As I trudged on through the wet marshes on the great ring of the Holy ones, Halo. I could not help but marvel at my surroundings. As I gazed towards the heavens and saw the rest of the great ring I suddenly realized to my great suprise that I was dreaming. As I considered my options I came upon a conclusion: I would stay on Halo and continue my Holy mission.
Basicly my question is whether any of you have roleplayed in you’re Lucid dreams.
Not in the least bit, but I’ve always liked the idea. Having a continuing grand adventure every time you sleep. But I, having mental ADD or something, would likely get bored of it after a while. Maybe I’d come back to it the odd LD or so…
I’ve been in a roleplay setting in a ND. I was in a medieval dungeon and had to escape. I had to kill a giant rat and some prison guards using a dagger and a longbow. It was pretty much just like the beginning of “The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall”, the prequel to Morrowind. Also I found a magic ring, and when I put it on, I saw that I had my class ring on my hand. Didn’t become lucid though.
In another dream I fought in a war between elves and dwarves.
I have tried it a few times. First I was neo. Then I was some weird Jedi who was not evil or good and kicked yoda’s @ss with two double lighsabers (don’t even ask me how THAT happened) Yes it is fun.
I enjoyed the lord of the rings books and movies, maybe next roleplaying I do I will be in middle earth.