LDs had the last day of month should be counted in current month, as long as the clock has not passed midnight in the timezone where the dreamer lives If it happens after midnight, when official date has changed to 1th of lets say december, then it should be counted for december only… offcourse this should be according to the timezone of where the person lives
So lets say i have a LD at 23:30 on the last day of August, then it should be for august and not for september… but however if the LD happened 01:30, then it should be for september.
Hope you see what i mean
For me, and probably almost everyone else, lucid dreams occur usually in the late morning, which is technically the next day. For example, it’s actually December here already, so even if I’d had an LD this morning it wouldn’t be within the month in question.
But anyway, it doesn’t really matter. Would you rather add another one to November, or chalk up your first one for December on the first day of the month? I think I’d prefer the latter.
But I don’t wake after an LD, so I asume my LD is on the new month.
So it is agreed that it is counted from time zones.
That means if I am in a GMT zone (which I am) I would minus 12 hours from the current time zone. And one would stop the competition 13 hours after my time zone closes.