So we all know good dream recall as well as keeping a dream journal are the foundation to Lucidity.
But let’s expand upon that… It’s going to be long, but it’s going to be good
Combining. I’m a big fan of it. Adding on techniques to others. Tweaking and expanding. Alot of posts read similar to this effect “Try a few techniques for a week. What works for some doesn’t work for others.” Maybe. However if we use brain physiology as our basis that “Some for me and some for you.” Idea shouldn’t hold true. Let’s list a few techniques. Most of which we have heard of. Maybe not in this light though.
One of my all time favorites. Tweaked by our “God of Lucidity” Stephen Leberge. It consists of getting anywhere from 4-6 hours of sleep. Waking up to a meditation or a research session on Lucidity and then returning back to bad. Why it works? It interrupts REM sleep. Providing the dreamer with the perfect “movie coma” to slip back into and become a “conscious director”. I view this as one of the best tips/tricks easily combinable with the others.
Lucid Living:
Imagine being Lucid all the time in both dream and waking life alike. This is an ancient technique used is Tibetan Dream Yoga. Google that during one of your WBTB sessions for a fun rabbit hole. Lucid living is my personal Holy Grail. Your awareness just seems to carry over flawlessly with very little actual effort. Why it’s ancient? In many cultures waking life is the actual illusion. “Maya”. And ones dream life held more weight due to its more eternal aspect and closer likeness to the afterlife. Increasing ones awareness in both realms has amazing benefits. Example: I started treating my gym regimen from a more lucid perspective. I wasn’t getting the results so I tackled it like a equation with Lucid awareness as oppose to trying the same thing over and over again. Which is where Lucid living comes in handy on this side frequently due to human nature and our level of amnesia like insanity.
The Movie Technique:
Have you ever had a nightmare that could be easily traced to a movie you watched a night or two before? Why not use that to your advantage. Watch a movie with similar settings, roles, or superpowers you might hope to achieve and just allow your subconscious to absorb the material. I find this easily combinable with WBTB. Watch half the movie or so before and continue it during your WBTB and watch the dream unfold. It should work great for dream signs. If you watch Avatar in order to create some glowing purple jungle home base you should be able to recognize your dreaming when a 9 foot tall blue man crosses your path.
Reality Checks:
Everyone should have a solid background on this one. Certain things don’t work well in your dreamscape. As well they shouldn’t. Clocks, telephones, text, light switches, mirrors, and hands/fingers (my favorite, you always have them on you in both workds alike) and others as well. Check. Double check. Triple check as much as possible!
Pretty self explanatory. Immerse yourself in the topic of Lucid dreaming. As much as you can with the Internet, books, magazines, movies such as Inception, the Matrix, even Alice in Wonderland and Peterpan have dreaming undertones. There is no such thing as to much. Everywhere you go realizing you on a quest to Godlinesss in the most literal and ancient translation of the word. The power to consciously create worlds.
Correction Theory:
In my opinion we were only designed to be non lucid some of the time. In order to allow time for processing, and problem solving. Once you fully convince your mind/body/soul that it is unnatural to not be Lucid it will work wonders to correct this problem.
Getting over issues:
I believe that dreams are our natural way of solving life’s problems. But what happens when you do? When they’re solved? I believe this creates an open slot for Lucidity. I mean look at what Lucid Dreaming is. The power of God to create worlds. It only makes sense that one should have to cleanse themselves of issues and problems in order to earn this gift. Less problems more slots for Lucidity.
Yes. A healthy body can do wonders for a Dreamer. Proper balance of essential chemicals such as seratonin and melatonin along with proper hydration and a good sleep/eating schedule can all prove miraculous.
None of the above techniques are mutually exclusive. Let’s illustrate a way to combine. Begin with the Correction Theory. That is to understand that we were built for lucidity. Continue with fixing your waking life problems while Lucid Living and doing reality checks with full immersion into the topic and performing a WBTB during a movie all in a healthy body. See easy. Believe me this is muuuuch better than using a sole technique.