The ‘Keys’ to Lucid-Dreaming

I think motivation and application are both very important. You must actually be doing something to have lucid dreams. Persistence is needed as well, you gotta try until you have them obviously. Keep free of toxins too.

Tonight I will use a timer for the 3rd time…
The timer goes of a couple times and in some way (dunno how this is possible), you become lucid. :eek:
The first time I’ve heard the sound IN my LD, not knowing that it was the timer lol - I was dreaming and was searching my alarm clock to put the sound off. :tongue:
The second time I didn’t hear the sound in my LD -, but at that time I was lucid anyways without doing RC’s.
I hope it will work again next time. :content:

I believe this can be a key too, next to motivation, RC’s, placebo’s, etc. :smile:

One of the things that happens to me a lot is i become uninterested in lucid dreaming for whatever reason. The other day i started my “What to do in my lucid dreams” list. I feel these kind of activities keep you interested and motivated. so far i have 70 different ideas. its good to elaborate. like if you put "go into movies " i think you should also maybe list the movies you want to go into and also elaborate on what you want to do in them. Another thing is to come to sites like these to discuss lucid dreaming. While awake it may be difficult to grasp how amazing it can be. keep at it, its awesome.

hey, eeee1! :grin:
just wanted to say: that’s a really great, helpful tip.
although I have no problem with keeping my interest “alive” at this point, as a former psychology student and generally lazy human being, I’ve always dreaded the idea of a dream diary or consistent sleep schedule :no: … probably because I’ve never had the patience to keep doing what I was doing until something really amazing happened…like realizing the goals i set for myself. ha! gotta keep the eyes on the prize and (attempt to) enjoy the process :yes:

thanks for sharing :good: