The lucidity challenge - LC1, LC2 and LC3

Current task:

Go to the lucid plaza. If you don’t know what that is, there is a link in my signature that will take you to a page describing it.

Okay, this task is slightly different from the others. Instead of being giving points based on what extent to which you complete the task, I will give you a fixed amount of points for getting to the lucid plaza, and once you get there, there will be several mini-tasks you complete there. Each mini task will add an additional 5 points to your score.

Main task of getting to the lucid plaza = 20 points

Completing mini task(s) = 5 points X amount of mini tasks completed (maximum of 20 points)

Mini tasks)
-Go into the store and retrieve an item from inside, then bring it back outside
-Enter the arcade and engage in one of the activities there
-Go to waterfall island and let one of the up-flowing waterfalls carry you to the top of the rock
-Go to the nexus building and use something there (one of the doors or something inside the building) to go to another environment

Previous tasks:

Day 2) Meet a fictional character in your dream. The character must be from a real work of fiction. Characters from books, TV shows, video games, and other such things are accepted.
See the character, but don’t get his or her attention = 10 points
Get the character’s attention, but nothing more happens involving the character = 20 points
Get the character’s attention and the character says something to you = 30 points
You have an actual conversation with the character = 40 points

Day 1) Your task is to find something with text on it, and memorize what it says, then post it here after waking up. Try to remember at least a sentence of the text.
Read the text, but forget what it says = 5 points
Read the text and remember the basic idea of what it says, but not word-for-word = 20 points
Remember word-for-word less than a sentence = 25 points
Remember word-for-word a sentence or more = 30 points

Task maker: ian1
1: onorm) 30 points
2: TwoSticks) 0 points
3: astraea) 40 points
4: KingMikeII) 0 points
5: Magnus) 45 points
6: SRV73) 0 points
7: Wyvern) 0 points
8: TimeLess) 0 points
9: renshuden) 0 points
10: -=JaSoN=-) 0 points

Well I dont think I completed the second task… :sad:
What did happen though was I was the fictional character! I was Kat from the movie ‘Ten Things I hate About You’ I dont think this counts but I posted anyway.

Fragmented LD (I’ll probably remember the rest later)

I’m flying down the hall of my old school. Flying is a good way to increase lucidity. I don’t remember the task but do it unintentionally. My Art teacher sees me and wants to show me something. I fly over to see what she wants and she hands me what seems to be a white report card like envelope that said Stephanie Bradshaw

Anyway, I dunno if that counts but I remember that.

Task maker: ian1
1: onorm) 30 points
2: TwoSticks) 0 points
3: astraea) 40 points
4: KingMikeII) 0 points
5: Magnus) 45 points
6: SRV73) 0 points
7: Wyvern) 0 points
8: TimeLess) 0 points
9: renshuden) 0 points
10: -=JaSoN=-) 0 points

I’m sorry, but that doesn’t count.

I had a WILD this morning. Last night i didnt get a chance to check out the link about the Lucid Plaza so I decided to complete one of the previous tasks.

I was laying down and got the proper vibrations and kinda got sucked into the dream. I almost got tricked into a FA but i did a RC and i was still dreaming. I go outside and it is daytime. Not exactly sunny but a nice day. I already know im tryin to do the previous tasks because i consciously went into the dream. I dont see anything to read but I a lot of people sitting over on a hill. So i decide to meet a fictional character instead. I go to one of the DC’s and ask “where can i find Achilles from troy”(but for some reason i had Jet li from fearless in my head when i asked). the DC nods towards the bottom of the hill. I look and see someone sitting facing the other direction. I go down to the bottom of the hill and walk in front of him and sure enough it is him. He has a dazed look on his face lol. I called out “Achilles”(even though it was Jet Li :content: (i will be calling Huo from here out because thats who he was in the movie fearless)). He turned to me but didn’t say anything, still with the dazed look on his face :eh: . I think to myself “Oh boy, I get points for conversation and now this guy doesn’t want to talk.” So I asked him to come with me and he gets up and we start walking. “What you been up to?” I asked. “Reshop” :cool_laugh: this is hilarious cause its something that i have to do at my job where i take everything and put it back into place lol. i responded “I just finished doing reshop(the dream before this one was about my job where i was doing reshop), why have you been doin reshop?”. “Cause its been boring around here, there is nothing to protect because nothing happens” he replied.
moments later some guy cause running towards us from the trees in the distance, looks like he is carrying a sword :smile: . Im guessing he is about to attack the people on the hill which is who i guess Huo is protecting. So he starts running towards this character. Im excited cause i actually get to see him fight. Im jogging behind him so im close enough to see the action. Huo is doin all these backflips and twists and the other guy is doin the same thing as they are closing in on eachother. then they end up flipping RIGHT PAST EACHOTHER!! :content: . by this time we are in a forest and the ld goes on for a while longer but this is pretty much where the segment with Huo ends. So I completed the fictional character task the not the text one.

JaSoN: I like that quote from Seeger. Never saw it before. As for my dreams: nothing lucid and can’t remember the many fragments when I awake. I keep on truckin’…

Very good work, JaSoN. You got a very large amount of points. I will post your new score once its 8:00.

Okay. I know its a bit early, but I will post the new task now because I am leaving soon and won’t be home until quite a while after 4:00.

Current task: Enter a picture, television screen, or anything else of the like.
Try to go through, but bump into the picture rather than entering it = 5 points
Get part of the way in, but not get through fully = 10 points
Get through, but end up in a place completely different than in the picture = 20
Get through and end up in the place in the picture = 30 points

Previous tasks:

Day 3) Go to the lucid plaza. If you don’t know what that is, there is a link in my signature that will take you to a page describing it.

This task is slightly different from the others. Instead of being giving points based on what extent to which you complete the task, I will give you a fixed amount of points for getting to the lucid plaza, and once you get there, there will be several mini-tasks you complete there. Each mini task will add an additional 5 points to your score.

Main task of getting to the lucid plaza = 20 points

Completing mini task(s) = 5 points X amount of mini tasks completed (maximum of 20 points)

Mini tasks)
-Go into the store and retrieve an item from inside, then bring it back outside
-Enter the arcade and engage in one of the activities there
-Go to waterfall island and let one of the up-flowing waterfalls carry you to the top of the rock
-Go to the nexus building and use something there (one of the doors or something inside the building) to go to another environment

Day 2) Meet a fictional character in your dream. The character must be from a real work of fiction. Characters from books, TV shows, video games, and other such things are accepted.
See the character, but don’t get his or her attention = 10 points
Get the character’s attention, but nothing more happens involving the character = 20 points
Get the character’s attention and the character says something to you = 30 points
You have an actual conversation with the character = 40 points

Day 1) Your task is to find something with text on it, and memorize what it says, then post it here after waking up. Try to remember at least a sentence of the text.
Read the text, but forget what it says = 5 points
Read the text and remember the basic idea of what it says, but not word-for-word = 20 points
Remember word-for-word less than a sentence = 25 points
Remember word-for-word a sentence or more = 30 points

I talked to a fiction character

Second task, Day Three - 7h30
Selling coffee
In that dream, for some reason I am stonded… I am with my cousin J, A and someone else. We are sitting at a table in some sort of waiting room. We are all very quiet and calm, so A said “We should convince the people around to buy coffee…” They all get up and look for people. On my left is sitting a couple. I ask the guy if he would like ot buy fresh coffee. He asks me “How much caffeine contains each bag/brand… what is the percentage”. I get up and look in a “pantry”. There were 6 bags, the lowest percentage was 0.4% and the highest was 6%. I get back to the couple and tell them they can choose between 0.4% and 6%, for the “caffein concentration”.

[com]I will write the rest of the story tomorrow, I dont have much time now… very busy day today and tonight…

Well, I guess that little dream talk is worth some late points, and I did read something too, is it worth additionnal points, even if I already read stuff 2 days ago??

Good dreams you all![/com]

Task maker: ian1
1: onorm) 30 points
2: TwoSticks) 0 points
3: astraea) 40 points
4: KingMikeII) 0 points
5: Magnus) 45 points
6: SRV73) 0 points
7: Wyvern) 0 points
8: TimeLess) 0 points
9: renshuden) 0 points
10: -=JaSoN=-) 70 points

Onorm, where is the part where you meet the fictional character? If the couple is supposed to be the fictional characters, you need to tell me what work of fiction they are from and what characters they are from that work of fiction.

my bad… I did not know them, and I can’t say if they were from a TV show, book or … They were my brain’s creation… so, that doesn’t count. I will read carefuly the task next time. Promise!

I am off to bed now. I will work on that fictionnal character.

Thx ian

yea it is an interesting quote, i dont even remember where i read it anymore lol

Sorry I’m late to post this…

Current task: Log onto the LD4all forum in your dream, and read any topic in the dream version of the forums, and try to post in it as well.
Log onto the internet but don’t make it to LD4all = 10 points
Make it to LD4all, but don’t look in any topics on the forum = 20 points
Make it to LD4all and manage to click on the link to a topic and look in it, but don’t manage to read anything, or forget what was said in the topic = 25 points
Make it to LD4all and memorize at least one post in a topic = 30 points

Bonus) post a reply in a topic = an additional 10 points

Previous tasks:

Day 4) Enter a picture, television screen, or anything else of the like.
Try to go through, but bump into the picture rather than entering it = 5 points
Get part of the way in, but not get through fully = 10 points
Get through, but end up in a place completely different than in the picture = 20
Get through and end up in the place in the picture = 30 points

Day 3) Go to the lucid plaza. If you don’t know what that is, there is a link in my signature that will take you to a page describing it.

This task is slightly different from the others. Instead of being giving points based on what extent to which you complete the task, I will give you a fixed amount of points for getting to the lucid plaza, and once you get there, there will be several mini-tasks you complete there. Each mini task will add an additional 5 points to your score.

Main task of getting to the lucid plaza = 20 points

Completing mini task(s) = 5 points X amount of mini tasks completed (maximum of 20 points)

Mini tasks)
-Go into the store and retrieve an item from inside, then bring it back outside
-Enter the arcade and engage in one of the activities there
-Go to waterfall island and let one of the up-flowing waterfalls carry you to the top of the rock
-Go to the nexus building and use something there (one of the doors or something inside the building) to go to another environment

Day 2) Meet a fictional character in your dream. The character must be from a real work of fiction. Characters from books, TV shows, video games, and other such things are accepted.
See the character, but don’t get his or her attention = 10 points
Get the character’s attention, but nothing more happens involving the character = 20 points
Get the character’s attention and the character says something to you = 30 points
You have an actual conversation with the character = 40 points

Day 1) Your task is to find something with text on it, and memorize what it says, then post it here after waking up. Try to remember at least a sentence of the text.
Read the text, but forget what it says = 5 points
Read the text and remember the basic idea of what it says, but not word-for-word = 20 points
Remember word-for-word less than a sentence = 25 points
Remember word-for-word a sentence or more = 30 points

I didn’t manage to complete a task but I did become lucid briefly last night. I realized I was dreaming in some kind of supermarket (I saw shelves with food). It only lasted a few seconds though.

Oh crud. I’m extremely late aren’t I? Sorry…

Current task: Get in a car and drive it, then look for roadsigns that mention something that has to do with lucid dreaming. When you see a roadsign like this, follow the direction it tells you to go and see where you end up.

Get in a car, and start driving, but don’t find anything = 10 points
Get in a car and start driving, and see a roadsign, but don’t get a chance to go where it points = 20 points
Get in a car and start driving, and find a roadsign and follow it and get to where it points = 30 points

Previous tasks:

Day 5) Log onto the LD4all forum in your dream, and read any topic in the dream version of the forums, and try to post in it as well.
Log onto the internet but don’t make it to LD4all = 10 points
Make it to LD4all, but don’t look in any topics on the forum = 20 points
Make it to LD4all and manage to click on the link to a topic and look in it, but don’t manage to read anything, or forget what was said in the topic = 25 points
Make it to LD4all and memorize at least one post in a topic = 30 points

Bonus) post a reply in a topic = an additional 10 points

Day 4) Enter a picture, television screen, or anything else of the like.
Try to go through, but bump into the picture rather than entering it = 5 points
Get part of the way in, but not get through fully = 10 points
Get through, but end up in a place completely different than in the picture = 20
Get through and end up in the place in the picture = 30 points

Day 3) Go to the lucid plaza. If you don’t know what that is, there is a link in my signature that will take you to a page describing it.

This task is slightly different from the others. Instead of being giving points based on what extent to which you complete the task, I will give you a fixed amount of points for getting to the lucid plaza, and once you get there, there will be several mini-tasks you complete there. Each mini task will add an additional 5 points to your score.

Main task of getting to the lucid plaza = 20 points

Completing mini task(s) = 5 points X amount of mini tasks completed (maximum of 20 points)

Mini tasks)
-Go into the store and retrieve an item from inside, then bring it back outside
-Enter the arcade and engage in one of the activities there
-Go to waterfall island and let one of the up-flowing waterfalls carry you to the top of the rock
-Go to the nexus building and use something there (one of the doors or something inside the building) to go to another environment

Day 2) Meet a fictional character in your dream. The character must be from a real work of fiction. Characters from books, TV shows, video games, and other such things are accepted.
See the character, but don’t get his or her attention = 10 points
Get the character’s attention, but nothing more happens involving the character = 20 points
Get the character’s attention and the character says something to you = 30 points
You have an actual conversation with the character = 40 points

Day 1) Your task is to find something with text on it, and memorize what it says, then post it here after waking up. Try to remember at least a sentence of the text.
Read the text, but forget what it says = 5 points
Read the text and remember the basic idea of what it says, but not word-for-word = 20 points
Remember word-for-word less than a sentence = 25 points
Remember word-for-word a sentence or more = 30 points

Task maker: ian1
1: onorm) 30 points
2: TwoSticks) 0 points
3: astraea) 40 points
4: KingMikeII) 30 points
5: Magnus) 45 points
6: SRV73) 0 points
7: Wyvern) 0 points
8: TimeLess) 0 points
9: renshuden) 0 points
10: -=JaSoN=-) 70 points

I’m late yet again… Anyway, here is your final task. It will run until the day after tomorrow at 4:00, and then whoever has the highest amount of points will be the next task maker.

Current task: While awake, post a picture that you found on the internet here in this topic. Then, when you sleep, attempt to visit the location that was in that picture in your dream. The picture must be posted before you have the dream.
Don’t have a picture posted here by the deadline = subtract 10 points from your score
Have a picture posted here before the deadline, but you don’t have any dreams involving the picture = 0 points
You post the picture, and enter the location in your dream = 30 points
BONUS) You may try and gamble your points by posting 2 pictures, and then that night attempting to reach both locations in the same dream. Doing so will earn you 60 points, but if you only reach one of the locations, you will only earn 10 points, rather than the usual 30 points.

Day 6) Get in a car and drive it, then look for roadsigns that mention something that has to do with lucid dreaming. When you see a roadsign like this, follow the direction it tells you to go and see where you end up.

Get in a car, and start driving, but don’t find anything = 10 points
Get in a car and start driving, and see a roadsign, but don’t get a chance to go where it points = 20 points
Get in a car and start driving, and find a roadsign and follow it and get to where it points = 30 points

Day 5) Log onto the LD4all forum in your dream, and read any topic in the dream version of the forums, and try to post in it as well.
Log onto the internet but don’t make it to LD4all = 10 points
Make it to LD4all, but don’t look in any topics on the forum = 20 points
Make it to LD4all and manage to click on the link to a topic and look in it, but don’t manage to read anything, or forget what was said in the topic = 25 points
Make it to LD4all and memorize at least one post in a topic = 30 points

Bonus) post a reply in a topic = an additional 10 points

Day 4) Enter a picture, television screen, or anything else of the like.
Try to go through, but bump into the picture rather than entering it = 5 points
Get part of the way in, but not get through fully = 10 points
Get through, but end up in a place completely different than in the picture = 20
Get through and end up in the place in the picture = 30 points

Day 3) Go to the lucid plaza. If you don’t know what that is, there is a link in my signature that will take you to a page describing it.

This task is slightly different from the others. Instead of being giving points based on what extent to which you complete the task, I will give you a fixed amount of points for getting to the lucid plaza, and once you get there, there will be several mini-tasks you complete there. Each mini task will add an additional 5 points to your score.

Main task of getting to the lucid plaza = 20 points

Completing mini task(s) = 5 points X amount of mini tasks completed (maximum of 20 points)

Mini tasks)
-Go into the store and retrieve an item from inside, then bring it back outside
-Enter the arcade and engage in one of the activities there
-Go to waterfall island and let one of the up-flowing waterfalls carry you to the top of the rock
-Go to the nexus building and use something there (one of the doors or something inside the building) to go to another environment

Day 2) Meet a fictional character in your dream. The character must be from a real work of fiction. Characters from books, TV shows, video games, and other such things are accepted.
See the character, but don’t get his or her attention = 10 points
Get the character’s attention, but nothing more happens involving the character = 20 points
Get the character’s attention and the character says something to you = 30 points
You have an actual conversation with the character = 40 points

Day 1) Your task is to find something with text on it, and memorize what it says, then post it here after waking up. Try to remember at least a sentence of the text.
Read the text, but forget what it says = 5 points
Read the text and remember the basic idea of what it says, but not word-for-word = 20 points
Remember word-for-word less than a sentence = 25 points
Remember word-for-word a sentence or more = 30 points

Task maker: ian1
1: onorm) 30 points
2: TwoSticks) 0 points
3: astraea) 40 points
4: KingMikeII) 30 points
5: Magnus) 45 points
6: SRV73) 0 points
7: Wyvern) 0 points
8: TimeLess) 0 points
9: renshuden) 0 points
10: -=JaSoN=-) 70 points

Here is a first location I would try to visit tonigh. Once there, I will ask the name of that girl and see if we can both fit in the “hamack” :smile:

Then, by a teleportation system or in a another dream, I will visit that old place:

For the next week (june 20th to 27th), I will be in Alberta, far from home… so I won’t have access to a computer easily or not at all, so I might not post anything for 7 days.

But, I will ask my brother to check this forum for upcoming tasks and I will keep my notepad next to where I will be sleeping. Hopefuly, I will do one or more task and write the date and dreams details, and post it all whenever I can, or on June 27th.

I’ll be back in the course in 7 days!
good luck you all!

I will try to go here (the Matterhorn)

Task maker: ian1
1: onorm) 30 points
2: TwoSticks) -10 points
3: astraea) 30 points
4: KingMikeII) 30 points
5: Magnus) 35 points
6: SRV73) -10 points
7: Wyvern) -10 points
8: TimeLess) -10 points
9: renshuden) -10 points
10: -=JaSoN=-) 60 points

JaSoN wins! He is now the new task maker. You may begin when you choose, JaSon. Remember, you may change the scoring time and the time that tasks are assigned to suit your needs and fit your timezone. As for me, I think I’ll leave this game for now, and leave an open space for someone else to join.

Task maker: -=JaSoN=-
1: onorm
2: TwoSticks
3: astraea
4: KingMikeII
5: Magnus
6: SRV73
7: Wyvern
8: TimeLess
9: renshuden

Im too busy to be the new task maker, im not sure if i can make solid times. So i am willing to pass off the task maker title. Is there anyone else that would want to do it?

Yea Im really busy at the moment so Im gonna leave and let someone else join :content: I had fun playing though :tongue: