The meaning of diseases in dreams

Hey there,

At the moment I often dream about having a disease, or someone else has one. Often cancer like things, lumps and such. This night a liver disease.
I was wondering, because before I almost never had that, in what way do you think can dream diseases be explained?

I have some thoughts about it.

  • One is that it might actually point at a real problem in the body. It might not be exactly what the dream is about, but something out of balance in the body.
  • One is that it is simply caused by having worries about the health of the body
  • And one is that it is symbolic, telling the dreamer about some emotional, mental or spiritual imbalances or blocks by showing parts of the physical body being unhealthy. If this is it, what would for example a disease in the liver mean. Or what would a cancer growth in the stomach or hand mean.

The dreams unsettle me a bit, so I am curious.