The Positive Energy Fundraiser Thread

Yeah! Positve energy all the way!

Always look on the bright side, no matter what.
Meditation helps pretty much, I’ve been meditating for about 2 months(not each day, but hey at least something!) and it’s just fantastic. Going to do more of that.

My stress problems just vanished away by meditating.

I wish good luck to everyone on this forum!
Really, I do, because everybody on this forum are so nice! :grouphug:

The situation with the girl is gradually improving but I still have a long way to go. I may get to hang out with her this week so I need it now more than ever. I will be sending some to all of you for your help too :smile:

I definitly need positive energy and I was just trying to send some out to this man that I love… but I hurt him unintentionally because of my own fear and now it has moved him to fear. I am trying to get us past our fears because I believe that he and I can do incredible things together so any positivity sent my way and his would be so much appreciated and you can bet that I will be sending positive energy your way as well. THANK YOU SO MUCH. This means the world to me

Pandorakittie, I’ll be sending you positive energy :smile: I wish both of you the best of luck.

Everyone else, how’s it going? I’ll be sending positive energy to you all too.

/me :hugs: Pandora

You have my best wishes upon you. :smile:

thanks everyone for the positive energy! I know its already helping! xoxo

Hey everyone

I was just checking in to see what’s going on in everyone’s life and if the positive energy is helping out.

This week I have been really concentrating on my friend Joel and sending him positive and loving energy… I was wondering if anyone had any additional tips on this… I sit there and feel the love bubbling up inside of me and then I concentrate on an image of his face in my head… and I believe that its working… but I don’t have any real proof as of yet!

Anyways any tips would be awesome and more positivty sent my way and his would be awesome

(oh and I know that you guys all sent it my way because I just got a job teaching a dance class at this really awesome dance studio… and it wasn’t easy to get… but I really believe that the positivity helped!)



sweet, things went good for me for a while but still no closer to that girl. My birthday is on monday and I am going to the casino, but i will be thinking of her the whole time :smile:

Test week is coming. I know, only study hard will save me, but :roll: any help will do. So if anyone there feels like wishing I get good grades…! :razz:

Well it’s probally over but I do! lol…

A friend of mine could use some good energy right now, he lost his older brother this past week in a mannor that was neither natural, nor accidental. :sad:

/me lights a candle for Mohegan’s friend

This is such an unusual thread! Too bad I stumbled upon it months after it first came into existence. :tongue:

I’m becoming heavily involved in positive thinking/visualizing at the moment, so it was great to see both this topic and The Secret here at the forum.

I know some people think this is silly, and I always used to feel that way whenever my dad would say he’d send me positive energy. (“Gee, thanks. Meanwhile, I’ll actually try to solve my problem.”) But there is real worth in believing in this concept, and I love that there are others here who feel the same way. :smile:

I’m sorry about your friend, Mohegan. I’ll be sure to send some positive thoughts his way.