The Dark SiDe Adventures

The Dark SiDe has finally come to the lucid adventures! All Dark SiDers and even none D-SD members are welcome here, but remember STAY ON TOPIC AND NO CHAT-SPEAK, or we will be moved to the playground.
Our goal is simple, have fun in Dark SiDe related lucid dreams. Become your character, take over the world, try to meet other members and above all, achieve total dream control.

Each month we will have a quest, which is optional to complete, so im waiting for quest suggestions from you D-SD members, for the following months. February’s quest will be to find the golden pineapple, defeat the creature guarding it and use it as a portal to the Dark SiDe castle. Have fun, keep it ebil :ebil: :nuu:

This Month’s Quest
February’s quest will be to find the golden pineapple.
Defeat the creature guarding it and use it as a portal to the Dark SiDe castle. What’s the castle like? Is the Queen there or any other Dark SiDe members? Have you become your character? Have fun, and post your dream as soon as you can. Above all keep it ebil :ebil: :nuu:

Related topics: the island, the council

Create your character here!

You created it :happy:.

This sounds like its gonna be fun, have you thought of a quest yet?

Sweet! This should be fun…

Pssst points at my 3 last lines in the first post :wink:
That’ll be it for February, but im open to suggestions for the months to come.

@ Byakugan: so i take it you’ll be joining the Dark SiDe? :ebil:

Either way, have fun!

cool it finnaly happened , now its not only playing dark SiDe , but also dreaming Dark SiDe :ebil:

I alredy did find a magic pineapple , but it was black , does that count ?

Yep, im going to join the dark SiDe! :ebil:
It would be so cool if we all met in an LD,that would be so much fun.

:ebil: Once i finish all the parts of the quest, im gonna then use its powers to bring me to school. :devil: Dark SiDe!!! grabs knife just getting ready to turn this—>:grouphug: into this :rip: Except whithout the Rest In Peace. :ebil:

/me takes a small sack of potatoes and hurls it at one winged angel “on topic !!”

Anyways , here are some other things i want to propose : Create massive armies out of the ground , IMPORTANT ; take on your ebil form (I’m not sure if it is appropriate if we all introduce our forms here … )
Get to our space station WANDERER

Sakoda, i love the army idea. You can try getting to the golden pineapple with the help of the ebil army :ebil:
And about the black pineapple… maybe it was infected? :hmmm: Either way, check it out.

Taking your ebil form is a must for the Dark SiDe Adventures, so unless you really dont want to create a character, please do points at link in first post.
Don’t forget though, NO chat-speak. If you want to chat, use the council (you can always link to a post from here and make your comment).

Byakugan, welcome to the Dark SiDe :ebil: :nuu: I suggest you read my first post in the island topic, so you know what’s going on.

I had a D-SD related LD last night, but i couldnt complete the quest. I did find a secret hideout for me though… (he here’s an idea for a quest: find your own secret base!)

[spoiler][color=green]I was standing in my room but the curtains were closed (they never are) so i thought i’d do a RC and i became lucid! I decided to go through a mirror and found myself in a small opening in the middle of a pine tree forest. The trees were so tall and close to each other that i could barely make out the starry night sky. On the left there was a small tent. It looked like a perfectly ordinary tent from the outside but if you stood right infront of it’s zip-up door, a very technologicaly advenced security system would appear. You must type the password (which is Pineapple_Cookies) and your finger prints will then be examined, along with the pattern of your eyes. If you are truly a Dark SiDer, you may pass.

Inside the tent is the Dark SiDe headquarters, a huge place with marble floors and a very tall ceiling. People were rushing by, making plans and organising our next move, young Dark SiDers were trained in classes to use their dark powers and conquer all the elements and in the gardens, pineapple and cookie trees were growing! They greeted me and showed me around the cookie maze and then offered me some pineapple cocktail.

After i while i decided i wanted to explore some more, so i left the headquarters and found myself in the pine-forest once again. This time i moved forward, through the trees. I closed my eyes and whispered the D-SD password again and immidiately appeared in another opening, a lot bigger than the previous one. On my right there was a pond with crystal clear waters and a smooth rocky floor. A small waterfall fell through the tree branches and it seemed to reach the sky (i was unable to tell though, since the branches still did not allowe me to see past them).

Straight forward there was a huge tree, which i started climbing. I kept going an found myself in a cave, where there was an old door. I entered the door and appeared in a small wooden house. I sat on the couch in front of the warm fireplace and ate a cookie from the bowl which lay on the small table in front of me (yummy). Behind me three steps led to a huge bed which had pineapple and cookie prints on it’s sheets. If you licked the prints, it tasted like pineapple cookie! I opened the curtains and all i could see was snow! There was a field, surrounded by pine-trees and down a slope lay a frozen lake. [/color][/spoiler]
So from now on, this is going to be my secret base :yes:

Woah sounds like an awesome LD. I hope i get an LD tonight so i can go on our quest.

What tech did you use to get your pineapple cookie filled dream?(O btw i had some pieces of pineapple today, they werent very juicy though :sad:)

Ok… startsposting

[spoiler]My LD started with me being on LD4all and reading that moogle and mohegan had somehow lost interrest in the forums and where leaving for some time . i read some of the replies , write a long one of my own -jump- i read anothere thread , that now there will be a subforum named “artifacts” (i think it was for techniques noit yet in the library , and all time hit threads … or somethink … dreams do not always make sense , mine even less :razz: ) and that himebanana is to be the first local mod of it … i get lucid a bit more … -i think here i awoke for a brief time but im not too sure - i am in a dark room
and decide to let my childish side have a say :happy: and in that moment robots start rushing at me . i strike back with a hastily summoned lightsword , as it get even more , i ghost myself 20 times and have some fun producing srap metal :ebil: … suddenly i remeber i havent flown for … long :roll: … so i hover to the ceiling and do some tricks in the air but soon go back to help my clones … after a while , i jump out of the window , let myself come down smootly and summon a door , i than say “son arek aron ara” and a black pineapple with a bluish glow around it appears at the door which after a short period beginns to shimmer and than disapear .I rush through , and before me i see the castle which seems to be floating in the air … i change into my guru form (white chalked face which has a “nice” contrast to my skin , black robes which are nice for walking and flying (meaning , you look good doing both ) which are supposed to fade into liquid shadow at the edges but I didnt get that right that time … i multiply myself again , for a test trow some lightening around and jump to the highest tower of the castle while considering who might still be aslepp and after a Quik thought shouting “HIMEBANANAAAAAAAA !!!” at the top of my lungs (i dont really believe in SD’S … but you can try :razz: ) i stand on top of the tower , looking around , with my clones circling around me … i do some flying and wake up …[/spoiler]
I hope nobody is angry at me now :razz:

For the summary : My ebil form is a bit taller than me (often , that varies :razz: ) slim , white chalked face sometimes (no i do NOT dream about changing the color of my skin *looks at TD :razz: *,and wear following attire : a Dark Cloak with a hood , whick fades into shadows at the edges , looking a bit like dark mist …

Awesome! :grin: Well it looks like you had a more interesting night than me. I had a short LD but all i did was mix pineapple coconuts (don’t ask) with about 20 different ice-cream flavours :lol:
What did the castle look like?

like a tower with smaller towers arrayed around it , quite dark , and it floated in the air :happy:
the bad side of the dream was that the colors were quite washed out :sadyes:

Beginning from today, till a week from now is the Dark SiDe BIG Meeting. During these days, every Dark SiDer should try to find as many fellow D-SD members as he can in a LD. Try chatting, taking over the world together, defeating enemies etc. Who knows, maybe we’ll get a shared dream as well if we’re lucky :wink:
Keep it ebil :ebil: :nuu:

Come on Dark SiDers, any LDs? At all?!
I’ll give a cookie and an extra pineapple to whoever has one :grin:
sends lucid vibes
I’ll try WILD tonight. Never done it before but i hope i’ll manage to reach HI at least.

:uh: :unsure:

I’ve been sleeping :sleeping: most of the day the past few days but I didn’t get any lucids.


im trying but i haven’t been lucid in a while, but when i do become lucid you can be sure that the Dark SiDe quest is the first thing i do(or be with that one girl, sry im only human :sad: )

can i join the Dark SiDe?
i’m so ebil already :ebil:

Why of course EBIL shrimp :ebil:
And since none has had any LD lately, i’ll extend the member gathering time. Let’s try to meet each other in a dream in the few following weeks. Good luck everyone :wink:

I havent done anything LD related recently…

But now its the holidays i can focus on it more :content: