While reading through topics on an AP forum i found an interesting topic for inducing LD. What you do is every time you need to go for a wizz, do a reality check. The reason for doing this is that once you have began to practice this alot, start drinking lots of water before going to bed. The idea is for your bladder to become full while asleep, then for you to dream about wanting to go to the toilet, and if you do dream this then maybe that reality check may make you become lucid.
I havn’t tried this, but already side effects could be having to go to the toilet in the middle of the night ect…
I have dreamed about having to go to the bathroom several times and I also had to go IRL. So it doesn’t only happen to children. Once I dreamed about going to the bathroom and when I got there I saw blood coming from the walls. I then woke up and waked to the bathroom and the walls started bleeding again, I realised it was a dream. But I woke up and then I had to go to the bathroom, this time IRL.
Yes, that’s a bad thing about this method
I become lucid once with it, but as I realized that the feeling is from RL, not my dream, I wanted to wake up and go to toilet. It’s hard to have fun with full bladder
For me, I wake up whenever I have to go to the bathroom. And if you do become lucid, you’re just gonna have to wake up soon in order to relieve yourself (or else… ).
In fact, it can sometimes give a moment of lucidity even without planning it… Because if you go to the toilet in a dream, you always have a moment, when you realize that something is wrong and that you really must wake up (naturally, if you have no enuresis). I think this moment can be prolonged… But will it really be a cool LD?
In fact, it can be a good rule for everyone… To do a RC every time you go to the toilet, especially at night (because FA really often happen in this situation)… But drinking water specially… Only as a last resort for people who cannot get a LD any other way.
The dead giveaway for me is that I find a bathroom in the dream and pee for about 5 minutes straight with no relief. Then I usually realize I am dreaming, but can’t bear the sensation of ‘needing to go’ so I wake myself up. I think that’s pretty much what Ilana said…
bah this wont work for me,
if have tried something similar before, all i do is hold it while sleeping till the morning, then its really bad in the morning because it feels like i am going to explode and i need to go to toilet
I wouldn’t try this method, as I can remember several vivid dreams of myself going to the toilet and waking up just in time to stop myself wetting the bed. It is your mind trying to tell you that you need the toilet, it could be used as a way into LD. But more likely you’ll just wet the bed, and nobody wants that
Not going to bathroom before going to sleep results in shortier sleeping time, so more chance to wake up during the night, so more chance to remember the dream, so more chance to know you had a dream, so more chance to know you had a LD. This glass of water stuff is overrated, imo, except for focusing of attention, or autosuggestion.
Any way more fluid before sleep results in the above mentioned (side)effects. Having two short sleeps one during the day, other during the night helps a lot. But you need some discipline to rearrange sleeping.
I tried it in few ocassions, having vivid dreams, more realistic, clear and with more chance for LD. But I now have different ways to improve dreaming.
I have tried this method before and altho it is a good way for remembering dreams, it also has some bad sideeffects,
holding your pee in for long periods of time can cause problems over time, so to me its not worth an LD.
I have found a way that doesn’t require you to drink that much water at all before bed. If I wake up during the night and go and drink a glas of really cold water I seem to not sleep that deep at all But it has to be really cold, if it’s not cold it doesn’t seem to work at all. Well after drinking it I go to bed and for some reason I get really hot, guess my body has to compensate for the cold water by heating up my body or something.
So because of this I can’t really fall asleep for a while and when i finally fall asleep I don’t sleep that deep. I don’t know if this works for other people, it could be that my body is strange somehow. But atleast you don’t have to get up a pee or try to hold it in It also seems to work of you drink it before going to sleep, then you will most likely wake up during the first or second REM-period. The you can just keep on getting up and drinking more water all night long.