The red dot technique?

Moved from the Quest forum to the Beyond Dreaming forum. This forum is dedicated to dream yogas, etc.

This technique is described at … gadrm.html

“Thinking that thou art thyself the deity Vajra-Yogini,
visualize in the throat psychic-center the syllable AH, red of
colour and vividly radiant, as being the real embodiment of Divine
Speech. (Midway between the heart psychic-center and that of the
throat, in a space about four inches long, a tube-like psychic-
organ is said to exist. If the vital force be quiescent within it,
sleep ensues; and if the vital-force be in motion within it, dreams
occur. Hence the visualization chiefly concerns the throat
(10) By mentally concentrating on the radiance of the AH, and
recognizing every phenomenal thing to be in essence like forms
reflected in a mirror, which, though apparent, have no real
existence of themselves, one comprehendeth the dream.”

I have questions about this technique, ever since reading TWOLD. I dont understand exactly how im supposed to visualize he syllable AH. Do i literally visualize the letters in red on my chest? also how do you visualize the syllable on your throat? If anyone could clarify this id appreciate it.

The Ah syllabe is like this in Tibetan.

But as tibetan people understand it’s a bit difficult to visualize for occidental people, they say you can visualize a “normal” A instead. :happy:

I suppose you have to imagine it as it was on your throat or in your throat, but it’s just a supposition.

Why on your chest? In the excerpt you gave, it’s said: “visualize in the throat psychic-center the syllable AH”.

visualize it as you would visualize a crystal that glows red- if you imagine this metaphore-not a source of red,not red itself- just emanating red.

When I did this in the past, I actualy imagined the sound ‘ah’, the sound that monks make when ‘throat singing’, I didn’t know I was actually supposed to be visualizing a character.
Off Topic - Throat singing is when your vocal chords produce one low note, and several other harmonics of that note, like a guitar string plucked while lightly touching the string right in the middle of it’s length.

If you didn’t want to visualize this AH character, you could instead visualize a lotus flower with a flame burning in it’s centre, since a lotus and a flame are probably more familiar images.

The main purpose is just that you are doing it.
Having seen close to the end result and almost the highest energetic teachings, it is the focus of the red dot itself that is important.

To explain it has something to do with spirit. spirit is not your life force energy but is a field with which your life force energies are projected.

Whenever you do exercises like these you are strengthening your spirit and your psychic centers or upper dantien.

For contrast when you do reiki or chakra balancing or yoga or chikung (qigong) you are strenthening your life force energy or your mid dantien.

When you workout, do martial arts, pilaties etc you strengthen your body and your lowest dantien.

This is just to give you an overview to how the body is interrelated.

It is important to note that not having a balance causes sickness. Just as imbalances of energy in the body cause sickness.