Ok, time zones are making this a mess for me to figure out.
The first challenge was made on Saturday GMT, and the second one is going to be tuesday, so that makes 3 days instead of 2 right?
Also, how will scoring work with the increased time? Do we just take our highest lucidity score and whatever task points we can manage over those days, or is it still scored nightly?
Regardless, I went to sleep shortly after the time of the task post and I just woke up from my very first lucid dream(I think)! I’m not totally sure, because when I woke up, my first feeling was that something was off about myself during the dream, and some of my actions were inexplicable. I think part of this may have come from slipping in and out of lucidity at a few points without really noticing. Nevertheless, I was aware that I was dreaming for almost the entire dream, which would seem to make it lucid by definition.
I didn’t actually see the post though, so no task related events.
[LD]The first thing I remember is having intensely strong knowledge that I was dreaming. I found myself staring at my hands for a fairly long time, noting how the fingers were transparent and how there seemed to be one too many on each hand. As I stared I became more and more convinced that I was dreaming. I then held me a nose for a second and found that I could breathe, at which point I no longer had any doubt and immediately became very excited.
I kept myself together enough to think clearly though. I was in a spacious secluded room and I didn’t feel confident enough to leave, but I wanted to try flying, so I just sort of floated up to the ceiling and hovered around the room. This wasn’t very exciting, but it helped me get acclimated. After a while, I came down and checked outside the door.
The environment warped a little and as I came out I found myself outside an open door to another room. I went inside and found a girl there who seemed to be expecting me. I felt a strong urge to kiss her. She sensed my intention was willing to go along with it, but here expression was completely blank. I touched her on the shoulder and said “You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” to which she simply replied, “I don’t want to.” So I let the whole thing drop and moved on elsewhere.
I lost lucidity for a while here as I soon found myself riding in a car next to a DC I’ll call Su. After a moment, she turned to me and said "There’s not much point in just sitting in this car. You know you’re dreaming, right?"I did another hand check and. . .
became lucid again. I turned to her and say “That’s a good point. Thanks. By the way, would you mind reminding me the next time I’m dreaming?” She agreed happily and I stepped out of the car.
I was now standing in the driveway of my house. There was a door that was split 4 unevenly sized glass panels. The smallest panel was half broken with jagged edges in the middle and the largest one had some writing etched into it, which I couldn’t read. My mother appeared and asked me to bring a handkerchief through the door. I pushed it through the broken panel, being careful not to cut it on the sharp edges. Then she gave me another, much larger one, which I could tell would only fit through the largest panel.
In order to accomplish this task, I decided to turn the glass into a liquid. I motioned towards it with my hand and focused on it. Soon afterwards the entire glass panel started to flow. I pulled the handkerchief through, but as I did so, the letters etched into the panel fell off. I was concerned for a moment, but my mother rubbed the panel with a cloth and the letters appeared once more.
I turned back towards the driveway and saw one of my classmates standing next to a bicycle with a can of “death” colored spray paint. He said provocatively to me, “Hey, does killing bicycles end lucid dreams?” I told him that was ridiculous. As he started to spray the bicycle with the spray paint I felt everything rapidly slipping away and I suddenly remembered that he was absolutely right. Killing bicycles does end lucid dreams! I woke up.[/LD]
Ahh such an amazing experience! Sorry if that was too long. I’ll try to keep it shorter next time.