The Lucid Dream Training Centre

I got the idea from seeing another website in which had a Lucid Dreaming crossroads and they had receptionist to help you increase awareness…

So has anyone ever visited a LD training centre while LDing in order to work with their DCs to improve their LDing in the long term?

I have been tinkering with the idea of creating a Training centre with DC trainers who can teach me to get better at LDing in my LDs so that I can train to get better LDs in the Dream state.

I’m curious if anyone has thought of or applied this technique?

I myself, believe this is possible! :smile:

Oh, I’ve thought about it! haven’t been able to yet. well, haven’t tried that hard really :lol: first trying to stay longer in the LD… But I think it’s a greart idea!

I’m gonna set my mind to it, and go there right away in my next lucid dream (Maybe stabilize it first, but just enough to get me there). Let’s make a list of what these training centres consist of and how they work - Of course yours can be any way you want it to, but you might find tips from other people’s.

In my Lucid Dreaming Training Facility* Everything is rock solid and stable. No way this place will fade or collapse.
* Everything is ultra-vivid and looks just as real as Real Life if not more real.
* There is a large open waiting area with a pool, free bar, free massage and a large statue of WritersCube in the center. After checking in and telling the receptionist for how long I wish to stay, I can choose freely from a number of different doors with signs on them. There is Transportation Class, Dream Scape Sculpting Class, Stabilization Class, Class for learning how to Recognize You’re Dreaming, and many more.
* I am, during my stay, accompanied by a Personal Dream Trainer (Anyone but Leonardo DiCaprio) who has studied under my SG and knows me better than I do.
* There is also a room full of Dream Tools and Toys- basically all dream tech I could ever imagine (Literally), just in case I’d ever need anything (from flying cars to digital watches that display dream time, real time and solves mathematical puzzles at the same time).

Let’s hear what your Lucid Dreaming Training Centre’s are like :happy:

Thats awesome how you said that! Your SG knows you better than you do. I would have a theory here, and its quite interesting. You cannot forget, you are also a spirit entity within a physical body, which means that your DG and subconscious also knows knows you better than you do. When you can relate SG like this to DG, you can begin to understand you are as powerful as the SG as well. Because even though your DG and subconscious know you better than you do just like the SG, you are your DG and subconscious at the same time, thus makes you as powerful as the SG. Its just a matter of accessing your DG or subconscious like the SG accesses you, and believe it or not, it is probably easier for you to access your DG or subconscious to use your spirit to help yourself, than it was for the SG to access his spirit then access your DG and help you help your spirit.
Does that theory make sense to anyone else? I cannot confirm this theory, but it just makes perfect sense to me as I say it.

I just feel the SG is the Essence of Me - I like to see my SG as a DG as well, but more to the absolute. But I don’t think I’ve ever really thought of meeting my DG o.O Ooo I’ll make my DG my Personal Trainer :happy:

Theorize this, I believe you feel it is the essence of you, only because we confuse SG and DG. WHY? DG and SG are different, but WE are the same as the SG. Since we are the same, this is the only way DG and SG could be the same. This is where you would then ask, how could DG and SG be the same, but different at the same time. Theorize this, your DG is you, its how you perceive your subconsciousness you know in waking life, to bring consciousness into the dream, this is why when you access your DG, you feel as though your DG makes you in perfect control as the DG helps you, the DG is your spirit helping you. Since the DG is your spirit helping you, it is your spirit helping your real body in WL understand the consciousness of your spirit, through your DG you begins to understand your spirits consciousness, thus control the LD better in time. An SG is a spirit, but its not your own, when an SG helps you it is another spirit doing the same as your DG, the reason you feel the SG is the essence of you, is because you are both powerful spirits. This is where within this theory I would get stuck at this point. If the SG is not our spirit, then where did the spirit come from, is it a spirit that unlocked full spirit consciousness in WL and separated body from spirit allowing him to be a free spirit, or is the SG a spirit in a WL body of a man who unlocked the third eye, and is able to do these things. At this point it could be either or since its all in theory, there could be infinity possibilities.

It’s not quite the same, but my idea is to create a world in which all my dreaming can be effectively managed. Ideally, this world would be like a city, where i could buy things at the Lucid store, and a sandbox where i could experiment with different powers. But this is an excellent idea. I am going to try this. (Once i can stop being a floundering newbie. Again.)

I will have to try that once i get fully lucid

Oh, but I’m not a believer, and therefor I see my “SG” the way I do. I don’t see my SG and my DG as the same, but my SG isn’t anything but Me. We have completely different ideas as to what Spirit Guide means, as that’s perfectly Ok :smile:

Wow, I really liked MovieMe’s training center! :happy: (great touch with the statue! :rofl:) I’ll probably try something close to that.

Haha, when WILD-ing with no success, I decided to turn it into meditation instead - And in this mediation I visualized myself scheduling a time at my LD Training Facility. I told them “If I don’t show up, please do come and get me”. That night; Nothing. But this night (The night after) I was in an ND where I knew I had to be somewhere - I rushed, only knowing I had to be somewhere to exercise, work out or something like that. I ended up on the roof of the building. It was raining and dark. I realized I was already late, so I simply didn’t enter.

When I woke up I was all “DAAAMN, I was there!”. I’ll just have to reschedule.