The future of video games

No, I’m not one of those serious gamers talking about what’s next to play. (Nothing wrong with them though. I respect them.)

I’m thinking of the future, making it seem almost real.
Almost like a LD!

I imagine a sort of octagonal structure about 2 meters (7 feet about) tall and about 1.5 meters (4 feet about) wide. It will have a ceiling and a door. You’ll be able to walk in. On the bottom there will be some sort of psuedo-treadmill, something that can move with your feet. All the inside walls are projected with a screen. You’ll be able to walk around your virtual world with the psuedo-treadmill. On the outside wall, controllers to grab as you walk in. Grab a rifle controller, sync it with the system, if the game allows it, and then go shoot some zombies. You will be able to wear a suit that can apply some pressure on you with small air bags. When you touch something in the game, it will apply pressure corresponding with the game. I just lost the game. That’s the future of gaming, as I see it. Not only will this raise the fun factor of games, it will make game developers’ (all of the team) salaries raise too, due to the increased difficulty of developing games. Now you can roleplay with your friends much more realistically.

i think it will happen-in about 30 years

Well, why not take it a step forward?

Imagine lying in your bed, completely paralysed, only being able to see through a special device projecting directly to your eyes.

Now, when you try and move your hand, it moves in-game instead IRL. Then, add the pressure suit you’ve described above. Voila!

Or even better - Take the pressure suit and the eye projector and go outside. You can see and feel things that aren’t there. Think how awesome spying games could be!


I actually thought they’d be able to make video games that are lucid dreams :wink:. If a device can be built that can read brain activity to such a precise degree that it can practically video-record dreams, (and since they’re mapping what parts are active when we get emotional, when we lie, when we solve puzzles, etc., it’s not so far-fetched…) manipulation of dreams is a natural next step.

I wouldn’t have an inkling as to what kinds of limits they’ll put, to encourage gamers to (say) pursue the given plot, but I do hope that they do away with level-grinding. It ought to be more about strategy and creativity, than tedious repetition to satisfy some dumb number-crunching requirement.

Unless it’s the sort of game where the whole appeal is having fun repetition and training the mind. Would be neat to see how tetris would work in 4D.

Like this? :happy:

There’s a Walt Disney quote Google refuses to fetch for me right now. It goes somewhat like this: the function of pictures and drawings is to make the impossible plausible… to build plausible impossibles. And then he goes on to say that animation drawing takes that one step further. Later on in his life he starts building Walt Disney World, which as far as I’m concerned takes it another step further. Then there’s the city of Celebration… Every step pushing the line between plausible and impossible a little farther away.

I think video games are, in many ways, the new Disney. Where Disney failed (it did—kids these days hate Mickey Mouse, and the Disney company has been doing some serious work under Steve Jobs to reposition itself, such as doing less Cinderella and more Tim Burton, such as acquiring Marvel)… where Disney failed, video games have been advancing significantly. Where XBox and PlayStation bring realness to image and sound, Nintendo Wii brought realness to movement. Even more so in the next generation of consoles, word has it (anyone heard about the XBox demo on E3?). I don’t know how exactly will video games be in the near future, but you can bet on them bringing realness to your experience, at least until realness itself goes out of fashion.

Maybe just find a way to link the mind to a computer… that’s kind of dangerous though.

like the matrix :content:

I dont get why people want video games to change. I like my call of duty just how it is sitting in my bed and a soda playing while relaxing. I dont want to have to tread mill!!!

well that is true, all those treadmills and moving is too much excercise,(not that im a lazy bum thu)

what you could do to make this more realistic, is have air-bags on the suit the person wears, so when they get shot, or hit, they feel it.
not like a pain, more like a touch or something.
that would be awesome for a call of duty game, just pull out a knife and go crazy :grin: