the moon

staring at the moon for an hour at night seems to greatly enhance imagination

makes one very emotional, fluid, soft and serene

greatly enhances HI.

I must say, you’ve got a lot of patience :smile:

I wouldn’t be surprised, but to do that I would have to move my headboards and stretch my neck weird to see anything.

Ditto. The crick in my neck would bother me after just a minute! :content:

I used to do that when I was little, only it wasn’t the moon it was a street light shadowed by trees. It had a very similar effect. I’ll try it tonight :content:

When is the Harvest moon. September, or October? Its my secound favorite moon, blue moon being my favorite. Ill stair for an hour at the harvest moon. This is the most magical time of year. Late summer early Fall. I know my dreams will notice it as they do every year.

First the sun, now the moon! Great! thanks for telling us . it helps a lot. :grin: i will definitely try it.

ever fall asleep looking at the moon?

they say its bad but idk why.

That seems relaxing…

I have a crappy view from my bedroom window, so I can’t really try it. If I could, I definitly would.