I have been told that the moonstone is the stone for lucid dreaming and can be made into an elixer. I thought I would try it for fun . Here is the recipe.
Take the moonstone making sure it is cleansed before you do anything with it.(you can cleanse it overnight on a bright moon in a geode cluster or by itself somewhere soft, washing it in water will work okay as well). Put the stone into a bowl filled with fresh water.
Put the bowl outside, in the moonlight(sun down). Leave it their overnight for 12 hours.
When 12 hours have passed and it is almost sun up. collect the bowl and remove the stone.
Make sure the water is still clean, removing any bugs or dust clumps. Then add a bit of 50 % vodka or brand. To preserve it.
Pour the elixer into a sealable bottle, and store it in a dark cool place. The Moonstone Elixer is ready.
You can try the Elixer by drinking it, applying it or bathing with it before bed. I’ll post results soon.
darxide, anything can give you a lucid dream as long as you think it will any kind of ritual, special food or drink before sleeping can set the mind for a lucid dream, when lucid dreaming is its purpose.
Well, here’s how it went. I tried it 2 times. The first night I had a vivid dream. I was standing in a parking lot and questioned myself if this was a dream but I doubted myself, but I realised I had a big blue blanket that turned into a parachute, it was a windy day and it opened wide and round, I was enchantedly swept into the air, but wasn’t to high, only about 2 meters off the ground. I then realised I was being swept close to a busy road with a bridge overpass. The Parachute got caught on the bridge. I became worried, then it ripped and I fell up…which made no sense but it was a dream. The second night, I had a fuzzy dream, and recalled barley anything. I think I will keep on trying though… …thank you Siiw and LogicGate for explaining its trick in mind setting.
But yeah, I’m really interested in using stones and stuff. My birthday is coming up somewhat soon so I’m thinking I’ll get my parents to buy some ebay stones. >D I’m aware that it’s a placebo but doing rituals and such is a huge rush and I <3 it. I’m glad the moonstone sort of helped. Even if it doesn’t always help with Lucid Dreaming it’s nice to use different stones for other things like protection and all that. It’s fun stuff. :B
I love gemstones, rocks and crystals so I try to incorporate them with everything I do. And I like to beleive and do beleive they have metaphysical properties and energies. I just love to hold the new Angelite stone I got it feels so soothing. I too find it very fun AprilxUkoto!