(excuse my typoes… hard to type with xbox controller x_x) What all can one do in a LD and how real does it feel?
Well now, It truly all depends.
There are varying levels of lucidity which can effect how real things feel. ^,^ But general, they feel very real.
What can you do? Whatever your mind can comprehend doing- however, sometimes what you can do is limited to exactly HOW lucid you are. If you are at a very low level, your options are limited. IF you are at highest level, you can do anything. ^,^
Explained well enough?
If you are just talking about how real feelings are like touch, they are very real. If you rub your hands together in a lucid dream, you can feel the heat and friction, its that accurate.
I see… well… ive had a few, but every time I try something rather complex, like transforming, I wake up. x_o
Its like I get irritated with the fact that I cant get it to work, and it causes me to awaken…
Yeah that can be pretty annoying. But it’s pretty normal in the beginning. Don’t try to do huge things yet, but start on a small scale with little experiments. When you gain more experience, your abilities to do bigger experiments will improve.
It’s like learning to ride a bike: in the beginning you fall after only a few yards. It’s useless to try to ride the Tour de France at this stage Best thing to do is to develop the skill gradually and as you learn more you will stay on the bike for longer periods of time. In the end it will go without any difficulties. It takes a lot of practice, patience and persistence, but in the end you’ll be rewarded for all the effort
I see what ya mean… cant learn to run before you learn to crawl. Makes alot of sense.
if not better I say… i got my head massaged because i couldn’t remember something and it felt awesome!!
Complex things can be made simpler by breaking it up into smaller parts…that applies to lucid dreaming, too. Why not try to transform things little by little?
Excuse me for going off topic, but you are typing from an XBOX?? I didn’t know that was possible.
how can you get online through xbox?! can you like use xbox live to get on the internet?