The Lucidity Pill.

I have heard that when you get in a lucid dream, take a pill and say from now on, all of my dreams will be lucid. Well, I recently had a lucid dream and i tried that and 2 nights later i had another lucid dream, which usually never happens to me. So then I was thinking…why does it have to be in a dream? So I told my brother when he was taking his pills to try the same technique and tell himself that the pills will make him have more lucid dreams and that night he had a lucid dream. So you can placebo your self in real life to have lucid dreams.

yes but you usually know that the pills don’t really make you have lucid, therefore you do not have lucid dreams :sad:

That seems logical, except I think it works better in dreams because IRL, you usually know how the pill will effect you. I guess with a lot of autosegestion, it could work.

Maybe, if you know some one who just started on a new drug, you could tell them (more like trick them into thinking) that that drug gives you a higher chance of being lucid. :tongue:

Placebo effect indeed.

Like Ysim mentioned,
you can actually help people achieving lucid dreams by giving them pills, which contains sugar only etc.
You tell them that the pills actually increases lucid dreams.
Similar what you told your brother exept they don’t know what the pills contains. :smile:

it’s a pity, now i’ve read this I can’t try the technique lol. But it would work quite well.

well maybe you could look for a special “lucidity pill” in your dreams which will cause your SC to make you lucid in other dreams?

It works. Or should I say almost?

I was dreaming, and I noticed I was dreaming and said: “This is a lucid dream!”, but I woke mid-sentence, saying out loud the end.

I believe the waking life lucid pill thing works :happy:

I have a cold, so I took some medicine and used the idea with it.

To achieve true lucidity, you must be stupid enough to lie to yourself and believe it.

But you must be quite clever to be able to do that :wink:

I took some pills IRL and convinced myself that it would give me an LD. It did.
It doesn’t matter if you know it’s a placebo, don’t lie to yourself, tell the truth: you WILL have an LD. :wink:

It’s not a matter of stupidity, it’s a matter of willpower. It’s not like you actually believe the pill will make you lucid. It’s just a way to achieve autosuggestion successfully.

However, if you have enough willpower or something like this you CAN fool yourself. But again, it’s not stupidity.

I see autosuggestion as this:

The mind is a stubborn mule. While usually, somebody would have difficulty budging the mule, this mule through autosuggestion is trying to budge itself, but it resists. It is a contradiction. You either move or don’t move. Faith is what moves you.

Equally ambiguous to the stubborn mule is the phrase, “I tried to contain myself, but I escaped.”

I made that one up. I tried to imagine what or how that would work.

I dont considering it fooling myself. I see it more like giving my subconcious a reason to be lucid. I know that it isn’t gonna affect my body in a way to make me lucid, but we also know that in a dream. There is no way an imaginary pill is going to make you lucid. Its just the belief and the subconcious just seems to believe more in the pill than autosuggestions.

Also another thought. I’ve heard people say that the subconsious is like a little kid in some senses. If you tell a little kid they can do something but it’ll be hard work, than they won’t do it, but if you tell them there is a magic pill they’ll believe it’ll work. that could be what the subconcious is doing.

So maybe your just tricking your subconcious while your concious knows the whole time it won’t really magically make you lucid.

Did you see some of the lucidity pills on some website ?

They say it increase lucidity a lot but I dont believe it and even if it does its more rewarded to do it without and after a month your addicted to theses pills.

Well, I’m a dumbass.

I tried it last night 5/22/06 and I had a lucid dream. The best so far. My 7th one. I completed this moon’s quest (Join the Party)!

First that pill needs to appear to me in a ND to give me a LD! I need someone to sneak into my dream and slip it into my drink, I think! :content:

The pills are probably placebo. You can use whatever vitamins you’re already buying for the same effect, if you’re good with will power.