the end of the world

It seems like dissasters are really poping up everywhere. Lets take a review of the dissasters in the past 10 years. Starting with 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, Sunamie, Hattie earthquake, Chillie Earthquake, California had one recently, and Oklahoma. Now I know theres more natrual dissaters, but I cant recall them now. given this, and such things as global warming. I mean what are your thoughts on the world today. Im not talking about 2012, but something is going on outthere. Im just wanting to disscuse your thoughts on all of this is. No matter what your beleifs are, the time is near. My dreams are increasing in… weirdness. Just look at all thats happned in 2010. Hell Im wondering if we will even make it to 2012. I mean people this is real, and its here. Its 2010. Are you excited, scared, or are you still a skeptic about it all, and if so what more do you need to beleive? How are your dreams lattley, what do you thin about Obama, the enternet, technology. Just wondering uB_k0wwhere do you stand?

The 8.8 (in Chile) is one of the largest on record, but those big ones pop up from time to time. (A 9.5 hit Chile back in 1960) As for the other earthquakes recently, they aren’t overly more frequent nor powerful than in the past. They are just getting more news. The Haiti earthquake was unexpected (hence why it sounds the biggest) but that doesn’t make it a sign of the apocalypse.
I’ve been curious on the subject myself, so I’ve been tracking them carefully and found this website: … news/2010/

If you REALLY get into it, yes earthquakes have been at a bit of a high lately, but the earth as a whole is affected by many many factors. One, (sounds so cliche, but true) sun spots (or more accurately the magnetic fields, flares, and such created by the sun which cause sun spots). That’s another thing I’ve been monitoring. Scientists actually know so little about the sun, but it is easy to comprehend that such a massive swirling ball of energy creates solar flares and magnetic storms that effect the earth’s magnetic field, which in turn affects the motion of the moving magma and tectonic plates inside the earth. Thus we have earthquakes and other natural “disasters”. (note: this also causes pretty things like the auroras, as well as ambient energy that sensitive people/animals can feel) The main flow inside the sun is actually at a cyclically high speed right now. Faster movement of ions = strong magnetic pulls.

Also…there was a big scandal about fudged data in regards to the affects of global warming. A lot of the historical numbers were modified to fit the theory.

My personal opinion: People need to stop focusing on the end of the world. In my religion, we believe that belief can affect reality just as it can in a dream. If you say “the world will end tomorrow,” it just might! Or maybe you will just kill it because you are too focused on it possibly ending. (Going off on a tangent here, but…) There was a man in The (American) Civil War who was put to a firing squad. Each man fired simultaneously at him. Every shot had missed, yet the man fell to the ground dead without a wound.

Heh, I read a lot of scientific articles in my free time (I know…I’m a geek :tongue:) and have very strong personal beliefs. Both of which say, we got plenty of time, but would have even more if we cleaned our act up a bit. :tongue:

well thats the problem… about focusing on the end of the world, and making it hapen is it wrong for me to want to expirance the end. I mean were all going to die one day, why not do it togeather, and with as much love as possible? My whole life has been about expirancing the end of the world. even as a child I had this image of a black blob giant in size coming down from the sky… Its hard to explain, but if I look back from then till now, and all that Ive learned, and all the ways the world has changed. To me its clear that I just might be on the right track." the only thing we have to fear is fear itself"

As giant skyscrappers move down the road

As seals are broken,
and scrolls are opened
Antichrist has finaly spoken
all for one reason, and one reason only
so we can learn to love
learn to heal
learn to change
this is the season

Kava, I’m curious, say the world was going to end tomorow, how would you spend your last day on Earth?

It’s not like natural disasters are anything new. There’s an earthquake every couple seconds. It’s just with the tech we have today we know what’s happening all over the world, all the time.

And I don’t see what’s stange about hurricane Katrina, doesn’t the US get hit with a couple hurricanes a year?

That’s interesting. Do you have a source?

To make an analogy with computer games; have you ever spent hours and hours of time to complete a game? Why did you do that? The ending videos may be interesting, but they aren’t worth hours of time to get them. You could just go on youtube and find the ending video if you wanted to. Then there is no point in playing the game at all. It’s not about the end, or how things finish, certainly that is something of a driving factor in many circumstances, the journey itself is important; you enjoy the story of the games you play, life is your story: why can’t you enjoy that too?

We are all going to die, that is an inescapable fact of life, and personally I’ve accepted death and do not fear it. I don’t however see the gain from focusing on it. Enjoy what you have right now. The end will come, perhaps by trying to minimise damage / looking at the negative effects of our being here etc and live healthy you can push it back, but if you aren’t enjoying life, what’s the point?