The FA topic - Part II

1.) I guess its individual but how many false awakenings do people have per month ? Especially those when they wake up in the middle of the night , dont realize they`re having a FA and fall asleep again ?
-I haven’t had any in awhile but when i did it would be when I was napping. with one I did become lucid but i was very ‘retarded’, my body and such was deformed and i couldn’t function, then i woke up.

2.) Is it possible I wake up in the middle of the night , have a FA , do a RC which is not working ? For example I try to push my hand through the wall but can`t do that ?
-Try something simpler (like holding your nose to see if you can still breathe) because you’re still in the ‘This is reality’ state of mind so you might expect your hand to not go through.

3.) I wake up about once every night . I guess it`s because one REM - cycle has finished . Do people wake up after every REM - cycle . If not , why do they sometimes wake ?
-I hear we wake up around 8 times? in the middle of the night, we just don’t notice it.

4.) Is it possible to increase the number of FA-s ?
-Maybe if you keep telling yourself you will. No idea.

I have tried to get into the habit of purposely thinking that I’m in a dream world, trying to spot all flaws in it, to try to convince my SC that I’m dreaming (whether true or not).

I know what you mean. The same things happened to me. I tried to float once in my dream and i didn’t so i never got lucid :meh:. Just try longer i suppose. I gave it about 5 seconds :razz:.

I think I had a FA once . I went to bed at 8 am when it was already getting lighter outside . I fell asleep quickly and woke up . I remember I was thinking about my dream and then fell asleep again . Later that evening when I was filling my DJ I realized it was a FA . I slept on the wrong side of the bed and it was dark outside . It was about 2 months ago . Now I wake up at least once during the night . I do RC every time I wake but I haven`t had any more FA - s . Is it normal ?

And another question . About once a week I go to bed and start to fall asleep . My mind is wondering and Im almost asleep . About 30 minutes later I suddenly think " Hey , Im not sleeping " . I get up , make my bed more comfortabe and fall asleep quickly . I have always thought its strange but could it be FA ? Or is it really possible that right after Ive fallen asleep I wake up ?

I had a false awakining last night and i really had thought i was awake because i had a really scary sad and depressing dream about the end of the world :bambi:. The people were standing in the middle of the street huddled up together and then a steamroller came and crushed them it was a horrible dream then i woke up (in the dream) to my sister asking me if i was ok i was sleeping downstairs on the couch and then i decided to make breakfast i made sausage, scrambled eggs, and bacon, and after breakfast i was even going to go write in my journal about the dream when the scene changed and i dont really remember anything else from the dream but how do you not have false awakinings?

false awakenings are annoying. :grrr:

I really do think I’d be glad just to experience a false awakening of any kind - at least then there might be a chance of going lucid or having a vivid dream I can remember when I wake up. :razz:

I’m sure I’ll later reverse this particular belief, but…at least that’s a dream sign I can make myself remember later on. :happy:

Not if you dont do an RC and actually think you’re awake… Well, I guess that’s why it makes sense to RC right when you wake up in real life then doesnt it.
*is stupid :shy:
I kinda just answered my own point.

Well, I think you can’t avoid FA’s… :sad:

But what you can do is getting in the habit of doing RC’s every time you wake up, so if it is a FA you’ll become lucid!

I’ve had one or two FA’s in my life, but I don’t really find them annoying… I think they’re kind of interesting to look back on.

thank you, the rc is a really good idea.

If I remember correctly, I had a bunch of FA’s as a kid. I always dreamt that I woke up and went to the toilet. Then I woke up for real, had to pee and thought “Huh, didn’t I go to the bathroom five minutes ago? …Oh, I must’ve dreamt that …weird.” It happened almost every day! :razz: Sometimes it even happened many times in a row, I think.

Actually, I think I get FA’s quite often :meh:

Sounds like a great idea. I’ll try that.

I hate these things! Almost every time I get lucid I have a FA and it ends my lucidity!

I think it’s a good idea to not only stay calm and stabilise your dream during lucidity, but also to remind yourself to be aware of FA’s. Or even demand that an FA won’t happen.

I’ve had two major false awakeings that I can remember.

One was after a dream that I wanted to record. I wrote it all down in my DJ and went back to sleep. However, when I woke up that morning, none of it was there. I realized then I had a FA.

The other was less realistic. I “woke up” to my dad babbling and my room llooked different. This led me too a RC, which in turn led me to an LD.

FA-s facinate me! I love how there are two poles: Really Realistic to Non- Realistic and also in-between.

That is how I realise I have FAs now. I look at my notebook expecting to see the dreams I had written earlier and they aren’t there! FAs must be more common than people think :eh:

Hello all!

In the morning today, i think i had a false awakening… My alarm clock which has no battery in it suddenly started ringing and i tried to find the button to shut it down, took a while but i found it.

Then somebody stepped in to my room, and left a short while after… I never opened my eyes.

Either it was a visit from the other side, or a False Awakening :razz: Decide for yourself.

Either way, it was not a dream, i really felt the alarm clock.

Ive like…never had an FA since ever. & i can remember dreams back to when i was 8 or so.

But like…the last fortnight, ive started to get them. 2.
The only 2 ive ever had :confused:

Hmm. Well I always get them if i do a RC, then try again to check. It either actually wakes me up… or it gives me an FA. Atleast it may be an FA. Meh.

I just had one last night!!

I “woke” up, walked down stairs and looked at my hand, it was itchy and had lots of bug bites and was really red. I remember thinking “must’ve been a spider”.

When I really woke up, I shot my hand up to inspect it. :tongue:

I remember having a series of 6 or 7 FA’s in a row. It was very odd and so realistic. My room was exactly as it is and it was even bright in my room (I thought that in dreams the lighting varies very little) like it would be in the mornings when I wake up. I got up and spotted I had one new phone (My old phone was broken at the time and I was looking forward to getting a new one). I was so happy that I began to doubt the fact that it is possible. I looked at the digital clock on the phone and the numbers looked normal. I looked back yet again, and the numbers had become scrambled. I realized I was dreaming, then had another FA. I got out of my bed, and this time I had 2 new phones. I did a quick RC again to realize I was still sleep.
This process continued until in my final dream when I looked at the clock it was counting down from 10. I was frightened, and when it struck 0 I woke up.

It was almost like I COULDN’T wake up.

In my most recent lucid dream, I started out in a room (not lucid) with Stephen LaBarge :ding: that had a whole bunch of bunkbeds on the wall. he gave me a hypodermic needle that had some sort of device attached to it, and told me to stick it in my arm when the right radio signals were being sent to it. I waited, and when I knew the signals were being sent, I put it in my arm and let the fluid go in. I laid down on the bunkbed and suddenly my arm felt bloated, and it spread until it put me to sleep. I saw colors, and then suddenly I was standing in a treehouse. I had had a (fake) WILD! I was lucid. I tried to take off and fly, but something was holding me down, so I say “heck!” and crashed the ground around me so I was standing on an infinitely tall pillar in empty space, which I jumped off of to fly.
After while of lucid adventure, I sat down at a computer and decided to try something different to get where I wanted, so I typed in my destination. Then I heard my dad’s voice, and he was saying, “Wake up!” (in the dream, not in RL) so I had a FA and woke up in the middle of a party, where my dad led me to my sister, who told me I had to share a bag of candy with her. :cry: