What is the deal with all these religous films? Here is another one. I dont know what to make of it.
(Almost) As disturbing as the film Jesus Camp. Radical people like that give God a bad name lol.
What do you mean; “what’s the deal?” “What’s the deal” is a very subjective statement. I think the deal is that religion is bullshit and there are some people trying to save others from a life of servitude to a non existent being, but many other people will tell you many different deals.
Not much love for religion eh, hehehe. Remember, DayLight, religion works very well for some people, and for others it doesn’t.
In the same vein, I say that atheism is bullshit because it is very nihilistic and empty, where the only god is yourself and thus people live much more selfishly thinking that they are alone.
The society that you live in is based on Judeo-Christian ideals. Democracy is a tremendous feat of humanity, and a great fruit stemming from religion. Don’t forget that so easily in the future.
/me ignores Daniel and Jon’s silly flame war which, to begin with, is offtopic, and secondly added nothing really worth discussing.
First of all, let me repeat to all of those who didn’t read it in the other topics, so that there are no surprises and so that everyone can ponder what’s biased and what’s not on their own: I’m an Atheist. That means I live my life as if no God existed, and that if it were mine to choose, I would choose the world to have no God. I can’t prove God doesn’t exist; but insofar no one’s managed to prove otherwise either.
That said. To me it is pretty clear that Jesus did exist. I believe in him as a historical figure. You might believe in him as an imposer, a minor saint, the Messiah or a really cool myth, but the thing is: at some point, a guy called Jesus who was pretty boombastic has to have existed. He was no underground dude. He was big news. There are records about him everywhere: by Latins, by Hebrews, by Essenes, everyone knew about that guy.
Whether he was the son of God, that’s disputed. To me, he could call himself son of God all he wanted, he would still be a fellow just like me. To you, he can be the son of God. Some people adhere to the mid–term and think of him as a cool dude who was enlightened by God.
The fact that the Bible does not give clear evidence to either theory (except on parts which can be proved to have been altered) kind of supports any belief you want to have. But the thing is: big changes happened to the world because of Jes, and I’m not talking about the rise of Christianism alone. He was revolution. He has to have existed.
So that’s where I stand, and quite frankly the movie didn’t do much to prove otherwise. Sure, they showed a lot of coincidences between Jesus and some mythical figures, but lets remember the whole Christian mythology was (and once again it can be proved) forged and later manipulated by people who were born way after him. What you decide to believe as true, and what you choose to think of as a myth, that’s up to you.
As for the accusation that the Bible is somewhat more violent and war–friendly than mommy and daddy taught to you: fair point. And I don’t even need get really into this one: just get a Bible and read it, or scan through it. You’ll learn Jesus was quite ill–tempered, could hurt some people at times, and did curse and wish for people to burn in hell or to suffer worse punishment than that which was given to the people in Sodom and Gomorrah. It’s in the Bible, there’s no point in discussing that.
But as much as this smarty pants’ argument seems powerful, once you start wondering what does it really change about things, you can’t think of an answer. Sure, it causes a bit of a rupture to the church’s power, which is based on tradition. But frankly, we’re in the middle of the 20th century, isn’t the tradition–based power of the church gone already? Most self–declared Christians I know speak out loud that they actually think most of Christianity nowadays is just a big metaphor, but one worth following. So the movie doesn’t have much of an impact in that sense.
Moreover, the old Testament, the Qur’an, the Vedas, the Satanic Bible, pretty much any holy book of any given religion will have it’s moments of violence. Pacifism isn’t exactly the first thing that comes to mind when an oppressed minority, or a oppressor majority decide to write down their beliefs to gather power to keep resisting oppression/oppressing those bloody rebels. And there’s no reason to write your tradition down in a book other than it being menanced. Why do you think the Iliad and the Odissey were only written down during Socratic times, if the alphabet had been invented about two centuries before, and the homeric works had been sung in public for almost half a millenium by then? Because at the Socratic period, and only then, the Pan–Hellenic culture started receiving actual threats.
Whether your religion’s holy book is violent or not (not that the second one is actually a possibility) doesn’t mean you have to be violent. Picture the following situation: tomorrow, God comes down to Earth and declares it’s okay to enslave all the, hm, blue–eyed peoples. He gave you the green lights, sure, but does that mean you’ll enslave all those people? No! You know, we humans might not be as far seeing as, I don’t know, deities, but we have built something nice called civilization. Sure, it’s flawed. Very flawed. In fact, some people, like me, think we’ll have to drop most of it and start from scratch if we’re ever to get it right. But civilization achieved some nice goals, and three of them (quite rusty, eh, mister Bush?) are usually called Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. Now, only because God said those aren’t really mandatory for you to get into heaven, who here is in favour of dropping them?
No one?
Well, that’s the point. So Christianity might have the goriest book on Earth—it doesn’t, that would be the Qur’an—but that still doesn’t mean it has to be a violent religion (you hear me, Bush?!): just like Islam and Judaism and Buddhism and New Age don’t have to.
To me, the movie—just like Dan and Jon saying the obvious stereotypical arguments up in this topic—didn’t really add anything to the scene. What people should be doing, instead of using the old, rusty arguments they’ll ever use (or even yet making a movie full of them), is question those arguments and wonder “am I really being logical here, or am I just full of b——s—— I have listened to and for not a moment seriously questioned myself about?”
Silly? Probably. In either case, though, he was wacking at a ball with a tennis racket, and I wacked back.
Now, I could comment on naskh within Islam, that is, the more violent verses of the Qur’an taking precedence over the more peaceful ones, but that would be disregarded by that book you read, which is most definately an instance of taqiyya, so I won’t comment on Islam at all. It usually just winds up into a poo flinging event.
As to Christianity being violent, I really do not see violence being fought in the name of it. Ok, there are the occasional wack jobs who blow up abortion clinics, but compared to Islamic terrorism, it is incomparable. Besides, those nut jobs scarcely reference passages of the New Testament to justify their actions. They run clearly outside of the Ten Commandments. And as for the war in Iraq being an instance of Christian aggression, please, it is an instance where a person who just happens to be Christian, deciding to be an aggressive leader.
The war in Iraq is pretty much a waste of time anyways. True democracy is impossible in Islamic countries, mainly because Islam’s tenets run contrary to democracy, ie. women being considered equal, for instance.
Who is to say that I have not thought about religion and atheism and life, the universe and everything? Is it possible for someone to lose their faith, then regain it, without one iota of thought? Please, I am simply a biased individual who has thought long and hard, and made my decision based upon those thoughts. You’re not the only kid with a brain, hehe.
Perhaps it would be good to think aloud. Perhaps that was your point.
100% agreed!
You saw your last argument? Any religion can be altered ! Here in Norway theres cristian groups stating in their rules that there should be no women in the leaderships.
Still, I DO think war in iraq (Iran soon perhaps?) is a waste of time/money/LIFES.
Well, if there is a war in Iran, it will just be Americans bombing the hell out of nuclear centrefuges and enrichment facilities. The Americans don’t have the troop numbers to invade Iran. The Americans absolutely cannot afford to let Iran have nukes. Mutually assured destruction doesn’t work if one of the participants is a suicidal maniac. If Iran isn’t beaten off (hah, get your head out of the gutter), other Middle East countries will be interested in getting nukes, just for “peaceful purposes” though.
And the thing with women being considered unequal under Islam, it is true, they are. A woman’s testimony to a crime is worth half that of a man’s testimony. A girls inheritance in Islam has to be 1/3rd that of a brother. Wife beating is justified in Islam (Qur’an 4:34). Things like this do not encourage gender equality. To prove a rape happened, there needs to be 4 male witnesses, subsequently, any reported rapes without 4 male witnesses counts as adultry. At one point I think 3-5 years ago, in Pakistan, 70% of the people in prison were women who were raped but couldn’t prove it. Subsequently, many women who get raped in Islamic countries simply don’t mention it, because it is the women who is blamed for the rape, not the man. Besides, female rights activists are quite regularly killed in Islamic countries by extremists in the area. Gender equality is a long, slow train coming for Islam. This is one of the main reasons I dislike Islam so much. You can tell a lot about a society simply on how the women are treated. I got this far without mentioning how the women have to walk around in tents in bloody hot weather. Pretty barbaric, in my opinion.
Now that party you talk about sounds pretty stupid, more like a deviant from Christianity, because women are considered equal under Christianity. I think it was Adam who was made from Eve’s ribs, a man made from a woman. It might be the other way though, it’s been a long time since I heard the story.
Which of the two leaders are you talking about here?
I think it was Eve was made from one of Adam’s ribs. I agree with you though, that if you take the teachings and principles of Christianity, then women and men are equal.
The trouble comes with the human’s who interpret it, and over the years the church has opressed women an awful lot. In Britain, it’s only very recently that women have been allowed to become priests, and there were huge protests from factions of the church.
But you say that a religion cannot be deomcratic if it doesn’t support equality between men and women. How about equality between straight and gay people? The church has a pretty bad record on that front.
Witty, hehehe.
Quite true, the Church has oppressed homosexuals, and unfortunately so. I personally really like gay people, as they are the most real people you will meet. It takes a lot of courage to do what they do, and for that I respect them. Levitcus is where the passage was found, from the Old Testament. “It is an abomination against God for a man to lyeth with another man.” I am fairly certain of that quote. I don’t think Jesus mentioned gay people in his tenure as a being on this planet of ours, however. And to me, what Jesus did is much more important than the other people. He takes precedence over the other disciples and the Old Testament, atleast in my opinion, and I think many others too. I have heard that many Churches have begun buying exclusively New Testament Bibles, because the Old Testament was confusing so many people as to what Christianity is all about, which is essentially love.
When you compare Christianity and it’s oppression of gay people, with the oppression of gays under Islam, the Church almost seems too nice to gay people. In many Middle Eastern countries, gay people are killed for being gay. Hrm, still like Islam?
I do feel bad for the mistreatment of gays, but I don’t think that mistreatment will last much longer. There are a lot more liberal views about gayness nowadays. I think it’s a good thing, myself. Gay people are humans as well. All too often that is forgotten.
Overall, I can see the flaws in Christianity. I understand that there are quite a few still, for instance, the old fashioned statements coming from Rome, like about the use of condoms and such. The treatments of gays is still an issue, and like you said, the fact that women only now are allowed to be Priests. But, when you add everything together, considering all the negatives and positives that Christianity has brought to man, I think it is a positive thing to have been given to us.
Jon, I’m never going to discuss with you again. I make this vow in front of this whole community. I’m simply fed up with you.
Every single topic worth discussing you turn into the same off topic discussion in which you expose your same rusty lame arguments all over again. I read the same Qur’an as you did—in fact, I’ve read two different translations of it, and I dug into the facts just like you did. And you know what I found out? That your argumentation, although you do expose some fancy words in Arabic, is meaningless. So meaningless in fact that, when I try to refute it, all you do is always the same: repeat the fancy words, then focus on my counter–argument about Christianity and never mind the fact that the (off) topic of the discussion is Islam.
You say Islam is a violent religion. Well my family is in Brazil because they were persecuted and almost murdered by Muslims and I insist in disagreeing with you. You know why? First off, because I have Muslim friends, and they’re are not bloody terrorists or fundamentalists or retards, like you seem to think every single bloody Muslim has to be. Second, because I see Islamic countries, and countries with high amounts of Muslims (like mine) which live in perfect peace. Finally, because unlike you, I don’t pretend history is just a stupid thing we can just ignore. Every single semitic religion has started off violent. You seem to have read the Qur’an enough to know by heart the violent bits, but haven’t you read the Bible? Have you seriously read someone else’s holy book and not yours? It’s bloody carnage everywhere you look! People are killed, massacred, sacrificed, enslaved, tortured. Pages and pages and pages of violence!
Have you not seen what Christians have done already? Inquisition, Holocaust, the Iraq war? Don’t you use that miserable argument about the Iraq war not being religious. Have you read Bush’s speeches? Insofar, he’s cited Isaiah, Daniel and several gospels. If his people are doing nothing, it’s not because it ain’t their business: they’re consenting with it. That’s how democracy works. So they’re agreeing with a religious invasion, and I couldn’t care less about how they say they don’t agree with it, because most these people will be doing bloody nothing about it, and at the end of the day that means their war is religious and they silently support it.
People like you, with that mindset, thinking of yourself as enlightened and the other peoples as “minor problems which, you know, could be removed” is the same kind of person who tortured relatives of mine among several other people; who promoted all wars we have seen, who have done the biggest atrocities to this world and to our peoples.
“They are just some stupid religious fundamentalists—now I, I am right.” That’s pathetic.
I’m serious. I’m on my limit. I have left this forum before because of PMs of yours, you alone make me not want to be in LD4all, and the fact that the moderators refuse to consider your senseless, illogical, passionate accusations flame has irritated me enough already. One word about Christianity, the topic is removed. Since I dropped modship, I’ve requested the same treatment about Islam topics and got nothing.
I’m exhausted of your bull shit and I’m tired of having to live in a world which is clearly not going forwards because people like you insist in getting us back at the Middle Ages.
If having to be in LD4all means having to co–exist with morons like yourself, then I might as well leave. Permanently.
This’s got to be a sick joke of some sort.
Christianity is the one religion that really gets under my skin. I like exploring diffrent religions, but Christianty is allways under my skin threatning that I might burn in hell for learning about Budda, or Wicca. I hope is does dissprove that Jesus never was there. Christans are so damn uptight about everything. Did you hear about the chocolet sculpture of Christ. It was art, but they couldnt dissplay it, because Christans were getting offended by it. I am not a Christan, and I hate the fact that they brainwash Americans to get money. Donate to the church, or you will burn hell. Christianity is just a huge cult of insicure men, who seem to think that women are seductive, and evil, and all children are brats. Their controll freaks. That is how I feel about Christans. You cant have any fun. Hell even Lding is considered evil, and the work of saten. I would love to see the church fall apart, and people can be free to see life, and live it without fear of burning in a made up place called hell. I didnt want to talk about religon, but the white man…What can I say about the white man? It makes me sad to think that people waste there intire lives walking the tight rope, and trying to stay on top without falling off in fear that hell is beneath them. Christans miss out on so much in life. I wish I had never posted this. No religion no polotics!
I apologize for offending you Bruno. However, I have said very little in itself that you should have taken offense to. I believe Islam is inherently violent, and guess what? Every night on the news, there are more and more people proving me correct. And if that makes me a moron, well then I guess I will just be a moron. You are a good guy Bruno, I like you, you think a lot. You cannot let one person get under your skin to that extent. You will miss out on a lot in life if you let that happen. Your PMs as well made me consider leaving ld4all, yet I did not. I realized that not everyone can agree with each other all of the time, and I left it at that.
I have Muslim friends as well. I like them quite a bit, as they are great people. However, just because my muslim friends are great people doesn’t mean that the religion in question is great. Isn’t that a generalization? Because several muslims are great, this means 1.2 billion of them are? Where is the logic in that?
I deny history? Dear God, Hitler was not a Christian. Christians and Muslims have not been living peacefully together for ages. Christians in the Middle East have been fleeing from Islam for over 50 years. Since 1950, the 33% of Christians in the Middle East has dwindled to 5%, because of Islamic persecution, being treated as second class citiziens. I refuse to be censored because one person disagrees incredibly strongly about it.
And why do I simply shut up about this? Because I refuse to censor myself into becoming politically correct like that. I could not live with myself if I saw a spade and called it a heart. I absolutely refuse to do that, to become a non-thinking robot who is spoon fed opinions from the media on how inherently great Islam is. I hate Islam. It treats women awfully and persecutes people of other religions, as it has done to Christians in Egypt, Buddhists in Afghanistan, and to people of other religions in the Middle East in general. And again, if, because I believe that, it makes me a moron, well then I would never want to be “intelligent”.
I wasn’t going to post here. But… here i am, all riled up.
Let’s see if i can’t work out some issues here.
For the record, i was born and raised Christian. I DO believe in a God, but i do not like to conform myself to any one religion. However, due to my upbringing, i most closely follow Christian teachings.
I haven’t followed Bush’s speaches. Call me a bad American, or ignorant, i really don’t care.
But, i seem to recall that Martain Luther King Jr. also quoted the bible.
My point? You seem to see the bible as mindless bloodshed, but it also has some good food for thought.
The bible has bloodshed. The Qur’an has bloodshed.
But it doesn’t matter that these were written 1000 years ago and we people of faith know not to follow these teachings and kill each other. No, we are just stupid.
I actually kinda feel some prejudice against Christians and Christianity here.
Kavaa, id you want i can count out the stereotypes in your post, all of which don’t apply to me, my family, or the community i live in.
And i thank you for taking time out of your dutiful life to save me from the horrible fate of believing on God.
The rules that have to do with “serving God” in my religion are very simple: Go to church, don’t use his name in vain
And we let both of them slide
So with Church that takes a whole hour out of my week, if i go.
With Islam, if i am correct, they have a much more strict code, and have time put away for prayer and perrsonal reflection every day.
If anything, our society as a whole would benefit from these moments of personal reflection. A chance for everyone to catch their breath, perhaps.
But we should save them from this terrible fate!
Believing in God gives some people hope. To some, it is all they know.
I feel that the search for God is a very personal thing, and perhaps the greatest journey you can take in your whole life:
To find your OWN beliefs
It doesn’t help that we have Christians threatening damnation one on side and atheists mocking your foolish belief in an entity that could not possibly exist on the other.
Maybe we’re all wrong
ok i’m done…
Daniel ignores Bruno and Jon’s silly flame war which, to begin with, is offtopic, and secondly added nothing really worth discussing.
Alright, so maybe my last post was just an ignorant little poke, posted for fun, my own amusement perhaps. But I stand behind it, and if you would allow me to word it in a more palatable manner: I believe the deal with these religious films is that the filmmakers see Christian people “suffering” with their “unnatural desires”, such as people beating themselves up over their sexual desires, causing inner struggle and mental anguish. They wish to shed light on the fact that Christianity’s doctrine has large holes in it, and want to expose these people to perhaps free them from the anguish and open their minds to the fact that their desires are natural, and perhaps OK.
I have read this entire topic, which I have not been doing at all recently, so you all count yourselves special now. Here is where I stand on some topics discussed here:
I agree with Bruno on Jesus’ historical status as a person.
I think that no religion is inherently violent, as man is consciousness and consciousness is the divine mother and the divine mother is love, everything is love. But it is also corrupted by man. THERE ARE VERSES IN THE KORAN THAT CONDONE VIOLENCE, AS IN THE BIBLE AND SEVERAL OTHER HOLY BOOKS. I mean hell, the Bhagavad Gita, a hippie’s bible, the model for the life of Ghandi, is set in the middle of a huge battle between brothers warring over a kingdom! But because something condones violence, does not mean that it should be used. Human beings have something called discression and common sense, and mine says:
“Most of these books are beautiful; the Bible, the Koran, the Vedas, the Gita, most of these books contain wisdom usefull to everybody, and are manifestations of love, love is at their core. But they are of this world, and because of this, must present their wisdom in situations that are of this world. For example, Krishna advising Arjuna on the battle he is about to face is a metaphor for the inner struggle with the ego, not and actual endorsement of war, as many orthodox Hindus believe. There are still other parts of these books that have been influenced and altered by the oh-so-fallible human being, such as verses in the Koran directing followers to behead nonbelievers or the condemnation of homosexuality in the Bible, and these instances should be easy to ignore, as they quite obviously are not born of love. Take what is good and beautiful and useful to you from one or all of these books, and disregard what seems immoral.”
As for Hitler not being a Christian, this has been debated here before. I think if he really believed in Christ, he was, no matter what his actions, but we needn’t get into that again.
Just because of my previous post touting how holy books are awesome and love and blah blah blah, dosen’t mean I don’t have beef with the followers. Most orthodox jews, muslims, hindus, christians, and the like hold beliefs that I find abhorrent and should ber wiped off the planet. Alot of their actions are good, but alot make me want to vommit, and I would gladly fight against them. I feel that so far, the negative aspects of these main religions have outweighed the positive, but that could change, you never know…
And Bruno, not to be rude, but maybe you should clam down a bit. You seem high strung. Take a valium or something, buddy.
I guess you never thought of how biased news is these days?
Don’t trust the media that much… Media are also bound these days to commercial thoughts. For most media it is not ‘interesting’ or ‘attractive’ enough to cover the slaughter caused by other religions; they cover the news that people expect to hear… because that gets them the biggest audience… how sad that might be…
Maybe the news isn’t censored or falsified; but by not covering everything, it is still biased.
People should learn more to base their opinion on facts they experience themselves and by listening to the other side of a story for a change… try to find out more yourself instead of relying on media to cover the ‘facts’ for you…
and how do you know that that majority is thinking negatively? Have you spoken to every single one of them?
Ever thought of the possibility that the ‘Muslim’ fundamentalists are not true Muslims either? And merely claim to be Muslim because they selectively read things from their holy book?
Just how Bush does and how hitler might’ve done? (can’t recall anymore if he ever claimed to be…)
yet, instead you let yourself be spoonfed with opinions of others about how inherently bad the Islam is…
Hate is a very dangerous emotion… It’s hate that drives those fundamentalists in doing what they do…
Wake up… nearly all religions did or do mistreat a certain group…
The Islamists are not simply cherry picking verses. The violent ones overwrite the peaceful verses of the Qur’an, giving them priority over the non-violent ones. it is called naskh.
I actually think the news is quite pro-Islam, in regards to Israel for instance. There is usually a pro-Palestine/anti-Israel bias to the news. And, for instance, when the Islamic riots in France, they were simply called “youths” rather than Islamic people so as to not develop negative connotations with that particular group.
Who is to say that I have not heard the other side of the argument? Usually, the other side of the argument is that the verse of the Qur’an was “misinterpreted”. Guaranteed, look up anything on Islam on google. How about how Christians and Jews are called pigs and apes inside of the Qur’an. How about the fact that is against Islamic law to have non-Christian friends. In any case, what happens is that there are websites out there using taqiyya, which is essentially lying in the name of religion about the negative aspects of Islam.
Well, I have not talked to all of them directly…hehehe. My logic is that if it is in the religion to hate non-Muslims, and the Qur’an is still seen as the absolute truth, and considering that it is taught around the Islamic world to hate non-muslims, then there must be atleast a majority following those rules, considering its in the curriculum.
I have come to my own conclusions about the Qur’an and haditha collections, and invariably, it results in learning that it is muslims duty to wage jihad on non-Muslims. If you find that attractive, well, then I have no idea who your loyalties lie with.
Ahh, but in other religions it is not in the holy books to justify it. Christian persecution of Jews didn’t happen because the BIble says to do it, the early Christians did it out of hate because they killed Jesus. Like, the Bible doesn’t say, “steal money from jews.” It just…happened. Islamic persecution of women is based on the Qur’an and haditha, not because it is considered the norm of the period. Islam also persecutes non-Muslims based on their holy books. Right in Islam, it states that unless a person is subjected to secondary citizen status, called dhimmis, that it is muslims duties to wage jihad against them, giving them three options, convert to Islam, accept secondary status, or war.
Just because you claim to be christian, just because you act like a christian, does not mean that you are a christian. Lots of people say they are christian, and thats the only thing that sets them apart from other people.
All those tv preachers who claim to be christians, get actual christians who are trying to further their spiritual lives to give them money, and then spend it on $12 million mansions and cars. Those people are not christians.
Christian people do not have anything against homesexual people. Just like my band teacher says “I think you are a great kid, but that sound is just horrible”. Look at the humans anatomy, and you will see that man + man does not equal a baby. We were created that way so the human race could actually continue on, and not die off. Imagine if we were all gay, what would happen? Adoption? That would not be possible because no babies would be born anymore.
Another few points.
Why was the calendar named after Christianity? A.C. translated means ‘time of Christ’ or something like that, and B.C. means ‘before Christ’
Christians are the only religion that reach out. They are the only people that actually try to get others to believe their faith. If you aren’t one of the 40 000 Jehovah’s witnesses, you aren’t going to be saved, according to them. To my knowledge , there aren’t any Jewish, Islam, Muslim, or any other religion youth groups, groups that reach out to young kids. Also, no other religion has their own music genre, there is secular, and then there is christian music(there are other religions, but christian is a lot larger).
Christians do have fun. There are hundreds of Christian rock bands, and please don’t tell me rocking out is not fun! It is. I’m not going to get drunk, lose control of myself and do something I’ll regret later on, if that’s your idea of fun (murdering someone and not even knowing it when you’re sober is FUN! *sarcastically, im not saying every drunk person is a murderer, just most murders occur this way.) Drugs kill people, and what else do we consider sin that you would consider fun? Oh, having sex with someone and cheating on your wife and then having your life fall apart because your marraige is unstable is not fun either (not saying that everyone who goes to a strip club gets a divorce, just that its more likely)
George Bush probably just claims he is Christian, just like so many other idiots.
I just needed to clarify a few things for you people. I did not intend to hurt anyone’s feelings, I just saw that you got a few things wrong. -obi
And that’s another thing i’m mad about!
I hate censorship in all forms. it’s stupid and such.
But i gots a question for you all
Islamic peoples went APE ■■■■ when a satirical cartoon was posted portraying Mohammad.
Is that just as bad? YES
And it doesn’t stop with Religion.
Atheists, too.
Here in U.S.A. there are often scuptures of the Ten commandments put in.
And of course, atheists took offense. So they are gettking removed.
Just as bad? yes
So how about we ALL let other religions and ideas express themselves?
Or we might as well just censor everything.
On the other hand, i would totally dig a chocolate Jesus.
Wait… why would people take offense to this? it doesn’t make sense…
pfft… man people can be really stupid.
But still, we shouldn’t remove Sculptures from courts, we shouldn’t watch what we say about Muhammad, and we certainly shouldn’t whine about choco-christ.
mmm chocolate. I eat any chocolate figure. -obi