before i fall asleep and dream, i usually have a lot of things going on in my head. is the last thing that im thinking about before i fall alsleep the thing that im going to dream about?
that is ment to be the idea of it although i have found that is not the case for me, you may find your self on a diffrent path from mine. my dreams ussaly come with what i am thinking about with the most feeling behind it, if that makes any sence. what do you normally dream of and what do you normally fall asleep with on your mind? in there lies your answer
If you have a lot of things going on then I would think you’d have a chance of dreaming about all of them, or maybe what is most important.
I often read that the last thought on your mind is likely to be the inspiration for your first dream, but I don’t know. I don’t really see how that would work. After all, there’s a huge gap between falling asleep, and having your first dream each night, and I doubt the mind “freezes” in place during that time and resumes the same train of thought when the REM cycle begins. Perhaps it has something to do with memory. The last thought you had is probably also going to be the strongest (most recent) memory in your mind, and dreams are supposedly based on memories. I find it’s more likely that I’ll dream about the significant events that happened during the day, or that I’m expecting to happen in the near future.
The one exception to this is WILD. Since this technique implies that there’s no time between conscious thought while awake, and conscious thought while asleep, it’s only reasonable that whatever is on your mind while using the technique will carry over into the dream once it emerges.
exacly, many people like pedro say that they can think of something, then rigth away dream about it using wild. they dont need rem to dream.
Once when i went to bed i started feeling realy paranoid and started thinking about someone breaking in and getting me. I couldn’t get the thought of my mind and that night i had a nightmare about being in my house and getting grabed and draged away by someone so unfortunatly it worked for me
Lucid love maybe they do need REM to dream but the gap between being asleep to REM goes in a milli second because time is irelavent(excuse my spelling)when you sleep and that is why the WILD technique appears that you do not need REM period to dream.
Just a thought. C_mon
I don’t use WILD, I use VILD. And C_mon is correct, the gap before reaching REM is not noticed and it appears that a dream starts directly from the thoughts when awake. It’s not that REM is not needed.
We have parts of our brains which keep things in certain orders in our memory. If you knew you were going to get $1,000,000 2moro it would be kept very high up in the order. If you were told to buy cheese 2moro then it would probably not be as high. Therefore there is a bigger chance that you will dream of the $1,000,000 as it is higher on your goal list. It’s because the higher things are never too far from your mind and can be brought to the surface easier… Hence them appearing in a dream. By the next day you would probably have forgotten completely about the cheese…
When you are thinking of something a lot right before you go to sleep it puts the thing high up the list. Coz it’s currently being focused on by the mind therefore it needs to be high up to keep the attention span going. So it will be easy to bring it to the surface and thats why you often dream of what you were last thinking about.