Just found this and thought about sharing. Excellent read. I wonder if this can be used to help LD’ing (I thought about posting in Quest, but meh, just a topic about yawning is good enough).
PS: I dare you to read this and not yawn.
PPS: I’ve just read the word “yawn” so many times that it doesn’t sound like a word anymore
All I knew about yawning beforehand was that Morgan Freeman said that it helps to deepen your voice
Also, it says in the article that some people say they cannot yawn deliberately, only after 5 or 6 fake yawns. I find this strange, as I can yawn whenever I feel like it, how about you?
Very great read! I will try to adopt (manipulative?) yawning for all kinds of things as it sound really useful.
Oh, and Moogle. I’m not sure about LDing, but when he talks about yawning helping memory recall, it gives me an idea about improving DR. I’ll make sure to yawn whenever I get stuck on what happened when.
I almost forgot to check this, I’m glad you liked it
Yeah, I can yawn at will. I feel like if I force 5 or 6 yawns I’ll just then get a super deep yawn.
And I wonder about yawning while IN a LD, never done that, or ever felt the need. I’ll try to remember. Imagine if you’re brain goes into turbo and you have a super awesome LD!
I should try it to get some concentration to try to get lucid now that this heat is making me rot, making almost everything a chore.
I know I wouldn’t actually yawn during a dream so it doesn’t have the physiological effects it would have IRL, but could “yawning” in a LD have any “placebo” effects?
Indeed. I think I did try it this morning, almost forgot that I did. It was low lucidity, though, I don’t think anything happened. I was more focused on doing other stuff