The LD Achievement List Project (Beta List)

I decided that it would be better to have a separate thread from the original one
for voting purposes.
Original thread: LD ACHV PROJECT

The Beta List has been choosen

1- Alien/E.T.*
2-Mirror Master/ Mirror, Mirror.*
3- Dream Lover
4- Inside Interpreation
5- Lucid thinker
6- Cling, Cling, Clang/ Katanas are just better…*
7- Show me the way
8- Rock On
9-Back to the future
10- Look-in-the-sky

*Titles w/ additional suggested titles that need to be decided on which 1 to stay.

P.S. siiw
I’m going to include 14 more in deffault mode. These don’t need any voting for they are LD rankings/techniques/streaks etc.

My Top 10s:
1 Burst-my-Bubble
2 Landscape-Artist
3 Inside-Interpretation
4 Laberger
5 Literally Literate
6 Lucid-Thinker
7 Dream Lover
8 Moviegoer
9 Tourist
10 Look-in-the-sky


But I’d suggest we change some of the names and descriptions to be a bit more formal… things such as changing
“Create a clone of yourself and talk, fight, whatever you want to him…or yourself.”
“Create a Clone of yourself and interact with it”

And also merging certain achievements (School and payback?), or making them more generic (School one is a bit to particular). Also, I’d suggest splitting the night and day from the weather, those are two different things.

One last thing: The do-gooder should have some time limit, for example, a minimum of a ten second LD, so that you won’t have a single second LD and you will do nothing in it, so you will be a “Goody good”

Thanks Twilightdreamer,
for participating and for the advice. :smile:

My Top 10:

  1. Soldier
  2. Gamer
  3. Show-Me-The-Way
  4. Rock-On
  5. Pay-Back
  6. Blast-from-the-Poast
  8. Shape-Shifter
  9. Weather-Wizard
  10. Show-Off

Comments: I’m actually really interested in this now. It gives me an idea on what to do in a LD. Good thinking!

Yeah and thanks for participating, it will get more interesting w/ the artworks and stuff.
BTW, I need between 15-25 achievemts (depending on the outcome) to have 2 votes or at least have a reasonable voted achivements.

I don’t know about this, but i think this project isn’t going anywhere. I know there a still few ppl interested, but i mean, there have been only 2 users that have voted here, and there hasn’t bee much help to the project since started.
I don’t want to be negative, but if this is the feedback when we haven’t got to the beta phase…

Is it that most ppl are not interested, does they know the essence of the project by any means? i mean, hello such a great project and such a poor response. I’m not sure if i should continue this. :sad:

Note: If by next monday this voting thread hasn’t enough votes, i’m going to cancel the project or at least put it on pending for further request.

Actually, I belive people just don’t feel like reading right now. Remeber, it is not Vital that you post ten favorites, it is enough to post less if you don’t feel like rating more than five.

I think these are awesome objectives, Adventura. The entire project sounds ambitiously fun, actually… It reminds me of the Skill Points feature in the Ratchet & Clank video game series.

It was a bit difficult choosing my top ten objectives, and they’re not in a specific hierarchial order other than what caught me first, but I think I have a definitive list:

  2. Face-Your-Fear
  3. Mirror Master
  4. Inside-Interpretation
  5. Show-Off
  6. Meet-Me-There
  7. Show-Me-The-Way
  8. Dream Lover
  9. Lucid-Thinker
  10. Man-On-The-Moon

Adventura, I noticed a lot of your objectives from the list could be combined, as Twilight proposed…

…I suppose I have time to offer up my own advice on what could possibly be combined…

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 59, 61, 73
6, 13, 57, 62
8, 9, 83, 84
10, 12
11, 18, 19, 20
14, 15, 21, 39, 71
16, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35
17, 55, 56, 67
22, 25, 26, 45
23, 32, 36, 37, 38
24, 42
27, 28, 64
40, 41, 43, 48
44, 46, 72
47, 49, 60
50, 79, 82
51, 52
53, 54
58, 63, 66
65, 81
68, 69
70, 74, 75, 76
77, 78, 80

Hear me out, though. Some of these may seem unrelated somewhat, but the idea I’m proposing is to divide related objectives into general groups, respective. Seeing as some objectives are oddly specific, and would seem out-of-place in their own slot. So, for example, you’ll have a generalized group with object-specific achievements:

I. Everybody Needs Somebody <-- (Group Title)
a) Dream Lover <-- (Specified Objectives)
b) Dream Kisser
c) To-The-Bedroom
d) I Do

I like the names for the achievements, though. Some could stand for a change, and the descriptions could be a bit more formal, too. I’ll PM you a list, to show you…

Thanks, Ang :smile:
But i don’t know how to do what you propose even though is a good advice. I have them in group in my files but here i decided to make them here individually because it’s a headache passing them from a MS word table to plain text.
Do you think you can help me sort them out or do something similar? :wink:

Actually, I belive people just don’t feel like reading right now. Remeber, it is not Vital that you post ten favorites, it is enough to post less if you don’t feel like rating more than five.

Yeah i’m going to lower it to 5 then, thanks for the tip. :smile:

Eh… yeah, I can help, Adventura. Give me until, say, Monday? (I’ll have to fit it into everything else, but it shouldn’t be a problem.)


Thanks and everything but i just started sorting out the list already after you gave me the advice (very anxious), and by monday is that i made the decision of keeping the project or not but thanks really. I just feel like all the burden and is hard.

NOT in this order, but I would like to see these as

7, 54 ,57, 12, 18, 69, 71, 74, 76, 82

It’s hard to pick top ten. After all, i did come up with a great deal of these.
I really like:
1.Mirror master
2.Back to the future
3.My hero
5.Rock on
6.Dream lover
8.No parachute for you
9.Look in the sky

I was happy to help out with the descriptions/titles and i really do hope this project gets going.

Not much help? :neutral: What do you call me? :eh: I gave about 85 or so titles with descriptions!! And you had hardly any help??

You actually helped a lot, also Twilight,Ang,Spartan and the ones i haven’t mentioned.
BUT when i say that there hasn’t been much help, i mean that,

  1. not all that signed up for the project are helping.(but the ones that ARE, THNKX)
  2. For the big community LD4ALL has, few have been involved (at least directly).

But thanks Yohanover,
for all these titles and descriptions.
(BTW: i did some slight changes to them)

No problem! Happy to help.

OK Good News, :happy:
I already have the beta list which are the ones w/ multiple votes.(which are 11)

1- Alien/E.T.*
2-Mirror Master/ Mirror, Mirror.*
3- Dream Lover
4- Inside Interpreation
5- Lucid thinker
6- Cling, Cling, Clang/ Katanas are just better…*
7- Show me the way
8- Rock On
9-Back to the future
10- Look-in-the-sky

*Titles w/ additional suggested titles that need to be decided on which 1 to stay.

P.S. :cool:
I’m going to include 14 more in deffault mode. These don’t need any voting for they are LD rankings/techniques/streaks etc.