I’m highly motivated. I’m also very patient, even if I don’t have an LD I have a lot of fun just thinking back on the NDs I had that night! My motivation comes from the sheer possibilities that exist from having an LD. There are so many things that I’ve always wished I could do, now with the prospect of Lucid Dreaming, these things are completely possible in my own dream world. This for me is the greatest thing since I got a computer!
So true, I was really motivated when I first started, and had some LDs but now, I still trying to keep motivated, and have one, but its not going to good…
I am really motivated and willing to work hard to get LD’s, but I do not literally want it, I just really would like it. So I get tons of LD’s if I get enough sleep, even if I do not use RC’s, WILD, MILD, WBTB or anything like that. Imagine how many LD’s I would get with using those techniques.
But it comes with a downside. I am still really bad in maintaining lucidity.
How do you do that?
You said that motivation is so important. I still can’t understand why for about 5 years I’ve already had plenty of LD’s not knowing what LD is. I did not do any practises as I just didn’t know anything about it. Finally, a week ago I accidentally found an article about it and discovered that this is exactly what I’ve got. Now I want to have more of them, because naturally I have about 2-4 LD’s in one month. I want to learn how to call them up.
Believing. If you don’t think you will have a lucid dream you most likely won’t.
Hello, LD4All. I’m back after a VERY long absence (2.5 years!!!)
When I think back to when I was first starting to LD, the thing that helped me the most was the dream journal. I think that it’s emphasized at the beginning to record your dreams to increase recall, but then it seems like after a few weeks and a few dreams being logged, one just scraps the journal and advances to trying to lucid dream. I found this forum in February 2005 and started the dream journal and reality checks, and continued recording and RCing as much as I could. I also had a calendar by my bed that I used to track how many FA’s, LD’s, WILD’s etc I had during a given night. By the end of May 2005 I recorded 43 LD’s for that month – just 3 months after starting the whole LD thing. So the key, for me it seemed, was just continuing to keep a dream journal. In June '05 as I prepared to leave Canada for 2 years I was so busy with things that I could no longer afford to track my dreams at night, and my LD’s have plummeted ever since. But after a long slumber, I plan to get back into it again.
Welcome back Skidzz, even though I don’t know you . I hope you will get back on track with your Lucid Dreams.
Ontopic: Keys, hmm, I believe that the key is believing too
I don’t know you Skidzz, but welcome back!
Keys for me are the followings: Motivation and Believing. Dream Journal is also a useful thing! I really think that If you want to have an LD you have got to say to yourself that " I will get a LD tonight. " not " I wish I get a LD tonight. "
But that’s my way to play this game.
WB skidzz ,(ok, thats a bit late ) …
a big “key” is also training ones imagination (if i make imagination execises … aka daydreaming i have much better recall the next night )
So if you just tell yourself that you’re going to LD then you’re more likely to do it? I can never seem to do reality checks at night. I do them in the day but I guess it’s not carrying over. Are there any other things I could do?
It’s been a few weeks since I found out about LD. And I am still as motivated as I was when I started. Also: I used to be a bad sleeper. Sometimes it took me 1-2 hours just to fall asleep. But since I started working on LD, I sleep a lot better (longer and I fall faster asleep). So even if I only have had one LD of a few seconds, it already helped me IRL.
I also meditate from time to time, and do excercices to train my Will (which I have never done before I started with LD). This also helped me IRL. I have ADD (some sort of attention impairment), so I find it hard to keep my mind focused on something. But thanks to the meditating and all that stuff it’s now easier for me to stay focused on things. All these things keep me motivated.
Exactly. Just thinking of the infinite possibilities gets me motivated.
Reading DJ’s of great LD’ers and other cool experiences people have helps too.
Although, I think one of the things that really helps is success. Having a LD really helps me get even more motivated, to try again and to get better. So it’s kinda hard really, for a beginner or anyone else who doesn’t have them that often, to always stay motivated.
I was one of the lucky ones, I guess. I had a LD the first night I tried. But if I had tried for a month or two without results, that would probably lower my motivation…
I know I’m not really saying anything useful here but, I guess I just want to say that at the beginning it’s worth working hard and having patience and perseverance. You “just” have to get the snow ball rolling…
Easy to say, I know…
More likely…I’d say so, telling yourself that you will helps with belief; not to mention that it is more times you think about LDing during the day.
As far as keys I firmly believe that confidence/belief plays a HUGE role, especially with suggestion technqiues. Once you have convinced yourself that you WILL have LD’s from the technqiue and “know” it you’ll be at the threshold of having LD’s at will. Obviously, practice and repetion help one reach this level of confidence, but the confidence is the goal.
WILD type techniques aren’t quite as much belief oriented; they require practice/repetition to help you learn the moods and state of mind you need to be in to reach the dream state; additonally practice helps one learn/master other aspects such as entering the dream.
I agree, i’ve noticed how interesting my dreams are recently. I know I will have one sooner or later!
i get my motivation just by daydreaming. i will daydream thati am doing these amazingly fun things like flying and doing magic after that i will be super motivated.
hello guys,and greetings from Croatia.
I have one question.i studied all tutorials,and i am very interested in having LD.i know thta took lot of time,dedication,and practce.i made Dj before 3 weeks,and I see some improvements in recalling dreams.I am patient,and I know that cant come in day or two(week or two) and i wont give up so easily,especially now when I see improvements.
Yesterday i ried WBTB method for first time.i woke up in 7,and then read forum,and my only thing on mind was LD.After about 30 mins i went back to bed.First problem I encounter was time until i fell asleep.It took about half hour to gain that peace in my body.I practice 61-point method for relaxing(tough only 31,cause i am still newbie in all this).I feel strange,and I can tell that i was on good path.I felt some warmth and some strange feelings.i was mantring “i am aware” whole time,but it slips on the end.But still,i had weird dream,ful of signs to be aware of sleeping.For example,i was dreaming my friend who gave me mine digital camera,and,in RL i dont have digital camera.now,my question is,is there any method to be more aware of that kind of signs in dreams?i use RC in Rl often,and i am working on that,to make them more often.But how to be aware of some non-realistic stuations in dreams,what i got plenty?..
I hope u did understand my question,beacuse my english is not so good.
I hope my next reply will be my first expirience with LD.I can feel it I am relative close…
Thanks for help!
I am completely obsessed as well and from this sight it is amazing how many LD’s I am having now!
I don’t usually sleep on my back but since I have been practicing LDing I’ve noticed that most if not all of my LD’s happen on my back while counting my breaths as I fall asleep.
I try hard to get lucid dreams, but Im just not very motivated so when i dont get any results i tend to get annoyed and just fall asleep.
For me, remembering my dreams, writing in my DJ and having more and more vivid dreams gives me the motivation to work hard for LD’s.