The effects of caffeine

I am woundering if anyone notices a change in recall on days they dont have alot of caffeine, I used to be on a major soda addiction I would drink 66oz of pepsi a day because i was dependant on the caffeine energy. I cold turkeyed it for a week and my dreams suddenly became more vivid and clear, I also had more energy after waking up in the mornings. AND I began benching more in gym and improvments socialy, physically, and mentally. Last night just for kicks I had a soda, my dreams were abstract and I only remembered about one dream.

I was woundering if anyone has had similar experiances, does Caffeine effect DR and vividness?

Yup, I’ve had exaclty the same experience. During may last year I had really bad recall and very few LDs too :sad: After that month I realised that it was because of the large amounts of caffine that I was using. So I would say it’s really bad for recall and LDing, the limit seems to be about 100 mg/day. More that that really starts affecting your recall. That’s about 2 cups of coffee, I think.

Hey, Pepsi is awesome. Glad to see there are other people with taste around here. But yeah, caffein is the sleep killer. I’ll stop drinking it for a few days, I’ll just sleep better period. Get to sleep faster, wake up earlier, wake up refreshed. They also say that one coke can ruin a work-out. About dream recall though, I haven’t really been puposfully remembering my dreams long enough to put that to the test, but I’ve never really had any problems with it.

i work at a coffee shop, but i try to lay off the caffeine because it makes me crash bad. it has a funny effect on me, it doesn’t really give me a lot of energy but when it runs out the only thing i can think about is sleep, and the sleep isn’t really that good

i’m not sure if i drink enough caffeine to affect my dream recall, but i’ll have to pay more attention to the days when i’ve had an espresso drink and days i don’t.