Howdy. My name is Yufei, and I have heard of Lucid dreams before but I never really understood them until yesterday when me and my friend read LD4all. I was so excited, and still am actually - so please forgive me if these questions have all ready been answered.
I tried remembering my dreams last night, and i didn’t mean for it to happen but i think i came close to an OBE. There was a metalic humming in my head, that sounded as if it was getting closer, then further, and so on. I felt myself being lifted, rather then pulled, from my mid-point, and i was aware of it but i didn’t want it - I think i was scared - so i tried to pull myself down and ended up spinning sort of sideways, well, that type of feeling - but then my cat jumped on me and i was normal.
I Have a few things i’d like to ask though, please! If you could help me it would be really cool.
1. Do you think it was likely that could have been an OBE?
2. I have heard LD’s aren’t dangerous, but isn’t your mind supposed to be resting at that time? Will it effect you, in a lack-of-sleep type of way?
3. What is to happen if someone attempts to wake you during an OBE, and how do you get back into your body - so to speak - does it happen naturally?
4. I have also heard people can share dreams, and such, but how would you know or be able to tell if someone else is in your dream, or are they already there?
It would also be mucho helpful if you guys could share you first LD with me, and any advice or tips you may have for me and my friend. All i can say for now though, is thank-you!
What I kind of meant for #1 and #3 is that in an OBE you don’t really leave your body, just a sensation that usually can only be explained that way. I consider a OBE a stage sometimes felt before a LD. That’s why if some one wakes you up while you are in this stage you come to just as if it was a ND or a LD or just a deep sleep just an awesome trick that the brain can achieve.