Ok i am the usual teen at the usual school with the usual crush on some girl. Now i have noticed in many of my dreams she is in them very often. So i decided to do triggered rc’s when i see her, it is hard but i will get it eventually and do it at a %100 everytime i see her rate. I woke up today and rememmbered that i did an rc after i saw her in my dream(passing her in a corridor nervously) problem was i chose a rc (count fingers) which in rl i ALWAYS expect 5 fingers so when ever i do the 5 finger rc i have 5 =( so im hoping to get the rc rate when i see her up to %100 soon and do a few better rc’s. I am very confident i will get somewhere… So remmember take advantage of anything re-occuring in your dreams. I will post the results when i get them, which may be a while… Good luck to me, and yerr you.
That’s an idea that’s already been done, doing an RC when you see a recurring dream object/person/idea/whatever, but you might already have known that. Try looking at your watch. If you never wear a watch, and you’re wearing one for no apparent reason, then that’s always a positive sign that you’re dreaming. And then look at the numbers etc.
this really helps :
try doing wake back to bed with the intent to have a lucid dream so that you can go Talk to her (( no sex or nuttin,… just talk ))
if you like her That much,… then you will often have LD s since you’d really WANT to talk to her so badly
it worked for me… but i can’t use that anymore cuz im almost over her
good RC : try to do the hold nose RC…
hold your nose and try to breathe,. if you can breath when holding your nose,… your dreaming
How about in real life you try to expect 6 or 7 fingers? Then in your dream you will expect 6 or 7 fingers and youll get it. So whenver you do an RC in real life expect more than or less than 5 fingers.
Blackeyeliner1, I am very angry with that RC. It’s been working very well for me for the past few months… I’d count 6 or 7 fingers in a dream and become lucid. However, now I perform this RC in a dream and count 5 fingers and as a result remain un-lucid. So I’m switching to the watch RC now…
Ok after a few weeks of trying my report on success or failure.
I have recently switched to mainly doing a text read rc on locker numbers. and somtimes more. About 1 week or so of that. Yet no luck, the thing is it’s an immidiate reaction when i see her so i dont understand why i cant be doing it in dreams. I dont have any memory of her in the past weeks or so being in them. Im not sure what’s happening. Oh well so far no luck =(