The importance of writing down your dream right away


          I am just going to tell you guys why it is important to write your dream down right away AND keep a light.   This is a story that happened to me a couple days ago.  So a couple days ago i didnt have time to write my dream down right away so i just put a couple brief topic words to help me remember later.  And so i did that.    Later that day i forgot to write it down....  And before i knew it i was asleep later that night.    I woke up in the middle of the night to try to WBTB and i didnt have any light in my room and i started writing down the dream i remembered.   I finished, put it back, and layed back down.    And then when i was just about to fall asleep when...   I remembered.

                 I quickly turned on the lights, grabbed my DJ and turned to the right page.   I looked in sadness in what i had just done...   I had just written my previous dream exactly on top of the brief description from the one of earlier.  It literally looks like what would happen if you printed a paper out then put it back in the printer and printed a completely different paper on top.   LUCKILY  i remember the words from earlier and was able to write down that dream.    I then re-wrote the other one.    I was now extremely tired and i fell asleep.   I woke up in the morning, opened my dream jornal, and just laughed at my clumsiness

i have done this! :grrr:
i scribble notes as to not awake myself up too easily for i find it hard to get back to sleep afterwards

voice recordings would come in handy i suppose

Meh, it’s not about the imporatnce of writing down your dream right away, but about the importance of not trying to write down your dreams in the middle of the night without a light :tongue: .

Now I personally never write down my dreams right away (If I’m actually keeping up a DJ that is). I think about them for a bit in the morning and write them down at night, which is a great boost for recall in the morning. I do have a pretty good memory though.

I probably made a lot of trees die in vain, by always wanting a fresh page in my DJ, no matter how short the previous dream was recorded. I keep the pen or pencil in the book, like a bookmark for that fresh page, and that’s what I write on in the dark.

Of course, sometimes my writing is indecipherable, so maybe that’s not much better :tongue: But if I turn the light on I’ll wake up too much to chain…

yeah i allways keep my pen/pencil on my page too helps dramatically but i dont have a fresh page for each dream tho… my first book is almost full now yeah i know whatchya mean sometime i see my writing and im like waaaaa?? hahaha

a thing i also always do is mark at the top for instance of if i slept over at someones house that night…

This used to happen to me quite often (it still does sometimes) when I was too lazy to turn on the light.
My favorite variation is the line of text written diagonally down the page with the last 10 letters written over each other, and a seemingly unrelated random word off to the side :tongue:. At least it makes for an entertaining start to the day.

Man, you are lucky. If I don’t write my dreams down sometime in the morning, all I have are fragments to piece together in the evening. My memory is generally pretty good, but I apparently just try to remember too much stuff :smile:.

probly my biggest fail tho was my first night with a dream journal. I woke up in the middle of the night because my phone fell on the ground and i was so excited cuz i remembered a dream. I then wrote it down and went back to sleep. This basically counted as a WBTB but on accident and i had my first lucid dream!@!!! i opened my DJ in the morning and found out the one i wrote in the middle of the night… didnt write at alll… the pen was out of ink haha so i wrote down my lucid dream but thankfully i remembered the dream later :smile:

Well, mind you I do go over them in the morning, I think that’s the trick. I just lay in bed for a while trying to recall as much as possible and extracting every detail, just like you would if you write them down in the morning. This puts them in my memory, at least for the day, so I can write them down in the evening, which is better for recall then reading them I find.
I do have to write them down that day though, for if I leave it for the next I loose most details. So I guess I save it in my internal memory, which is cleared during shutdown at night :tongue:
I also find it helps to think about your dreams a few times during the day… just go over them if you think about it to make sure you still have all the details. It helps you remind them for the evening.

I don’t have time to WBTB and i don’t wake up in the night so it’s normally bright when i write in my DJ so luckily I’ve never had this happen, lol

Thanks for elaborating. I may give this a try and see if it helps my recall as well :grin:.

Good thing summertime is here! It’s daylight all the time. From 6am to 10pm.
I hear you on the scribbling down notes over other notes. I did that myself a few months ago"/ I was quite mad because I lost a lot of details (I wrote with a ballpoint pen to boot!).

haha, i’ve done that a couple of times, but usually i’m still able to decode even the two layers into two separate dreams :smile:

That being good? :eek: I prefer wintertime since its easier to sleep and recall dreams and its dark almost entire day around :razz: light actually lowers my DR :tongue:

Light is also really good if you’re like me, and likely to scribble when tired. I have to rush very quickly to get my dream down, or else it totally disappears (Unless it is really memorable.), so if I can get anything down at all, I’m very happy