the strength of your conscious connection with the dream you’ve just awoken from, and your general mental/physiological profile. It’s different for different people and the only way to find out how it works for you is to experiment and experience :smile:

The first time I tried WILD, (for real) I tried counting. And the moment I reached 100, I got the tingling feeling in my body. After that I was really uncomfortable and my eyes opened.
I then realized that I forgot to relax and my body was all tensed up!
But I wonder… What happened? Did I actually fall asleep?

I haven’t read much on this topic and it might be a stupid question but I was just wondering.

Spacealbin, from what you say, I suppose you were just in the deep relaxation phase. I reached this state many time, when you feel really uncomfortable. I’m quite sure it’s not sleeping.

I can never get it quite right… either I focus too much and never fall asleep, or I don’t focus enough and fall asleep too fast. I’ve gotten to the stage where I’ve felt vibrations more than once (I got that part pretty much figured out), but I can’t seem to get any further than that. >_<
I figured I was too focused, so I let go a little more, let myself get a little more relaxed… and I fell asleep lol.
But hey, practice makes perfect, right? :smile:

Dream on. // Olesia

After having an ‘accident’ where a MILD turned out to be a WILD :grin: (read in my dream diary thread if you want to know more) I’ve decided to give WILD another shot. I didn’t have much success with it after trying a lot to do WILD a couple of years ago. Maybe I’ll manage better now that I’ve had a sort-of succesful WILD. But I still have a question.

When I did this WILD, I had a sort of electric feeling all over my body. I can also barely recall having that feeling when I tried to WILD years ago. It was extremely disturbing, almost painful. Now I worry that the next time I try to WILD I’ll find this feeling so disturbing I won’t manage to do a complete WILD. So, does anyone know how to cope with this feeling, or what mindset to use while experiencing that feeling?

Hey, whats up? (again),

I had a pretty weird experience the other night. I was at my freinds house for a ‘end of exams’ gathering. I had quite high amounts of beer and weed, so i was pretty intoxicated going to bed…

When everyone had fallen asleep, i decided id try WILD. I lay beck on the mattress and closed my eyes. I got into pretty intense HI in only a short time (I think i was hearing sounds as well). After a while the HI started becoming very vivid and realistic. I saw myself going through a tunnel of coloured bars. The closer i got to the dark end, the more the feeling of my body dissappeared. Im pretty sure at this point that i was experiencing SP, even though i didnt try to move as my body felt really heavy!

After a while of this, i felt my body shaking and vibrating, then a sudden rush (i think at this point i was entering a dream) but then there was a weird pulse in my hand, and i opened my eyes and looked at my hand. I didnt know where i was. I was looking at his door in the dark, it was swirling up and down. My hand had really long fingers too. I thought to myself “Im dreaming…” Then everything sort of came back into focus and i realised i wasnt dreaming… :cry:

Im a bit confused to how you can see the Waking life world in an abstract fashion, even upon waking. Any comments would be sick.

  • Thanks guys

last night i had an experience i think some of you may find useful.

i was in hypnogogia, trying to have an astral projection. lately i’ve been having trouble letting my body switch off, so i’ve been doing excercises to keep my mind occupied so it forgets about my body.

last night i was imagining myself riding a bike. Now, i have extremely weak powers of visualisation, so you can imagine my surprise when all of a sudden i found myself riding a bike inside an extrememly vivid, colorful, detailed world. I instantly knew i was dreaming. So i did the usual things i’d expect myself to do inside a lucid dream (yep, flying. does that ever get boring?).

here’s an excerpt from my dream journal.

"i remember that every time i tried to look at myself (which i did twice before the dream stopped) i would feel very much like the dream could end at any second. like looking at myself was weakening the dream world. then when i looked back up at the world, it was less vivid than it was before for a few moments, but eventually it went back to normal.

It was as though my brain can’t imagine what i would have looked like inside this dream world.

i also remember touching things(most notably, someone’s head), and actually feeling them. the touching sensation was similar to the real world, but not quite the same. it’s very tough to describe. but the way things felt, the sensations i got from touching things, felt fractured and fleeting. and possibly dulled a bit. like the touch sensation was a memory in itself"

My WILD was completely unintentional. I knew what a WILD is beforehand, but i wasn’t conciously trying to have one. I think that may be where my success stemmed from. The two times i’ve managed to have astral projections, i wasn’t consciously trying to have astral projections at the time.

anyway, it was my first WILD and probably my 5th or 6th Lucid Dream overall. And i enjoyed it alot!

keep on dreamin’

I’ve been having problems “diving in” to WILDs. I’ve been trying these past few weeks with no luck. The only stage I can easily reach is making my body feel alseep. Another time I managed to get the “electric current” feeling people talk about, but recieved no HH. What am I doing wrong? Am I too conscious or not relaxed enough in my head? Because my body is certainly relaxed. At times it feels like I try too hard and my eyes strain.
Any help is appreciated.

last night I tried WILD without WBTB seriously for the first time. I know that it takes about 90 min. to enter the REM stage. I started at 10:30 with a 30 minute binaural beat mp3. after what felt like over 90 minutes, i lost all the feeling in my body except for my mouth and a small part of my chest. i gave up, and i saw it was about 11:40. This is the farthest I have gone in WILD without WBTB, but even after 80 minutes and a binaural beat to help me relax I still did not get ANY HH. :help:

Hey everyone. now I am not sure what you might consider this as. but sometimes when I am going to sleep I will try to do the wild tech. and I will feel like I was dreaming for a little bit, but totally got snapped out of it. and then when I would look at a clock it wouldnt be that much later than when I went to bed. was I actually dreaming? and is it possible to go into a wild in like 20 min? thanks