So i’m lying on my bed, its 3:32 AM, and I’m trying for another WILD. I decided to try a different method of keeping myself awake, because counting was getting frustrating ( I’d keep losing count). I decide to keep myself awake by thinking of anything and letting thoughts go in and out of my mind as quickly as possible. After a couple random thoughts pass, I thought “Why am I not having any progress yet?”.
I decided to keep this thought in my head instead of letting another one come in. I came up with this:
You know when you’re really eager for something to happen? Some special event, a date, a movie, anything you cant wait to happen. Well, that doesnt happen to me with LDs. The thought of an LD only comes into my mind once every few hours, pretty randomly too. Maybe, the reason I’m not having any LDs is because my mind doesnt think of it as a high priority. Maybe if I were thinking of this all day, I would have my first intentional LD in no time.
(By the way, I feel I may have read this somewhere else. If you have also thought of this, feel free to post your thoughts)
I’d say that’s definitely a possibility. Most people have to have a certain degree of motivation in order to have LD’s (varies from person to person). I didn’t start getting LD’s until I thought about it quite a bit during the day, and practiced techniques at night. Thinking about them during the day helps a lot (especially if you do RC’s).
On the other hand, make sure you don’t make yourself want to have LD’s too much, or else you won’t. I’ve seen a lot of people have problems with that. Just stay motivated, think about LD’s a lot, but don’t obsess over them. Hope that makes sense.
so i just started to try LD and i have been doing reality checks and useing this program. I have been doing this for 2 days and now im having problems dreaming, before i started trying for LD i remembered all my dreams. I also didn’t get very good sleep those two nights, could that be it or am i doing something wrong?
That’s weird… as soon as I started this a week ago my DR went up like crazy… and I had my first LD just last night… I guess i’m one quick bastard… lol, but as for your case, did you modify anything in you sleeping pattern when you started trying to LD?
I’m with Shinoda here, before i came to LD4all i only remembered about 1-2 dreams a month, its my 5th day and i’ve already remembered 2! No luck LDing yet, but thats because I’ve only tried WILDs. I know its really hard, but thats what keeps me going, the fact that some people can’t do it, but i (eventually) can.
For the record, I’m not saying anything about superiority, its just my own little motivation method.