The LD Achievement List Project-chck the 1st achv illustrat.

An example of what i want to achieve.

The picture and text part is quite simple. The only complicateion is using the same list of users (Which isn’t very complicated as well, I think)
One problem that does exist is how will people get achievements? Will they add it themselves? Maybe a use of mods?

And one last thing: It will be some time before I could start working.

1.How ppl will get the achievements? i think perphaps by themselves, i’m not very familiar w/ mods but i think that might be the way.
2. Yeah take your time, we still have to make the illustrations and stuff, it’ll take some time before actually making it finished. But i personally, would like to be finished in a month from now.(at least the visual part)

Alright. The only thing that is needed for using users is the approval from Q (and her permission to use the PHPBB tables in it)

I realy don’t know how to create mods for PHPBB.

Well just do what you can, don’t puzzle yourself on this, if i can just get the list itself and get ppl interested on participating that’s enough for me. :cool:
But take your time, but not too much :content:

Now that i’m on this project, do i just post titles/descriptions here?

Well it would be better if you do it offline first and PM what you have done, i’m planning on doing ‘‘chat meetings’’ here on where all of us or at least most of us, discuss the work.

Thanks Yohanover for your samples, :smile:
this project starts NOW!! officially! but i need the art too although i’m gonna start doing my part too. :tongue:

C’mon guys! :cool:

That is a pretty good idea.

Some suggestions for achievements if you need them. I didn’t know what you were calling the awards so I just said ld points…

100 posts
5 ld points

500 posts
10 ld points

1000 posts
25 ld points

Video game Acheivement
Played your favorite video game
5 ld points

Flying acheivement
5 ld points

Thanks Spartan, :content:
do you want to volunteer? :smile:
because if you want to place scoring and stuff i would like you to be a volunteer and
see the achievements in progess so you can know the scoring and stuff.

I haven’t dedicated much time really to the project because of other stuff i’ve been doing but next monday i’m gonna go full w/this and do illustrations a place a sample on the thread cover.

I think i get the Expert Dream Lover award given the content of some of my LD’s lol

but i fully support this project one thing i suggest is make levels of difficulty all of the suggestions so far would be in the lower level except the ones requiring lucid dreaming should be medium level. I myself have done all of these just in my past LD’s so i would definatedly ask for a Hard Level requiring advanced techniques (which i haven’t even gotten close to mastering) lol.

Great idea though i hope we see it come through! :content:

:wink: Well quantum, one of the volunteers and me have done harder achievements, we just haven’t posted them yet. But thanks for sneaking by. :content:

I’m gonna make a voting to choose the Beta phase achievement list which would be
25 out of 50 more or less. So i’m going to make another thread only for voting purposes.