The greatest dreaming experience I can't remember

I started LDing 2 years ago. I was really into it but then I kinda lost interest with it and got lazy with it. I haven’t really had an LD in a really long time. I don’t keep at my Dream Journal anymore so my Dream Recall is really crappy. I can’t remember anything from my dreams anymore. All last week I was going to sleep really late at like 3am-4 and I was waking up at 8am starting Monday. I kept this pattern all week. Then last Thursday I woke up at the same time and I was late that morning getting to my school but. I was waiting for public trans bus to come for so long it seemed that I fell asleep at the bus stop. I was sleep for about I’d say 45 minutes. I came home at around 5pm and took a nap soon after. At the end of the nap I had a very short vivid dream where I was suddenly in my computer chair and my chair started spinning and it was like my body was paralized with my head looking down and my arms and legs out. Then I woke up. That night I stayed up late again going to sleep a little past 4 am. That night I swear I had the most amazing dream session I’ve ever had in my whole life and I can remember none of what happened in the dreams, only that it seemed to last the whole time I was sleep and that I was lucid during much of the time. It’s hard to explain how amazing the experience was. It was so clear and just so vivid. It wasn’t just one dream it was the whole night. A huge burst of vividness is the only way I can describe it. I don’t really know why or how it happened. I guess 'cause I hadn’t had much sleep the whole week. It all must’ve built up. Maybe it was because I had those two short naps before going to sleep that night. I wish I could experience something like that everynight. But now I’m going to start my dream journal again. That night got me so excited about LDing. You all will hear more from me soon.

Hello Kaoisa,

What you described is something similar to a few experiences I had in the past. A long sleep. A deep sleep. With many vivid dreams.
Sometimes feeling a residue of the dreams floating in the air. Waking up a few times feeling heavy, a little parlysed. Also, the feeling of having traveled somewhere. I could call those “Heavy Dream” nights. Or if I can maintain awarness, I will call them out of body nights. Take the time to explore.