The Good Food Guide, Dreamland Edition

Well, Dreamland is an awfully big place, and we get up to some pretty strenuous things out there. Resisting alien invasion, commanding space navies, building cities, taking never-ending exams, streaking through the stratosphere, fleeing from flaming ninja pigs… all grist to the mill of our nightly excursions. It’s understandable that sometimes all this excitement makes us peckish, so I call on you, my fellow LDers, to lend a hand in compiling a guide to all the restaurants we’ve visited and all the food we’ve eaten on our travels, whether it was in a hearty tavern in Danelaw York, a fast-food outlet on the concourse of a space-station, the feast after an ancient Greek sacrifice, or Maxim’s, Paris, 1912. Give us reviews of the heartstoppingly brilliant and the laughably awful, with marks for service, atmosphere, taste, bizareness… visit each other’s; did you agree? Let’s see what we can come up with!

Oh well, this doesn’t seem to have caught anyone’s imagination. But anyway here’s one story to start with. I haven’t felt hungry in my LDs lately so have been using them for other things like exploring mediaeval Byzantium. But I did have an interesting food related ND.

I had just finished a hearty morning’s ride. Turning out the horse and putting away the tack, I got on my bicycle and began to cycle back to town, where my university is. I went along with a friend and on the way through the narrow lanes, through the woodlands and past the fields of bright yellow rape, a route I know well but which now seemed unusually convoluted,we began to feel peckish. Well, I did anyway. I didn’t stop to ask her, now I come to think of it. We came to a little village which doesn’t exist in RL, at least not in that spot. On a fork in the road was an ancient looking pub, timber-framed and put together higgledy-piggledy as it had been added to over the centuries. The door was below ground level, as the road had gradually risen next to it.

Now, I don't recall the name of the place, but on the front was a big green sign, marked "Right" and "Left" and pointing with arrows to different parts of the pub. It was segregated, you see, between left- and right-wingers. We went inside, and, whatever my own political leanings, I felt people who had self-consciously segregated on the basis of politics just to eat lunch would probably be a bit rum, so we sat as close to neutral ground as possible. Then came the second surprise. I went up to look at the specials blackboard. It couldn't be read. Normally, I can read pretty ably in dreams, even foreign languages, but the handwriting was just very, very poor. I asked the landlord for the menu. He handed me a laminated sheet with pictures. I didn't have to look at the descriptions; the pictures instantly revealed that every single item on it was a variation on chicken puff-pastry pie. They all looked exactly the same. The text said some had leek, some ham, some mushrooms. The one I had just asked for, because of its appearance (I only now read the description) contained chicken feet. I like chicken feet as much as the next man, in their proper place, with freshly steamed dim sum at breakfast. But not in a pie, in an English pub at lunch-time. They do not go with ale. Oh, and the ale was quite good.

As you might imagine, the clientele of the pub was a pretty odd, and in any case there weren’t very many patrons about. It had the atmosphere of the kind of small-town place that could have been the beginning of an episode of X-Files, had things continued as they started. Perhaps everyone there was an axe-murderer. In any case, although the food was quite edible, though weird, and the ale was good, I do not recommend it as a restaurant to my fellow travellers. On the other hand, as a place to start a creepy adventure, it gets my whole-hearted endorsement.

Thought this might be a guide to foods that increase vividness or LD frequency :sad:

I can’t really help in naming places because it’s usually just a generic supermarket or deli. I don’t pay attention to signs (usually unreadable or forgettable) but I’ve had some very interesting and tasty food. My favorite is icecream because I see some really out of this world designs with vibrant colours, ones that twirl and loop all over the place and just look amazing. I often walk into a store and pig out on chocolate whilst looking for other exciting foods.

The money issue is quite amusing, if I have money I will pay otherwise I just eat it in the store or ‘steal’ it. Paying with money can be time consuming though so if I’m caught I just say “I’ll pay you later” or “put it on my tab” either that or start using abilities like mind control/stopping time.

Great topic, just saw it now. Although I don’t have much to share… :sad: I don’t remember eating at restaurants, just food here and there. I rarely have the sense of taste either, but the best taste I’ve had in a dream was water :lol:. It was so fresh and cool and delicious. Other than that I remember eating a cake, that was pretty good too. I’ll see if I can eat something soon and post the results. Many times that I get lucid I’m at my house, so it might be hard for me to get to a restaurant…

Wonderful idea !

Well the best thing i ate in a LD was a rainbow :grin: .
It was my objective to eat one. So when i got lucid, i flew around and saw roads made out of clouds. I was looking for a rainbow and there it was down the roads. So i flew there.

At first it was only coloured gas. Then when i took it in my hand, it started to solidify a bit like coloured sharps melting into my hand. I hurried to lick it all and it was marvelous. By the time I looked up to get more, it was fully solid. I grabbed it with both hand and bit a first time. It was so crunchy and soury (don’t know if i can say that ) it was really fruity. I had time to take some other 7/8 bites. It was so good.
I can still feel the taste right now :content:

I wanted to eat that because dreams are all about expectations and from what we know about rainbow and their signification, it could only be crazy and so it was !

I also got the chance to drink some lemon beer in a bar placed in a medieval cloud plaza.

Next meal on the list : Drinking lava ( i might burn my tongue but i’m sure it’s good :smile: )

Carry on with this topic !