The end of the world ....

Yeah, I quite often have dreams about the end of the world, usually a comet or asteroid about to hit. I don’t see the actual events taking place though, it’s always the preceding few days/weeks/months before the asteroid is going to hit, and everyone’s depressed and scared about the coming end of the world.

I wish I did have dreams where the end of the world was actually happening around me: that’s the level of terror that helps me get lucid. Found that’s my most reliable way of becoming lucid, if I’m absolutely terrified I’m about to die, usually from falling, I think “I can’t believe I’m going to die!” and then it clicks.

I also had a cool dream about the end of the world from zombie takeover, after seeing Dawn of the Dead. Was a pretty cool dream :grin:

I never had end-of-the-world dreams… I have seen lots of nuclear explosions, and tornadoes, and burning tar was flowing along the streets of my town… But they were local nuclear explosions and purely local tornadoes… And I suspect that if the railway station had not been the center of that tar thing, I would have been able to go to another town where everything would have been quiet… But some dreams were about the world after – or during – a long war, and they were really gloomy and looked very realistic at the moment… I especially like those mutant trees with very narrow leaves… Their berries were very tasty… :content: Radioactive as they were. :tongue:

Too many end of the world dreams to count. Favorite/Most Intresting one being where it starts out as a normal dream. With me at my friends apartment with him and his girlfriend. Very normal all just sitting on his couch. Then all of a sudden I feel a vibration. My sight gets dim like someone turned the lights off. Then in my ears it sounds like I’m hearing something too loud to hear, y’know like when a really loud noise deafens you. And the vibration’s frequency intensifies insanely, all very quickly. All his stuff begins to lift off the ground and then I feel like a strong current lifts me up, and then pushes me hard into a corner of the room. As thats happening I realize that what’s caused this is that the Earth has been knocked off it’s axis to the point of being torn apart. Then I feel as if I’m being torn apart and blackness.
Another, It’s an anime dream flood is destroying the world. Reason being our celestial guardian can’t protect us anymore, produces a dark creature called the Angel’s Rest.
Yet another, zombie dream. Underground militairy bunker has a creature which looks like a big ol’ fleshy plant infecting it called “The Teacher”. Anyone infected by it becomes an exstention of it’s consciousness. VERY long dream.