Awhile ago I had a LD that involved blueberry juice, (Dream diary- Post subject: Blueberry Juice- Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2003 9:36 am) this experiment is a direct result of that dream.
As some of you may know, I am not currently utilizing any induction methods (when I do, I use WBTB) and therefore averaging only 1 to 2 LDs a month. I have recently decided to pick up my practice again, but I wanted to wait until I completed this experiment so that the result will be as pure as possible.
Here is how I plan to conduct the experiment, I am going to eat 100 fresh blueberries and then go to bed, I won’t take any drugs, spicy food or anything else that might influence the results. I will not use any other induction methods.
I posted a little teaser to this experiment a couple months ago, here is the location if anyone is interested - Shortcuts to Lucidity - Post subject: Coming soon! - Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2003 8:48 pm.
Here is what a 100 blueberries look like-
I will post the results tomorrow.