The Lucid Look

I was in my first day in one of my psychology classes early in the moring. A guy walked in a few minutes late and I clearly thought, “Oh wow, he looks very lucid, I bet he lucid dreams.” -This was such a wierd thought, yet I did clearly think it. As strange as it sounds, he really did, somehow look like a lucid dreamer…

And then few minutes later the professor was asking us questions about what we did this morning. And that guy who I said looked lucid, -
said, “I was trying to grasp my dream, I was lucid dreaming.”
I was surprised about how I knew this. I’m thinking it was just some random psychic experience, or I also really think that I picked up something subtle from him like he had a lucid dreaming aura or something.

After class I said hi to him and told him that I also always try at lucid dreaming. It was nice to meet him, it is very rare for me to hear others talking of lucid deraming, except for here at ld4all and sealife of course.

I’m thinking that I look lucid too, since lucid dreaming is a big deal to me, it is like I hold myself in a way that says, “I lucid dream.”
I wonder?
And I hope this post makes sense to at least somebody. :tongue:


I now just wath ya mean :razz:
It works with nerds 2. Its easy to se a dude on the street and think like “he must be using Linux, otherwishe he would obviosly have shaved this morning” and like if you se a brat you think like "that duude is probably as intelligent as a oversized racoon ".

But im a total exeption :tongue: I dont look much like the big nerd i really am :razz:. No one who met me on da street could ever figure out that i listen 2 gothic mettal :razz:

I’m not sure if i ever noticed that. It might be because i have very slight hints of aspergers though… Then again, i don’t have aspergers. I think i know what you mean though. I see a guy on the street and think, “he must listen to rap” Then again, it could be because there is a large amount of chavs in this country, which always listen to rap and nothing more. I HATE CHAVS!

Wtf is a CHAV

I’m pretty sure you would hate them. They would probably hate you. They hate authority, random people, anything to do with work or intellect, and good music. They only ever listen to rap, which i might add is the worst type of music EVER! They also wear burberry and tuck their trousers into their socks, thinking it looks cool.

… you forgot to mention they all wear tracksuits, wear baseball caps and carry knives… sigh…

That sure is an intresting account Six :content: … maybe like minded people attract each other somehow ?

What’s wrong with knives? KNIVES RULE! Also, not ALL of them carry knives, wear baseball caps and tracksuits. I basically mentioned the chavs I know.

We call those chaps ‘gangstas’ here, because many of them like to listen to gansta rap…but back to the topic…

I know what you mean #six, it seems to me you can sometimes tell soemthing about a person by the way they carry themselves. Most of the time (and I’m not condoning judging books by their covers here :tongue: ) if I get a feeling about a person, I usually talk to them about it and it turns out I was onto something. I think it’s because I know what I’m like and how I look, so I notice similar traits in others :smile:

Great point! I think that is what is going on here. Like it wasn’t really how he looked, it was more like a feeling but I knew it right when I saw him.
Like atracks like…: I believe in this.

awsome insights here.
I think we are meaning the same thing here. How we go about in life and how we hold ourselves is what we project to others. And again, like attracks like. :content:

:content: Same here. It seems people I know or see around school frequently dream of me. :confused:

I think that is so cool, Six! No offense to anyone else in this topic, but I’m not sure if getting a feeling that someone is into a certain type of music (or feeling that they’re a nerd based on their appearance, etc.) is on quite the same wavelength as the sense that Six (sixth sense? :content: ) got about that guy in her class being a lucid person. That lucid feeling seems more powerful…maybe you are what is known as “sensitive”, Six. I can see someone wearing certain attire and guess what kind of music they might listen to but I would call that stereotyping or a feeling based on experience, not genuine insight. Kudos to Six, that must’ve been a great feeling!! And thanks for sharing. :smile:

Thanks Cynster! :smile: Yeah, it really was a great feeling and experience.
This has given me so much more to explore. I actually feel more awake like I want to pay attention to everything that goes on in life. You just never know what types of experiences will come along.

I have been feeling alot sensitive lately and the more I pay attention to my awarness the more “coincidences” that happen in daily life.
Life and consciousness is amazing.


You are truly lucky, Six…I am still having trouble tuning in and paying attention to my awareness instead of my “won’t shut the heck up” inner dialogue. My mind constantly goes from thought to thought to thought and I have trouble shutting it up to live lucidly. :neutral:

Yay !

Someone other than me have this inner dialogue ! :wow:

I hate it , from time to time , playing chess for instance.

And that dialogue wont shut up ! :grrr:

/me says : Im not interested in tibia now , concentrate yourself to the board !! :grrr:

but on topic :

I never have seen someone that is lucid and understodd that he is , but of my “gang” of 3 (not counting me) I foresaw who had LDs , 2 had , 1 didnt :neutral:

It is such a dream to see someone you meet do a RC or something, having one to talk openly with when it comes to dreams :content:

It would be great to be able to spot others who are interested in LDs by just looking at them so you could talk to them about it, like if we all had a big “LD” on our foreheads or something. :tongue:

I would love to see someone doing a RC, that would freak me out (in a good way)! Hmmm…I wonder if anyone has ever seen a DC doing a RC in a dream? That would be weird. You would wonder if someone else was having a true shared dream with you. :content:

Yea I think like minded people attract too :content: … it seems to happen to me quite reguarly … its almost … scary, but in a cool way lol. Like some of my closest freinds are into LDing and similar intrests of mine from when I met them, but I only found this out a couple of years after … I was like “OMG! … you could of told me earlier!”

…maybe its a a bunch of huge coincidences or mass sycronicity :shrug: … but I still think like minded people some how find their ways to each other hehe just my thoughts :content:

Yeah, seeming coincidences like that might be more than coincidences. When I come across things in my life that seem more than chance, I think I must be on the right path. Like when the same theme keeps cropping up again and again. On the other hand, maybe I’m just more aware of things, like learning a new word and then noticing that word everywhere.

I met a lucid dreamer in my tai chi class. I set an intent to ask him some things in my dreams and I had a semi-lucid one where we were talking in this certain area.

then i ran into him there by freak occurence (i’m never usually there that early, but was for yoga that day) and he mentioned that he was interested in lucid dreaming while we were talking.

While I am not overly fond of rap, your comments make it clear that you are too young to have been exposed to Barry Manalow or Liberace.

Eoghan :music:

LOL, or Tiny Tim! Tiptoe through the insanity tulips! :content: