The pillow and the dreams

Two nights ago i had a very strange but yet intriguing experience. So i came home and was very tired so i decided to take a shower and then go straight to bed(no ld4all). After i took the shower i went in my room and laid on a new pillow father bought. It was kinda hard but nonetheless i laid on it because it felt soft at the moment. Father was in my room looking for something but i wasn’t paying attention. He kept asking me questions so i kept falling in and out of HI and HH. Finally talking ceased and sleep took me. Woke up about five hours later to drink some water. Then i went back to sleep and had a chain of extremely vivid dreams, crazy lucidity :grin: Downside was no dream control at all :cry: . Tried to fly several times, went up and fell down. Tried teleporting,walked in a circle. So i just explored the dream scape. Everything was EXTREMELY vivid, i even saw small cracks in the buildings. So i started to wonder upon awakening if it was the pillow that made this happen :bored: It might sound silly but in life many silly things are true. Then i tried to prove my theory and then slept on my softer pillow which resulted in low lucidity and good amount of clarity and dream control :eek: I want to know what you guys think.

Well as far as I know if you do WBTB you can go straight into a REM phase in which dreams are naturally more vivid. So you probably hit just the right spot for waking up?

You mean, a hard pillow makes dreams more vivid?

for him, it did, it seems. I think he is wondering if any had similar experiances by changing their bedding, matresses, or pillows.

That’s it.

That´s so weird, I had a very vivid LD last night, and I slept with two pillows. I have a cold so I used it to get higher up. Hmm.

There are many people around here that believe that they have better lucidity when they’re sleeping uncomfortably. o.o

I don’t think it was the pillow that did that. It was probably the waking up after 5 hours and then going back to sleep. I usually get really vivid LDs when I do that.

I agree with Eilatan, whenever I am sleeping uncomfortably or in a different bed I have not only more vivid but lucid dreams.

When I sleep uncomfortably I wake too often for any dreams to happen :sad:
although waking up, staying up for a little while and going back to sleep works wonders on lucidity. You must’ve fell right into a good REM phase; the same sometimes happens to me.
It also could be a placebo effect if you’ve read somewhere that sleeping uncomfortably makes you have better dreams :razz:

When I sleep with something over my eyes (to block outside lights, which makes it easier to WILD and etc), I can, sometimes, feel that over my head/eyes while dreaming. That helps me to become lucid, but also, sometimes makes my vision blurry in there.

Hmm… Well idk if that has to do with your pillow, but I’ll test the theory tonight :wink: weird… My dreams are almost always super vivid. It is the weirdest thing. My dreams are strange random and incredibly vivid almost every night. I talk to my friends and they think I have some of the weirdest dreams out of anyone. Like all dreams are strange but mine are like… Idk how to describe it it’s just weird. Anyone else?