The end of the world ....

the bad part of that movie is that it’s based upon truth.

The Pentagon says climate change is a bigger threat to national security than terrorism, but bush has tried to suppress those findings from the public and continues to not care about the environment.

The report states it might already be too late to prevent devastating future happenings… that much of Europe will turn into a siberian climate, we will see water shortages, nuclear war would be likely eventually… as will police states and whatnot.

It’s a Pentagon report, not some sort of paranoid conspiracy theory. … 13,00.html

So yeah :smile: I had dreams about that last night in fact. NY got flooded, we got flooded (my fault for making it rain to put out a fire lol) and we got nuked.

i wonder if that movie is going to be any good or is just going to be cheezy propoganda, I liked “the core” but I didn’t like the typical happy hollywood ending and whatnot. Armageddon was great but I was too young to be a film critic back then.

I highly doubt what the report says is anything to worry about. Our government likes to stretch things a bit. A big example is the report yesterday ‘There will be a terror attack this summer’. They tell us this despite not knowing where and when…so why tell us? Our government likes to put fear into us to keep up undercontrol and looking in certain directions.

that’s a good point

but the thing is it isn’t just our government it’s the governments of the world, so if this is just a fear type thing then the “conspiracy” goes really deep and they obviously WANT us to not like Bush.

So either way we vote we are screwed.

Yeah recently i had a dream that meteors were raining, the sky looked pretty with punctured clouds. I also leaped a street really nicely but my friend bounced of a car. Later in the dream i found out that this “friend” was some guy with a demonic voice, maybe the devil? But he screamed and once his mouth opened a white light consumed me and i woke up. It was a really cool dream…

When you die, that is the end of the world for you.

Ha ha ha! This thread is pretty old and yet no one has deleted Ampout’s triple post! What the heck, guys?

“It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine. . .”

–REM (maybe cause he [Michael Stipe] was in REM sleep when he sang it. You know, enjoying a lucid dream or something. . .)

i dreamt i was stanging on an high spot in town, and looking out over town, and i could see a mile away on a football field, there were like 10 tornados spaced over a square mile or something, so i ran down there to warn my friends and stuff…then i cant remember anymore, think i had this dream 10 years ago or something, now thats dream memory for ya :smile:

Ha, I know this is an old post, but I haven’t been here in awhile. Strangely, I dream about the end of the world practically every night!!! I’m so used to it happening, it doesn’t bother me. I usually LD every night as well, at various levels, so I’m never afraid since I never die. It’s always so beautiful, I usually stand outside and watch the sky in my LD’s. Usually it’s meteors or aliens or terrorists, but always in the sky, and always amazing.

I had an end of the world dream last night.

There were some asteroids coming to Earth carrying a killer virus. People seemed to have a sense of urgency, but not much for the end of the world. I remember looking up in the night and the sky was covered with a bunch of large white dots (bigger than stars, but looked the same).

Next thing I remember was everyone was dead and a red fungus covered everything. I found some guy who was immune to the virus. He proved it to me by pulling some of the fungus off his house and handling it with no problem.

Later when we were inside his house I suddenly found him dying on the floor. His face started to melt into his head. It was pretty gross so I threw a blanket over him and ran out of the house. I guess he wasn’t really immune after all.

When I was younger (I think 13 or so) I had a dream where I was standing in an A-frame mansion type house on a lake next to a huge hill with salt flats in front of it. I was in the house with a bunch of people I felt were close friends and maybe family. I had this mental feeling like “oh well, here it comes” and that a meteor was going to crash into the world and that was going to be the end. I remember waking up and I was feeling weird because it was my first thoughts about the actual end of life. I didn’t feel too worried because at the time I was a Catholic and I felt that God was going to take care of me and everything, but now as I am in a state of questioning everything, those sort of thoughts seem much more real and frightening. Ah to be young again :sad: .

Does eternity frighten anyone else? Just wonderin’ :tongue:

now when i realise it, alot of theese things are similar to what happens in the movie: The Day After Tomorrow…
thoug i havent seen it :tongue: but i’ve seen some spoilers and stuff like that. Perhaps that movie would be a great inspiration to lucid dreams?

[b][color=green]I have had plenty of “end of the world dreams”. I remember one of the dream John Goodman predicted the end of the world and I was on a roof building with John. He tells me not to forget to wear my sunglasses. Meteors start to fall from the sky. It was a crazy view but one of my favs.

A more recent one was I was explaining to my mates that the Day After Tommorow could actually happen fairly soon. We were all then on a boat on a school tour. The waves and winds became massive and the boat began to shake violently. I go into a classroom on the boat and tell the people I told them so. Then a women begans to shout "Turn on the currents."At one stage I nearly fell out of the boat but I did a Deathdefying leap across the boat to surive.

This dream has actually brought me back into wanting to lucid dream.[/b][/color]

I have had many dreams about the end of the world.

I had dreams about the world being on fire, and my running throught the trees that were on fire, running towards the see, because that was the onlye safe place.

I had dreams of big rockets coming down and we were sitting on a wooden play-fort.

and dreams about the ocean flutting over… and i need to run from the water that is getting higher and higher and higher.

And i have had those dreams from time to time.

Hmmm…I’ve had dreams about the world as we know it ending. But nothing to the point where everybody was gonna die. Like most of the nations of the world were put to ruin and people were forced to fight for what they once had (again) in a place full of ruins of the “old world.”

And personally I think the Day After Tommorow was a load of crock science wise. Story was good, so were some of the characters, but it being made for political reasons turned me off to most of the film.

It is fascinating that so many people have dreamed about the end of the world, I had a great time reading everyone’s post. Earlier this year, I got interested in conspiracies and predictions about the future.

To find out about lots of strange conspiracies and weirdness, I’d recommend visiting And for general underground news I’d recommend

But if the world is going to end, WHEN will it happen? There have been many interesting theories and the most common number that comes up is the year 2012.

Although I feel that it will not be the end of the world of 2012, I feel that it is more likely to be a year of spiritual awakening. The best article I’ve found about the year 2012 is

Happy Dreaming!

2012 I understood is the start of the New Age… the start that the New Age children collect and the whole world reaches a hight spiritual level.

The end of the world… yeah… we have so much endings coming… vulcano’s on the edge of bursting, earthquakes with global distructions, the poles that are melting, the natural climatchanges of the world, comets and last but not least a big black hole… All coming, but when???

A lot think the world will end in 2012. If so many people believe that, could it be true that they will be the ones that try to end the world because they want it to be true?

On sites about New Age Children they also talk about 2012… but they don’t talk about it as the end… the talk about it as a new beginning, a new age…

as the world has an ice age etc etc… so we are now in a devellopingage… and then 2012 will be the start of some kind of spiritual age.

End of the world dream.
I brake them down in to two major types. 1&2 and than 3.

  1. are those dreams where we are faced with an often intangible force suck as; Nuclear explosions, chemical warfare, bacterial warfare, or …
  2. some great natural phenomena that does not seem to agree to well with human existence on the planet. The scale of this varies from local to global changes we see as destruction.
  3. The other I would say is more tangible. Having to deal with people, army, military, police, zombie like people, and my personal old and favorite, Vampires.

We experience these two force in various degrees in our awaken life, and than take them in to are dreams.
I have stood at my bedroom window, watching nuclear mushroom clouds go up in slow motion at the distance, painting the sky with a spectrum of reds, oranges and yellows that could only leave me in haw, feeling the energy seeping from my body, fall to my knees, in the hallway and witness the body’s mind brake down until I awoke. Few of these World end type dreams where ever LD like dreams.

But when it come to dealing with a tangible force. LD’s offer a lot. I often am faced with Vampires in my dreams, there presence trigger awareness, (and that is good) and the dream becomes LD. Than comes the practice of marshal art. In the last few years, the style I use could be most comparable to that of “Blade”, with the added power to fly away if need be. At times, I have found my self cornered in the dark by large numbers, and with out tools to defend my self, at other times, it been like hopping in slow motion, nipping off vampire heads by the dozen, and a few times, I have had to face an more intelligent opponent. A vampire that seems to know more than I do… Great training sessions for the mind. You have to be just a little more aware of what mind-set allows you to give a punch that will impact like jello or like rock. It seems to be that you KNOW it rather than Want it that makes a difference. A little like a training session in the Matrix simulator. Free your mind, know you Can.

What I have learnt is that being aware in dreams can be said to be of various degrees.
We can practice in are awaken time more awareness, paying attention to details so as to bring that skill the habit of it, with us in to are dreams and become more easily aware of dreaming time by the observation of things we know as “impossible” in the awaken time.

Once in LD, we seek greater clarity, More focus, and a number of other skills that prove valuable in LD, but I have to wonder if these skills in some way, are not brought back with us in to are awaken time. The pursuit of greater clarity in dreams I suspect, moves over to the awaken time. So the question is; what skills, what type of skill, can be trained and gained in LD time, that can be carried back to “real” time?

I might be using this site to go over long notes of my won experiences and in doing so, I hope I’m not boring the hell out of those who reed.

The end of the world in my dreams always has to do with something that comes from outerspace. The details of the dream change however. I always see one large comet/asteroid coming. And then the suffering is emmense. Wish I could change it…