The Holding-your-arm-upright Technique

I have been trying on and off for months to have a WILD again, but no such luck.

Then I thought about the method where you hold your arm upright, and I thought that maybe that could be the key. I came up with an idea for a technique which could go like this:

1 - Sleep for 5 to 6 hours.
2 - Breath slowly and deeply until body completely relaxed again.
3 - Once relaxed, position arm upright.
4 - Focus on keeping arm upright.
5 - Everytime I temporarily nod off and arm falls slightly, re-posistion arm and keep holding it there.
6 - Begin to focus on blackness behind eyes.
7 - Wait for any images to appear behind eyes
8 - Focus on any image that appears.

Does this sound like a good idea?

Thanks in advance.



I dont know,guess have to try it:)
Just a thought tho-theres very similar method- holding bunch of keys in your hand a little bit out of bed.When falling asleep your grip will loose causing keys to fall on the floor making some noise.

That would not work for me because after 5-6 hours of sleep I could barly doze off again…but I’m going to try the "arm upright " technique tonight…to get an OOBE :smile:

They keys thing sounds like a good idea, except for the fact that I’m worried that I might disturb my parents in the next room. My mum tends to be a light sleeper, and often seams to get woken up by the slightest sound.



You could use something else…something softer…hmm i dont know.A coin maybe?hehe depends what floor u have there
How about little cup of water on your forehead?:slight_smile:

Hmmm…well it’s all certainly food for thought. Thanks Jack.

