So I’m on this topic of universe and galaxies and stuff lately, and had no idea that there was so much stuff! I went on Wikipedia, and on our extrasolar group, our solar system and systems around it, there are 216 planets. our extrasolar group is about 1/500 of our galaxy, and there are billions of galaxies in the universe!!!
It’s actually really fun to think about.
What if you went to a far off galaxy and talked to an alien species. Lets say he asked you where you lived. Look at these ratios:
Telling him you lived on Earth would be like telling a guy who lived in Moscow that you lived on Maple Street (or watever happens to be the street you live on)
Even more, telling him you lived inside the Kuiper belt, our sun and planets, we be like telling the guy in moscow you lived in Dimlake (or watever town you live in)
Finally, telling him you lived in the Milky way, would be like telling the moscow guy you lived in the USA.
Now think about this
if you talked to an alien outside our local group (remember, the group comprises over 30 galaxies) that was one of the BILLIONS of galaxies, telling the alien you lived in the milky way, would be like telling him “i live in my bedroom upstairs”
I never realized the Universe was so HUGE!!
Any people who say theres no aliens, read above and holy crap, the chance of no aliens is rolling a dice with trillions of billions of sides, and having it land on the number 1.
Finally, I can’t wait till we get to travel to different galaxies, think of all the exploring!