The steps-
Picking a song-Picking a practice-Picking an execution.
You go in this order.
Picking a Song-
This one is universal. Pick a song that you have either-
A. Never heard
B. A song that you do not have associated with any particular activity.
Make sure that you like the song, and that You can recall it from memory, and that you don’t mind listening to it for a few times in a row.
Picking a practice-
A.Put the song on, in your room, with no one around, and just sit there doing reality checks, and telling yourself to be lucid. Do this for about 2 times of the song playing.
B. Find a subliminal about being lucid and watch it while listening to the song.
Picking an execution-
A.Think about the song falling to sleep, concentrating on nothing but the song.
B. PLAY the song on your stereo or headphones while going to sleep.
What I"m hoping is that your mind will associate Reality checks and lucidity and awareness with the song that you chose.
Anyways, please try this for a while, and then post your results in this format-
“My name is _____.
The number of Lucid dreams I had weekly prior to doing this method is _.
The Song I chose was ____.
The Method of Practice is _____.
My method of Execution was ____.
The number of Lucid dreams I had weekly after doing this method is _.”
You don’t have to quote it exactly. Just make sure all of this information is here.
I figured I should do this right now, and I’ll edit it later.
My name is Nick.
The number of lucid dreams I had weekly prior to doing this method is 0.5.
The song I chose was Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb. I chose it because I downloaded it once because a friend recommended it, and hadn’t really listened to it yet.
The method of practice I chose was listening to the song while doing RC’s and thinking about going lucid.
The method of execution I chose was playing the song on headphones while going to sleep.
The number of Lucid dreams I had weekly after doing this method is __.
I tried something similar to your idea a few months ago. I picked a song and whenever I heard that song on the radio or I listened to it on my computer I did RC’s. Then I used a program on my computer to automaticly play that song a couple times after I fell asleep.
I didn’t have that much luck with it, but I might start trying your idea this week.
[BTW- “Mold” = “Musical Oriented Lucid Dream”? Just wondering.]
umm, i dont know if this is related to this topic but i might aswell try
this morning i woke up to my stereo playing a cd, alarm clock type thing anyway i drifted off to sleep and could still here the songs perfectly, and in my dream they were on this dodgy radio and i listened to all the cd, even had the tunes in my head wen i woke up
so i thought that was kool
maybe if i associate the songs with RC’s i will be lucid
your method worked! i picked a song from my brothers library of music that i did not reconize but liked, worked wonderfully, and my LD had the backround music of the song, it was so funny, hahahah.
Cool! Please post it in the format after like, a week, or you can post now and update it.
I forgot to mention that the reason you have to like the song is that not only will you be hearing it for a while, but there is a chance that you will be hearing it in your dream, so…
Anyway, I’ve been wanting to test this for a long time, and I’m glad I finally got to. I should start trying it now too.