The FILD tech (was HILD) - part II

When you move your fingers and you enter the dreamworld, do you enter it with your eyes closed? or do you appear in a room with your eyes open? Ready to do the RC.

When I do this, I dunno if I should open my eyes slowly and do a RC or do it with my eyes closed.

You will find yourself somewhere else, so you wont be opening your eyes, no. In FILD you are falling asleep, you move your fingers and will then find yourself in your dream moving your fingers. Try to begin with WILD, then when you feel deeply relaxed or almost as if you are floating away, then do the FILD.

When I do WILD first thing I get in bed (shouldn’t do that) I sometimes feel myself floating but it goes away soon. How about doing the WBTB method + FILD that would make it quicker. :content:

Yeah, WBTB works positive with all techniques :razz:
And the floating, I can usually create that feeling by moving my hands just a little bit from side to side, like just a tiny, tiny bit. It creates the feeling of floating and then I can feel it in my back how the bed is floating, and once it felt like the whole bed was swinging from side to side really fast and I started laughing :happy:

I never feel like floating or swinging, but like flying! :happy: It is really cool. Anyway, I got a tip from this. I´ll do WBTB, then WILD and then, when I feel like flying, HILD. :content:

Tryed FILD last night, Woke up at 5. Alarm wouldn’t shut off, Stupid thing :grrr: . However, once I turned it off, I kept hearing the ring of it, I then concentrated on the noise but it dissapeared. It’s as soon as I drawed my attention away from it, it came back. Was very weird.

When you say Relax, Is that only if you don’t feel tired enough?

I don’t believe i’m tired enough, I might try 3 Am

3 AM sounds good :happy:

I often found myself in a LD with my eyes closed. It’s a very cool feeling - you don’t even notice the rest of your body - almost like you’re floating. A few times I’ve stayed in this state for a few minutes before opening my eyes. Also, another way to get out of this state is to imagine where you want to be, and it will slowly come into view.

That’s really good to know :happy:

ive tried this twice now, both times, i took melatonin, otherwise i would only sleep for 5-6 hours. I woke up 3 hours after i went to bed, turned off my alarm, went back to bed, relaxed a bit, and did the finger movement, but both times, no success.

how fast do i need to move my fingers,
is it better if i get up, get a glass of water, go back and try, just like with normal WBTB?
and also, wouldnt it work better if instead of doing the nose RC you did a clock RC?

When I first read this awhile ago, I always understood the concept, and what was supposed to happen, but one of the problems, was that I didn’t know how to do a RC without waking up my body. Is it ok to move your arm to do the nose plugging, or will that wake up my body (“wake up” as in being not as tired)?

I guess it would be ok to move your arm to do a RC. I figure it’s ok because he stated that if the RC doesn’t work you can just go back to sleep for a little while and try again later. I plan on trying this method tonight, and I’m very confident I will get some results.

Read this and had a go last night. Woke up at 2:30 (fell asleep at 11:30) and remembered to do the technique. I relaxed and waited until I was about to fall asleep. Too bad I forgot to wiggle my fingers, but I did remember to pinch my nose (I forget things when I’m really tired). I pinched my nose after a few minutes of wondering whether I was almost asleep or not, and I could breath through it! Surprized, I looked at my hand and there was an extra finger. I got a bit excited there and woke up. Oh well, that was good. My second try at getting lucid worked. :3

I totally forgot about this technique!! :cry:
I’m going to try it tonight.

Okay, I tried HILD last night… and it is simple amazing. I was surprised how easy and effective this method was. All I did was barely move my fingers and fall right to sleep. (after I woke up from 4 or so hours of sleep of course) I remember doing this like 5 or 6 times last night (for each time I woke up) and it worked about 3 times. I don’t even remember doing the RC but I’m pretty sure I did it after the 30 seconds of moving my fingers and falling asleep. Each time I become lucid it felt just like a DILD. Most of my lucid dreams are from DILD’s for some reason. I can almost never remember doing RC’s, I’m just all of a sudden lucid.

Everyone should really give HILD/FILD a try. It seems to be having good results for most people, and worked the very first try for me. :grin:

wow i totally forgot how long ive been coming to this site.

i just went back to the first page of this thread because i had forgotten what it was, and under the ld4all members section (the people who had originally tested it) my name was right there lol. of course i was DeMoN back then.

anyway ive been going through a dry spell, and since this aparently worked for me 3 years ago, might as well give it another shot, ill post my results in the morning.


NO FREAKIN WAY!!! This technique actually work for me! I did this like at 7 AM (my alarm clock didn’t go off at 3:25)and I could breathe through my nose! I visualized my room and it took my a while to get vivid because when I turned my head I didn’t see the whole room right away and it was moving pretty slow. I tried getting my CALD character in there but she never showed up. Anyone know why she didn’t show up when I told her to?

I tried it last night like i said i was going to, however i was having trouble sleeping because school has just started, and my sleep schedual is very messed up. i will keep trying this because i know it works.

Hi I was reading up on this and saw that the best time to do this was after 3 hours of sleep. I have to share a room with my brother so I was wondering if anybody could think of a way to get like an alarm that only I could hear. Like something to do with headphones maybe?

Do Autosuggestion. You just say to yourself something like " I will wake up at 3 AM. And you might wake up at that time. :wink: