I wanted to share something! I don’t know if you felt that too but as i could see when you don’t have a DJ your personality is so fricking different… I mean you are like " I don’t care about everything!!!" If something happend you ignore it ! Lol once i saw a guy flying with a rainbow parachute 0_0 anyway the dream journal helps you bit by bit becoming the personne that you are in real life !
So for people that asks if the DJ is important i ll answer yes ! Some can do LDs without it wich im very suprised and amazed by that ^^ but it’s usefull! Personaly i saw the changement cause once i had a dream journal for like one week and myself was completly different in it… I was more carefull!
If Something Similar Happend To You Share It Bellow
Good observation, this is indeed what happens! The principle behind this is that keeping the dream journal, and putting lots of effort into it, putting down everything you can remember, etc., your dreams will become more vivid. Think of it like working out, but for your dream recall. When your dreams become more vivid, the logical side of your brain activates more, which leads you to become more like you are in real life.
Of course. I had a dream where I was going home from the school and up in the air I saw a volkswagen beetle flying over me and suddenly the passengers doors open and an infant felt out of the car down into the grass which was around half a meter high. Then I ran toward the baby and I heard it crying and when I took the baby into my arms the baby was ok.
So my logic told me that it’s normal for volkswagen beetle to fly and babies dropping from the sky can not be harmed because of the tall grass… -.-
Hahaa You lucky to have these kind of signs… My signs are generaly people, so that’s why its hard for me to get a LD ^^ Do you know approximatly when i should havemy first LD if i keep up a DJ? Its almost a week that i started it so…
Don’t wanna be negative but don’t strive so much for first lucid dream. Be smart about it and stick to all those suggested things like DJ, RC, mental RC and so on because by doing so you will build quality and why I said that is because usually few first LDs aren’t nothing special although they might be mind blowing.
I’m just saying that to not get disappointed.
Hell, my first lucid dream after actively trying to become lucid was blurry, fast happening and pretty much fast ending and the worst thing I was having a chicken body, I was actual chicken. I was running threw castle and there were soldiers trying to catch me with spears in their hands I guess for the soup. -.-
But it was lucid experience and from that point everything became better. Still few lucids were not much better but then I noticed that there is the most important thing that I can’t emphasize enough and that is to value your non lucid dreams as much as you would value your lucid ones.
I’m saying this because after those crappy lucid dreams I had the most amazing non lucid dreams. And there are still a lot of non lucid dreams that I consider much better material then quite a lot of lucid ones.
In non lucid dreams we can learn as much as in lucid ones but only if we build the quality which I mentioned before and because of one more thing non lucid dreams are important as lucid and that is because once you “taste” lucid dreams you only strive for lucid dreams so much that you completely forget about non lucid dreams and what happens is that you loose interest in dreams in general not even noticing it.
To be successful with dreams in general and lucid dreams you need to have this positive and nice feeling every night before bed time the feeling of joy just because you are about to sleep and have wonderful dreams and “it shouldn’t matter if those are non lucid or lucid as long as they fulfill you and make you happy in the morning!”
Thank you so much for this advice! I will do so, that’s because im waiting for an LD since a long time and i already knew that dreams were intresting too but yah Lucid Dreams are always in my mind… It’s maybe because of the Freedom that we have in them idk ^^ But yeah now dreams are becoming more vivid for me since last week so i can tell that it works and sometimes i see the good thing in non lucid dreams thanks again